Mrs. Moody - Archive - 08/2012 Notes

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Posted: October 23, 2011

Spelling:  This week we will be looking at the "et" word family.  Students should notice that we are now working on "ellie elephant" rather than "allie alligator".  Hint:  Students who solidly know their word families have better success with reading. Your children have recently worked on the word families at, an, ad. If students know these words well it will help them decode other words.   Example:   If I know at it will help me know cattle                  If I know an it will help me know brand                  If I know ad it will help me know ladder   Math:  We are continuing to work on our Representing Numbers to 20 unit.  This week we will continue to look at "more than one arrangement to represent the same number" and students will be learning to "build numbers on a ten frame". Halloween:  We will be celebrating our Halloween Party on Friday afternoon.  If you are sending treats they must say "peanut free".  This will be the only day that treats will be allowed to be passed out.  Have a great week!    

Posted: October 14, 2011

There is no school for our students on Friday October, 21.  Teachers will be attending CI meetings. Literacy:  Writing:  This week we will begin to review some of last years writing strategies such as stretching and writing words, Spelling the best we can...and moving on, carrying on independently as writers. Spelling:  We will be reviewing the at word family.  This weeks spelling words are: at, cat, hat, mat, rat, sat, bat, fat, pat, vat, flat.  * check out the web link "Spellingcity" to find a fun way to learn their spelling words. Hint of the Week: Good readers make sure that what they read makes sense and looks right.  If your child is reading to you and they read The dog was tiny and they should have read The dog was little. Say to them "That makes sense but does it look right?" If they don't correct their mistake, prompt them by covering up the word little (correct word) and say "if it was tiny (what they said) what letter do you expect to see at the beginning of that word? If they say "t" , show them the word.  Tell them to try it again.  These prompts will help them correct their mistakes more effectively. Math:  We have started our unit on Representing Numbers from 1-20 this week. Students are learning to recognize numbers both as numerals and as number words. Example   7  -  seven Check out the web link for number recognition from 1-10 Interm Reports: Please sign and return the bottom part of the report.  Have a great week!      

Posted: October 4, 2011

Literacy: Students will begin guided reading this week.  A note was sent home with your child explaning this further. Hint of the week: When reading with your child, allow them to look at the picture.  This helps them to bring meaning to their story.  Spelling: Students are learning the "ad" word family this week.  Their spelling words are; ad, dad, fad, lad, mad, sad, bad, pad, tad, glad. Math: Students have been working on patterns for the past month.  They are learning about how patterns repeat, name patterns and make the same pattern in different ways, they know this as translate.  Students will be assessed on Thursday on this unit. Book Orders: Book orders are due this Friday, October 7.  Thank you for your support last month.  I was able to buy some books for our classroom library.  Communication Logs: These are new and I will be sending them home each day.  This allows you to see how your child is doing during their school day.  Thanks you for your cooperation and please return this each day with your child.  

Posted: May 24, 2011

Homework:  Students are to continue to review their word wall words nightly and read their two books each night.  They will have a spelling test on Friday.  Writing: The next month we will be looking at the"Craft of Revision".  Students will be revisiting some of their old writing pieces and finding new ways to make them even better.  Friday:  Students will be painting in Art class.  Please do not dress them in their Sunday best! Book Orders:  Due Friday, May 27th.  Thanks again for your support.  Our classroom library is growing with your help.  Starry Starry Night:  Is being held this Friday!  Students got to see a preview of what will be happening that night thanks to the awesome presenters from Miramichi Rural.   Have a great week and lets hope for some warmer weather!

Posted: May 16, 2011

Spelling:  There will be no new words this year.  Please continue to review previous spelling words as there will be a spelling test each Friday.  A list of Word Wall Words was sent home with your child’s homework.  Writing:  We are continuing this week to look at the trait “Sentence Fluency”.  This is what your child has learned so far: 1.        A sentence needs to start with a capital, make sense, be complete and end with a period. 2.       Sentences should not start the same and they should have a variety of different lengths in their stories. 3.       Sentences should be read out loud in order to see if they are “smooth” or “bumpy” sounding. Reminders: ·         Students are to return their Mango walking logs each Friday, or a note from home, stating how many km’s they walked. ·         Students need both indoor and outdoor shoes. ·         Starry Starry Night is being held May 27 at Gretna Green Elementary.  If you are attending please return your slip that was attached to your May’s calendar.  This will allow the Home and School to know how many hotdogs and drinks to prepare for that night. ·         Ice cream party for those who raised money for this year’s spell-a-ton will be held on Wednesday, May 18. ·         Teachers will be participating in this year’s Relay for Life.  On May 31, we will be putting on a Zumba class, at Gretna Green, to raise money for the cause.  Please come out and support this worthy event. Have a great week and hope for some sun shine!  

Posted: May 9, 2011

Spelling:  This weeks words are; went, make about, don't, I'm, my.  This will be the last week for new words this year.  Next week, a list will be sent home with all the words students have learned this year.  Please practice them weekly as students will still have a test each Friday.   Writing:  We are still working on sentence fluency.  Students will be focusing on reading their stories out loud to see if they are "smooth" or "bumpy" sounding. Mango:  Our final Mango challenge for the year starts May 9 and ends June 10.  A note has gone home with information regarding the Kids Fun Run on July 3.  Logs were sent home for your children to keep track of any km's they do at home. I will keep track of any km's they walk at school.  Please return the logs on Friday or send a note showing how many km's they walked.  I will be recording and passing out shoes each Friday.  Thank you for your cooperation.  Book orders:  Your orders have come in and I have sent them home with your child today.  June's orders will be sent home sometime next week.  Have a great week! 

Posted: April 27, 2011

I hope everyone enjoyed the extra long weekend. It really is nice to see the warm weather arrive.  Have a great week! Spelling:  This weeks words are; there, where, see very, saw (We have been looking at the chunk "aw" and noticing it in other words like: yawn, lawn and awesome! Writing:  This week we are looking at the trait "sentence fluency".  Students are learning that sentences must 1. start with a capital. 2. make sense. 3. Have a a complete thought. and 4. end with a period (or ! or ?)  Book orders:  Just a reminder that book orders are due on Friday, April 29.  Thank you so much for last months orders.  I was able to get some Barbie books and Scooby-Doo books for the classroom.  The children really seem to be enjoying them! Homework:  There will be no homework next week because of the 3 day week.  

Posted: April 18, 2011

Spelling:  after, mother, father, over, not (students should note that many of their spelling words this week have the chunk "er"). Spell-a-thon: All pledges should be returned to the school by Monday April 18. Book Orders:  Please return by Friday, April 29.  Thank you for last months orders.  Your orders gave our classroom almost $25.00 worth of new books for our classroom.  Earth Day:  is on Friday, April 22.  On Thursday, Gretna Green will be conserving energy by turning off classroom lights.  Students are learning to reduce, reuse and recycle.  Please look on our web link for a fun recycling game.  Have a great week and Happy Easter!  

Posted: April 11, 2011

Spelling Words: The weeks spelling words are:  how, have, big, going, go, if (To help children with their spelling, have them look for "chunks" that they already know.  ie. if they know how to spell "down" this can help them spell the word "how".  Writing:  Students are still working on the trait "Word Choice".  We will be revisiting our "Ideas" trait this week.  Students will learn how to show their work rather than just telling about it.  ie.  Telling:  I like my bike.      Showing:  I like my bike because I got it for Easter.  It is blue and green with racing stripes.  Have a great week!  

Posted: April 1, 2011

SPELLING:  This weeks spelling words are: day, but, because, came, away, all You can find a copy of April's spelling words under the tab "Documents" WRITING:  We are continuing to work on the trait "Word Choice" this week.  Students have learned to use their 5 senses to help support their writing.  They all did a great job with their spring writing pieces.  READING:  Students are continuing to take home 2 books each week.  These books should be read each night and returned on Friday.  This helps with their fluency, phrasing and allows practice for quick recall of known words. SPELL-A-THON -  Information about this years spell-a-thon will be sent home with your children on Monday, April 4.  Please keep the following dates in mind: April 15 - test day April 18 - Pledges due April 21 - Awards Assembly BOOK ORDERS: Will be sent home on Monday, April 4.  Please return them by Friday April 8.  Thank you for your support.  Our classroom library continues to grow because of you!    

Posted: March 28, 2011

Reminder: Students do not have school this Thursday or Friday.    Wednesday: Did you know April 2 is "World Autism Day"?  Students are permitted to wear a hat "if" they pay a loonie.  This fundraiser is in support of autism research!   Homework:  There is no homework this week.  We will be reviewing our word wall words in class. Writing:  Students are looking at the writing trait “Word Choice”.  Students are using their senses to help make their writing more interesting.

Posted: March 18, 2011

Parent Teacher Interviews:  I am stilling looking for some interview sheets to come back.  They were on the back of March's calendar.  Please return them asap.  Thanks!   Scholastic Bookfair:  A letter has gone home with your child.  On Monday I will be taking my students to the library to view books.  I will return on Wednesday for any students who would like to buy books.    Mango:  March 21 to 25, students are asked to eat 5-6 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday.  An activity sheet will be sent home for your child to write or draw what they ate during the week.  Activity sheets should be returned by Monday March, 28.   Spelling Words:  was, from, look, his, said   Poem: Look at Me Look at me said the dog I just fell from a log.   Look at me said the cat. I was sitting on the mat.   Look at him said the snail. He fell off onto his tail.   He Haw said the horse. It was very funny of course.        

Posted: March 14, 2011

Spelling:  This week’s words are: so, when, up, am, down, you.  Students can find these words in this week’s poem “Opposites” Writing:  Students are learning about conventions.  They have looked at spacing, capitals and this week we will be looking at adding punctuation.  St. Patricks Day Dinner: When:  Thursday March 17 What:  Corn Dog, Fries, Jello and Milk Cost:  4.50 ·       Orders must be returned no later then Wednesday March 16.

Posted: February 21, 2011

Spelling:  This weeks words are: they, here, can, will, are.  Students can practice these words in their poem "Friends". Literacy:  Students are learning ways in which to end their stories.  Students can either tell what happens next or tell how they felt.  They are learning to stay close to their story rather than jumping aways from it with endings like..."we went home, or we went to bed". Show and Tell:  This weeks Show and Tell students are: Melissa, Bethany, Mika and Riley WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 23 IS NATIONAL STAND UP TO BULLYING DAY.  TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT, STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO WEAR PINK! I would like to say a huge thank you to the Home and School for last weeks "Teachers Appreciation Week".  Your kindness and dedication is number one!   

Posted: February 6, 2011

This week students are encouraged to come and showcase their talents on Wednesday, February 9.  Mrs. Simmons will be in that morning to tape our talented Gretna Green students! Spelling:  come, here, me, or, little, out Literacy:  Students will become familiar with "ch" this week.  This weeks tongue twister is "children cheer for cheeseburgers and chocolate.  Show and Tell:  On Friday, Marrij, Megan and Alex will be asked to present their show and tell for the class.  I can't wait to see what you bring in! Friday: Interim reports will be sent home with your child giving a brief outline of how they are doing. Lets have another great week at Gretna Green!  
