Posted: September 25, 2016
Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20
Posted: September 25, 2016
Posted: September 25, 2016
Posted: September 25, 2016
Welcome back to our 4th week in 4th Grade!! We have another fun week ahead of us!!
*The Terry Fox Spare Change Fundraiser will start on Monday. Remember that you will receive a ballot for "Principal for the Day" for every dollar you donate.
*Friday morning is our Walking School Bus/Terry Fox Walk. For anyone that can make it, we will be meeting at the Northumberland Square Mall at 7:30 and walking to school!
*This is the last week of the month so we will be nominating students and classes for the monthly awards. There will be an assembly Friday morning.
*Cross Country continues this week. The meet is at NSEE and starts at 4:00. Good luck runners!!
*Soccer continues this week: Team1 play at Croft on Tuesday. Game time is 3:30. Team 2 play at Napan on Thursday. Game time 3:30.
Language Arts - Monday we are going to learn how to plan our Daily 5 for the week. We will also continue working on the writing trait of Ideas.
Math - We will be learning how to estimate and round 3 and 4 digit numbers. We are going to continue with our Reflex this week and what our fluency grow!
Science - This week we are going to start our unit of study on Rocks and Minerals.
Let's have another Superstar week!
Posted: September 22, 2016
Tomorrow, Friday,September 23, 2016 is picture day at GG for grades K-5
Posted: September 18, 2016
Welcome Superstars to another great week in GG4SS!
*Cafeteria services will start this Monday. The menu and prices were sent home last week. You can also check our Cafeteria page on our website.
*Our breakfast program will also start on Monday morning.
*It is picture week at GG. Our school pictures will be taken on Friday. Get your picture clothes ready!
*Soccer continues this week for Grade 4 and 5. Team 1 plays at NSEE on Tuesday. Game time is 3:30.
Team 2 play at St. Andrew's Elementary. Game time is 3:30.
*The first Cross Country meet will be this Wednesday at 4:00 at England Hollow.
*Mad Science - There will be a Mad Science presentation in the gym on Tuesday afternoon @ 1:30 for Grade 3 -5
Language Arts- We will continue to work on Read to Self, Work on Writing and Read to Someone.
Math - We will continue improve our Reflex skills and work on Comparing Large Numbers.
Social Studies - We will continue tp plan the Terry Fox event for our school.
Let's have another Supertstar week!
Posted: September 14, 2016
Numbers to 1000
Posted: September 11, 2016
Welcome back Superstars to week 2 in GG4SS. A few notes to remember for this week:
*Cafeteria services and our breakfast program will not start this Monday. Hopefully, the start up will be next Monday.
*Meet the Teacher/PSSC Elections evening will take place this Thursday from 6:00 - 7:30 in our school cafeteria.
*Homework will go home this week! It will be sent home on Monday and it is to be returned on Friday.
*Soccer will begin this week for Grades 4 - 8. Grade 4-5 will have practice afterschool on Monday.
*Please remember to bring in your $50.00 school supply fee if you haven't done so already.
Language Arts - This week we will continue to build our stamina with Read to Self. We will also be working on Writing and learning the expectations for writing period.
Math - This week we will be learning all the different ways to represent numbers to 1000. Hopefully everyone had a chance to try Reflex on the weekend. We will be using it for Math Center work this week.
Social Studies - We will be learning who Terry Fox is and preparing our school Terry Fox Fundraising Campaign.
Let's have a SUPERSTAR week!
Posted: September 9, 2016
Posted: September 9, 2016