Mr. Glazier - Archived 06/2013

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: March 22, 2013

Many notices have been placed in your child's reading bag today (Friday, March 22/13). Parent teacher interview sheets will be handed out on Monday. Math, communication binders and reading bags that were left behind will also be sent home on Monday. We simply ran out of time today due to the Science Fair. With that being said, I would like to congratulate everyone, including parents and guest who attended today's fair. All students did a fantastic job!

Posted: March 21, 2013

Math tutoring every Friday after lunch. This week and next we will be practicing estimation and addition/subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers.

Posted: March 21, 2013

Today, we had two guest from NBCC deliver a presentation on self-esteem on behalf of the Canadian Mental Health Association. We learned about ourselves and what makes us unique. We then proceeded to take our thumb prints in order to create our own pin.

Posted: March 19, 2013

A reminder that students will present their experiment in class on Wednesday March 20.  All students will present their project to the school and parents on Friday March 22 in the pm. All are welcome.

Posted: March 19, 2013

I mentioned to students today that I will be offereing math help commencing this Friday at noon after lunch and continue until May. We will use the time to review for the provincial exam. It is voluntary and with that being said, students who do not choose to attend do not have to. This week and next I will be reviewing estimation, adding and subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers. The goal is to come up with the most effective/efficent solution to our answers. Students have been told as well that this is not free time to play inside. Thanks. 

Posted: March 18, 2013

Welcome back! Science Fair will consume much of our time this week. A reminder that I will continue to set aside time tomorrow for students to complete their projects. From what I saw today, judges will have a difficult time choosing. Your time and effort at home is much appreciated. Parents are welcome to school on Friday afternoon as well to view all expositions. In French, our focus will be neighbourhoods and what surrounds us. We will also incorporate Easter acitivites throughout the week as well. Just a note, that cursive writing will take place in class throughout the following weeks. Math duo-tangs were sent home today. Please complete and return Lesson 5 question 1 for Wednesday. I would ask that students also take the same questions and see if they are able to come up with the correct answer by subtracting. I suggest that students take a few minutes each night and complete a virtual mental math game from the the link I posted last week. 50% of our provincial exam will focus on number outcomes, and these games provide a great opportunity to strengthen their mental math capabilities. Today for instance we focused in the adding and subtracting waterslide game found in the ages 7-11 section under the adding and subtracting tab. Give them and try and feel free to let me know how things go. In social studies, we are continuing to write a book about where we live. We also have been exploring different water courses i.e. steams, rivers, gulf, bay, ocean in and around NB and the Maritimes. ***Reminder*** Wedsday - popcorn Thursday - library Friday - Science Fair and Scholastic Book order

Posted: March 15, 2013

There will be class time set aside Monday and Tuesday for students to put their Science Fair projects together. We will also practice presenting in front of our peers prior to the event. I am excited to see what everyone is able to come up with. P.S. Please ensure red math duo-tangs are returned to school (along with books, cahier de communication, etc) on Monday. Directions to follow in next week's message concerning math homework. In the meantime, I have added a useful math link to my page. Feel free to play any of these education games.

Posted: March 13, 2013

Mental Math

Great website that includes many mental math games. Daily, we practice mental math and estimation strategies for adding and subtracting two-digit numbers adding from left to right, using doubles, thinking of addition, and taking one number to the nearest multiple of ten. Practice, practice, practice :) Please contact me if you would like further direction.

Posted: March 11, 2013

This year's Spell-A-Thon was a huge success. Congratulation's Elizabeth on winning your new iPod Mini for being one of GG's top fundraisers.

Posted: March 11, 2013

Please refer to Mrs.Bransfield's teacher page. She has many useful links to provide direction and assistance with your child's project. I look forward to seeing what everyone come's up with :)


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Added: Mon, Jun 17 2013


Added: Mon, Jun 10 2013