Our first Monday of 2013! We spent the better half of the morning organizing and lining our ducks in a row. We also spent some time cleaning out our “trousse de livres.” I also a few handouts such as the “Cahier de sons”, “Bingo” reading challenge, “Common grade 3 French Immersion words” along with the letter “N” sound sheet in their trousse. All handouts are to either stay at home or in their trousse de livre.
The cahier de sons can be read at home or you may choose to ask your son/daughter to practice writing these and/or similar words with the same sounds at home. Breaking words up into syllables (sounding out their words) is extremely helpful.
The BINGO challenge is sometime new this term. I must add that the class in general is doing very well in reading and I am impressed! The challenge is to read each night and stamp all the squares as soon as possible to as many different people as they can. I mentioned that bingo dabbers can be purchased at the Dollar store if they would like to add more excitement to the challenge, or that they could simply add a sticker here at school the following day. The first one to complete their card will be entered in a class draw to win a prize. I have other cards available once the current one is complete.
I also added the common grade 3 French Immersion words that are expected to be mastered by the end of the year. These are words that we have been practicing and continue to practice daily. I simply wanted to give you an idea of what is expected and what we incorporate in our reading and writing. By all means feel free to practice weekly at home if you wish. Please contact me if you have any questions.
The letter “N” was also added in your child’s trousse this week. Please read this sheet nightly. Cursive writing for the letter Nn is to be completed for Friday as well.
In math, we continue to work on our new time and space unit. This week, our focus is on time i.e. how many seconds in a minute, how many activities we can accomplish in a minute, weeks in a month, months in a year, etc. Mental math, family facts, double +/- 1, 2 etc continues to be a primary focus as well.
We have also begun to study mapping/direction skills and the province of New Brunswick in social studies. We began today we a class activity that incorporated learning such words as “en avant”, “en arrière et a coté.
* Scholastic book orders are due January 17th.
* Crazy Sock Hop - The Student Council has a Sock Hop planned for recess time. Where your crazy socks and get ready to dance!
* As soon as our rink is ready we will go outside as a class to skate. Remember that helmets are mandatory.