Mrs. Simmons - Archived 09/20

Mrs. Simmons Grade 3/4

Only 2 more weeks of Fourth Grade is hard to believe we are almost done.

*We have field trip to Kouchibougac on Monday. It looks like wet and rainy weather so make sure you are dressed appropriately.  Remember to pack and lunch and drinks.  It will be a fun day regardless of the weather.

*Remember that the cafeteria is now closed.  You will not be able to order or purchase anything for the remainder of the year.

*This Friday is the last day for the breakfast program.

*Mango Go for 42 ends this Friday.  If you haven't got all your kilometers in yet, get out and walk this week.

Language Arts - This will be the last week for our Spelling Tests.  We will also try to finish any stories you are working on during Daily 5.

Math - We will be learning about Capacity and Volume this week.

Science - We will be completing and sharing our Independent projects.

Let's have another Superstar week!!


Posted: June 7, 2016

Now there is only three weeks left until the end of fourth grade.  We have lots of fun activities ahead of us during the last three weeks.

Tuesday we will be walking to the Clay Cafe.  Remember to dress for the weather.  It looks like it might so rain so an umbrella would be helpful :)

This is the LAST WEEK for ordering from our school cafeteria.  If you order regularly, you will have to remember to pack your lunch for the last two weeks of school.

Language Arts  - we will continue with our Daily 5 this week and spend time on our Independent projects.

MAth - We will continue with our unit on Measurement.

Science - We will continue to work on our Independent projects.

Let's have another Superstar week!



The Count Down is on...only 4 weeks left in Fourth Grade.  I know the next four weeks will fly by.

* Remember to return your permission slips for our Field Trip and the Black Light Show, if you haven't done this already.

*Monday is the Grand Opening of our new gymnasium.  We have an assembly at 1:15 in the new gymnasium!!

*Our drama and choir students will be attending the District Drama Fest on Monday.  Good luck to all.

*Be ready to report your Fishing Derby results.  The Derby ends on Monday.

*Thursday we will be going to see a Black Light show at JMH.

*Early notice that cafeteria service will end next week on June 10th.  If you typically order, you will have to bring your lunch for the last two weeks.

Language Arts - We will continue with work on Sentence Fluency and we will be starting our independent projects.

Math - We will start a new unit on Measurement this week.

Science - We will start our independent projects this week.

Let's have another Superstar Week!

Posted: May 23, 2016

Welcome back to a short week of a school in GG4SS!!  I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather during the long weekend.  Remember that there will be NO SCHOOL this Friday due to Professional Development for teachers.

*The Drama Club will be holding a dress rehearsal for their play "Beauty and the Beast" on Wednesday at 10:10.  I'm excited to see what our Superstars having been practicing for during the past 2-3 months! The main production will take place this Thursday night at 6:30 in our gymnasium.

*Another reminder to check the weather so you are dressed appropriate for the morning recess.

*If you did not return your permission slips for our Field Trips please do so as soon as possible.

Language Arts - This week we will work on Sentence Fluency activities.

Math - We are going to continue with our Geometry Unit.

Science - We are going to investigate the Pond Ecosystem closer using the Gizmos.

Let's have another Superstar Week!


Posted: May 20, 2016

Created by Kylee and Makenna

Posted: May 20, 2016

Created by Micheal and Kashan

Posted: May 20, 2016

Created by Bryan and Jonah

Posted: May 18, 2016

Posted: May 17, 2016

Created by Declan and Miguel


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