Mr. Glazier - Archived 06/2013

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Posted: April 29, 2013

Investigating and naming the parts of a plant.

Posted: April 29, 2013

This week will be a short week for students. There is NO school on Thursday and Friday. Teachers are involved in PD sessions on Thursday and NBTA meetings on Friday. *** A reminder that drama continues this Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure that you check your schedule at home to know what day you are to attend.   *** If you have a 2L plastic pop bottle, could you please send it in with your child tomorrow or Wednesday? So far, 7 students have brought one in. I have 2 or 3 at home that I will bring in as well. I would like to build greenhouses for science. If we are short, I will pair students up. French - We continue to incorporate “Spring” as our theme. Reading books have been exchanged and read during Daily 5 a.k.a. “Les Super 5” today. Please make sure to read your book this evening and Tuesday. Wednesday we will be writing about our book in our reading journal. We also began preparing for our video in May. We spent some time writing our script. We will continue to do so for the next 2-3 weeks. Math - We continue to work on multiplication and division. Red duo-tangs are sent home to show parents what we are currently learning. Continue to practice your doubles +/-1 at home. Multiplication and division up to 5x5 can be added into the mix. Students have been taught that the 1st number represent the # of groups and the 2nd represent the # in each group for multiplication, whereas the opposite is applied in division. Science - We continue to learn about plants. Students have been really enthusiastic about the subject J Health - We are learning about our 5 senses. I incorporate many songs and videos with this particular unit. Finally, we will finish of the week on Wednesday with an assembly. Patty Cakes will be donating cupcakes to all students in recognition of our SPCA Fundraiser that has been promoted on GG’s website.  ***Reminders*** Wednesday is popcorn day

Posted: April 26, 2013

Career Day was a great success! I was impressed with their questions :)

Posted: April 25, 2013

We are looking for parent volunteers who would be willing to supervise on June 7th at the Pays de la Sagouine in Bouctouche. Myself and Madame Dickson require 2 additional parents in order for our trip to be accepted. Parents will require "Policy 701" training which can be completed online. If interested, please contact either myself or the school A.S.A.P. in order to finalize our trip. Thank you.

Posted: April 22, 2013

If possible, could you please send a 2L plactic pop bottle to school with your child for next Monday. I plan on building a greenhouse with the students. They will learn how to protect and care for plants. Thank you.

Posted: April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day! Welcome back to another great week at Gretna Green. French - Books have been exchanged. Please read your book nightly.  We will be continuing with our Spring theme throughout the week. If time permits, we will do some cursive writing. Math - We are continuing our unit on multiplication and division up to 5x5. I am very pleased with their progress thus far! Duo-tangs will be sent home on Tuesday with homework to complete for Friday. Science - Our grass seeds have sprouted. We took the opportunity today to discuss the parts of a plant. We then measured individual lengths and recorded our findings. Throughout the week, we will investigate plants requirements. Here’s hoping our beans and flowers sprout soon as well. Health - Health class will incorporate math this week. We will be measuring the length and diameter of our hands, feet, arms, wrist, heads etc. We will use the data to create a bar chart. ***Reminders*** ·         Drama continues Monday and Wednesday ·         Wednesday is pocorn day (0.50$) ·         Wednesday is also the Grade 5 Yard Sale ·         Thursday is library and Mad Science (for those who signed up) ·         Friday is Career Day. Students come to school dressed up as someone they would like to be when they are grown-up. I look forward to seeing everyone’s costume. I will be wearing my forest fire uniform when I worked in Alberta and British Colombia as a university student. ·         Please refer to the school website in regards to an S.P.C.A. fundraiser the kindergarten class has undertaken.

Posted: April 22, 2013

Happy Earth Day! We incorporated this theme in math and science class today.

Posted: April 19, 2013

Our plants have sprouted. Looking forward to making some observations and taking measurements on Monday.

Posted: April 15, 2013


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Added: Mon, Jun 17 2013


Added: Mon, Jun 10 2013