Posted: September 14, 2014
Just a reminder that the students will have a quiz on numbers 0-30 on Friday. Each Friday, they also have a spelling test on the words studied in class during Word Work. Presently, they are working on sight words. I do not send a spelling list home as the students practice their words in class through daily activities. Each night, students will continue to read a book seen in class and read the "sound of the day" sheet. They have seen and practiced all the vowels and will be working on the consonants this week. I'm very impressed with their reading so far! Wow! They will also need to review the poem/song of the week and their math sheet of the week. Keep up the great work boys and girls! *** Remember... The students will have a monthly homework calendar that is placed in their daily folder at the beginning of each month. Children are expected to complete their homework on a nightly basis. Mme Lockerbie