Ms. Bransfield Notes

1 Bransfield


Posted: May 30, 2011

Remember to read 15 minutes each night and log any books in your homework book that you have finished reading.    Math: complete sheet on "Exploring time". We are working with analog and digital clocks, so when you are home, you can always practice time by checking the clock for when you wake up, have breakfast, eat supper or go to bed! :) You may try "stretch your thinking"   Literacy: We have recently completed our chapter book and watched the movie adaptation. Now it's your turn to write your own review! You can be a movie critic or a book critic, or both! Write a review on what you liked or disliked, talk about the characters, the scenes, and your favorite part! In your writing, you are trying to convince the reader (Miss. Hitchman) to either read the book, or watch the movie adaptation. Remember to be convincing! You may also give your book or movie review a grade! The review only has to be completed for next Friday, June. 10th. That will give you 2 weeks to complete. Please write neatly.      

Posted: May 30, 2011

Hello everyone! I am sure everyone is so happy to finally see some sunny weather! I hope we will see more of it as the week continues.   This week we will be continueing our literacy assessment. I know you will all do a wonderful job! Also, the star gazing was postponed due to weather, so I hope everyone comes out for it this Friday, June 3rd. It will be a great time. See the website for more details. Also, I will be teaching a Zumba fitness class on Tuesday, May 31st at 6:00-7:00. It will be held in the GG gym and everyone is welcome, 10 years old and up! :) ALL proceeds go towards our Gretna Green "relay for life" team's goal! It's for a great cause! You can find more information on the Gretna Green website! Hope to see everyone out!   Tuesday, May 31st: We will be having our May words spelling test.   I hope you all have a terrific week! -Miss. Hitchman              

Posted: May 26, 2011

Just a reminder that the May Spelling word test will be on Tuesday, May 31st! I know you will all do great!

Posted: May 16, 2011

        Here are your May Spelling Words:   1. agreed 2. proceed 3. guaranteed 4. irresponsible 5. impression 6. encouraging 7. dedication 8. delicious 9. dehydrate 10. decide 11. allowed 12. experience 13. temperature 14. caught 15. special  

Posted: May 16, 2011

Hello everyone! Here is the homework for this week! I hope you all have a fantastic week!   Literacy: Please remember to record your books read for the month of May. You can use your April sheet to record your books, as there should be enough space.   Read for 20 minutes each night VIP Report: Please complete the web for your chapter book. Find a character from your book who interests you. Pretend you are that character and put their name in the center web. Write all your "sense" words in the spaces provided on your sheet. Pick a scene out of your book in which your character would have touched, heard, saw, tasted and smelled something. Have fun!   Math: Complete questions on substracting decimals to tenths. There is a short review on the first page. You can try: "Stretch your thinking"   Remember that your May spelling word test will be on May 30th.     -Miss. Hitchman :)    

Posted: May 9, 2011

We would all like to congratulate our very own student and classmate, Shane, for coming in 1st Place over the weekend for a Volunteer Project he created about the "SPCA". He received his award on Saturday at the 2011 Kin Film Festival which was held at the Empire Theatres. Way to go Shane!!!

Posted: April 29, 2011

Our class oratory finalists have been chosen for this year's oratory competition. The students who will be representingour grade 4 class are Sarah, Jack, and Shaylin. It was a very difficult decision to choose only three students, as everyone did exceptionally well!! Everyone should be very proud of themselves, you all did an excellent job! Good luck to our finalists, we all know you will do our class proud!    

Posted: April 25, 2011

Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic Easter break weekend and aren't too full with chocolate!! This week is another short week and there is a lot to do! We will be presenting our speeches in class this week. I can't wait tohear all the great topics! We will also be having our April Spelling Test on Friday, April 29th. Our Social Studies Famous Canadian Projects are now posted on our class website! I would like to congratulate everyoneon your hard work that you put into these projects!! Enjoy watching!  Have a great week 4H!  -Miss. Hitchman

Posted: April 18, 2011

 Happy Easter Everyone!! This week we have a short 4 day week at Gretna Green! Here is the homework for this week. Please complete it and return it by Thursday! Math: Complete lesson on "comparing and ordering" Fractions. Try "stretch your thinking".  Literacy:  Complete Lesson 18 on Run-on Sentences. Read the 3 versions of the passage from "Stone Fox".Complete the 2 Sample writing pieces by adding punctuation such as periods and capitals, or taking out connecting words that cause run-on sentences.  Writing: Write an Easter story with the words in your "word bank". You can add more words to the "word bank" as well. Read 20 mins each night. Remember to log any books you finish reading in your monthly reading log. Social Studies: We will be presenting our projects on Tuesday! I can't wait to see all of your amazing projects!! Speeches: Due April. 26th  THURSDAY: We will be having an Assembly for the Spell-a-thon in the afternoon along with an Easter Egg Hunt! Remember to dress in your favorite Easter colors that day!  Have a great week everyone! -Miss. Hitchman  

Posted: April 12, 2011

Here is the homwork for this week:   Literacy: We are working on "Sentence Fluency" in class. This unit consists of: 1. Varying your sentence beginnings 2. rewriting run-on sentences 3. Making language sound natural 4. checking for smoothness and flow   Read the story "The Cricket in Times Square" and complete "Your Response". Read "Block Party" and revise by changing or adding words to "spice up" the story! Remember to change the punctuatin ( . ! ? , ) if needed.   Math: We are working on Fractions and Decimals. Please complete the "Try these", "Practice" and "Stretch your thinking" questions.   Social Studies: Work on Projects. Remember they are due on Tuesday!   Speeches: We are working hard writing our speeches. Remember that speeches are to be between 2:45- 3:15 mins long. Practice timing your speech at home to get comfortable speaking. It is great practice to practice your speech infront of family and friends.   Read 20 minutes each night     Have a great week 4H!   -Miss. Hitchman            

Posted: April 5, 2011

We have started working on speeches in class this week. Please remember to have your speech topic into me by tomorrow. Speeches are to be 3-4 minutes in length. We will be working on them in class, but feel free to work on them at home as well. I can't wait to hear all of your amazing speeches once they are finished!   -Miss. Hitchman 

Posted: April 4, 2011

Homework for this week:     Math: Exploring Fractions of a Set : Complete all questions Try: "Stretch your thinking"  Practice your x8 facts.     Literacy: Read 20 minutes each night. Please remember to log your books read throughout the month.   Complete Word Chop Activity: Create the 24 words by putting the 2 word parts back together. Once finished, write 10 complete sentences using 15 words out of the "word chop".   Spell-A-Thon: The Home & School are putting on a Spell-A-Thon. Each grade have specific words to practice. The newsletter was sent home today. Remember to practice your words, the test is on April 15th.     April Words Repeat winner countries exciting weather quiet enough musician heard piece peace night knight compliment speech   * Some words may have been in previous spelling tests, but may be commonly misspelled words that need a bit more practice.   Social Studies: "Famous Canadian Project" is DUE: April 19th. Please be ready to present the project on this day.    Have a great week 4H!  -Miss. Hitchman :)    

Posted: March 28, 2011

Good morning everyone!   I hope you all had a great weekend! > Here is the homework for this week: Math: Complete the Fraction Benchmark handout. If you do not have a partner to play the game with, please complete the fractions listed by coloring in the fraction on a strip ( The same as we did in-class).   Literacy: Complete the Reading Comprehension on "Manners" and # 1-4. Also, complete the writing and "fill in the blank" activities.   Read 15-20 mins each night.   Spelling test is on Wednesday, March. 30.   Enjoy the week!!   -Miss. Hitchman    

Posted: March 28, 2011

        Reminder: Spelling test is Wednesday, March 31, 2011 for March words. Remember to study your words!   -Miss. Hitchman

Posted: March 28, 2011

We would like to congratulate Dylan Pauley for winning Bronze at the District 16 chess tournament over the weekend! Good luck in Fredericton Dylan!!   Also, we would like to congratulate Kaitlyn Munroe & Paige Trevors for winning Silver over the weekend at the Provincial Ringette Tournament!! Congrats girls!!   A congratulations also goes out to Jack Bell for winning Gold in the Mini basketball provincial tournament over the weekend!   Way to go 4H!!! We are all proud of you!  
