Mrs. Moody - Archive - 08/2012 Notes

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Posted: January 31, 2011

Last week's Literacy Awareness Week was a huge success.  Students really liked dressing up as their favorite book characters and enjoyed listening to the Timber Wolves read to them.  Thank you very much to Mrs. Binedel for coming in to read to our class.    Spelling:  This week's words are : at, as, no, had, he, for Tuesday:  Come with your favorite joke and see yourself on Gretna Green's joke couch.  Wednesday:  If your child has a talent they would like to showcase, Mrs. Simmons will be taping these Wednesday morning and they will be featured on our live morning announcements. Just a reminder that toys should be left safe at home.  Have a great week!    

Posted: January 24, 2011

Spelling  This week we will be looking at the poem “bugs”.  Students will be practicing their fluency by attending to punctuation and looking for their spelling words.  I, on, like, a, the, of, in Hint of the Week:  If you see your child is struggling to remember one of their sight words when reading, have him or her bring it to fluency.  They can write it in the air, on a white board, on the table with their finger, or use magnet letters (if you have them).  After this, have them find it in the book they have just read.     Wednesday is Come in Character Day Students are encouraged to dress up as their favorite character and bring in their favorite book.  I can’t wait to see what you dress up as! Thank you very much to Mrs. Binedell for volunteering to read on Wednesday! Have a great week!  

Posted: January 15, 2011

Book Orders:  Due Friday January 21. Homework:  Reading logs will now be in students homework books.  Spelling:  In the following month, students will be reviewing “No Excuse” words. This week’s words are: we and with play then Library is each Monday.  Reading:  We are working on fluency.  Each week, Student will learn a new poem.  Students are learning the poem “The Sleepover”. The Sleepover We jump, We sing, We run and play. We draw We laugh, We build with clay. We eat, We ride, We dance and creep. We think, We wish, And then – we sleep.    Show and Tell:  We will still have show and tell each Friday but only for 3-4 children.  A sheet will be sent home with your child on Monday for them to draw and write 2-3 details to share with their classmates.  Hint of the week:  When reading, have your child look for parts of words and little words inside big words.  Example: little, shout,    

Posted: December 20, 2010

Homework:  There is no homework this week.    Library:  All books must be returned by Monday December 20th.    Christmas Concert:  The students did a super job singing "Candy Cane Kid".  Unfortunately, I did not have my camera with me that day, so I was hoping some of you would email me some of your pictures.  I would appreciate it very much.   Reading: Please continue to read with your child over the holidays.  I will be sending home some leveled books with them.    Last Day of School:  Thursday, December 23rd is now a half day!  A note will be going home today with the details.  

Posted: December 14, 2010

Homework:  This will be our last week for homework.  Spelling:  We are reviewing our an and ot word family this week.  Decembers spelling words can be located on our home page. Christmas Concert:  Wednesday December 15th @ 12:00.  See you there! Writing:  Students did a wonderful job writing about their Christmas tree decorations.  I am still in the process of uploading some of their stories but I am having some difficulty with the audio.  Please stay tuned. Hint of the Week: When your child reads choppy because they are working hard at decoding words, have them go back and reread the sentence.  This helps keep the meaning of the text and your child hears what good reading sounds like.   Have a great week!  

Posted: December 6, 2010

                Our Christmas dinner is taking place on Thursday December 9th.  All orders must be in by Tuesday December 7th.  Enjoy!

Posted: December 6, 2010

Welcome back to another blustery week at Gretna Green! Spelling:  This week we will review our word family “an”.  Students should be aware that Allie Alligator and Nigel Night owl might be at the beginning, middle or end.  It is your job to be good detectives and find out where they are! Writing:  This week students are writing about the decorations on their Christmas tree.  Students are working on organizing their thoughts by using a web, so they can write lots of details about their beautiful Christmas trees.  I can’t wait to read them! Library:  Next week, December 13th will be the last week for taking out library books.  All books must be returned to the library no later than December 20th.  If all students return their books on time, the librarian has a special treat for the class.  I wonder what it is?  And will she share with Mrs. Moody?  Hint of the week:  Reading should sound like talking, not like a robot.  Have your child phrase their words when reading (putting 2-3 words together at a time, or more if they can), so they can hear what good reading sounds like.     

Posted: December 1, 2010

Yesterday we played games in the gym, like back in the 80’s.  We played tag, king square, marbles, chinese jump rope, hula hoops, hopscotch, skipping and card flicking.  We did this to celebrate Gretna Green’s 30th birthday.  When we changed centers, there was a very loud whistle.  Callie thought it sounded like a train.  Bethany enjoyed hopscotch because she got to jump on one foot and throw a beanbag.  Caroline’s favorite game was chinese jump rope because she got to jump and not skip.  It was a very good day because we had lots of fun and played lots of games.   Happy 30th Birthday Gretna Green! Shared writing – Grade one Mrs. Moody

Posted: November 29, 2010

  Students will be skating on Tuesday November 30 from 9:40 to 10:40 at the Miramichi Civic Center.  Hope to see you there!

Posted: November 29, 2010

Spelling:  This week we are looking at the “dr” word family.  Students are learning that a blend is two sounds that quickly move one to the other.  When you blend Dee Dee deer and Robby rabbit together they should sound smooth, not choppy.  The December Spelling words can be found on our teacher’s page. Writing:  Students are continuing to work on the ideas trait this month.  Hint of the week:  When reading with your child, allow them to quickly look at the picture.  This is a strategy we use to help them keep the meaning of their story.  Christmas Concert:  On December 15th, our grade one students will be singing “I am a Candy Cane Kid”, a copy of this has been sent home in your child’s homework book.  Book orders:  Due Friday, December 3. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!    

Posted: November 23, 2010

Yesterday we planted seeds.  They were corn seeds.  We put paper towel in a cup and put six seeds in the cup and watered them.  Students want to see the seeds grow from seed to sprout to flower.  The reason we are doing this activity is to help our writing grow longer just like a beautiful blooming corn flower.  Lucas is hoping that if someone does a great job on their writing, the seed might start to sprout.  Wouldn’t that be cool!  It was enjoyable!  Grade One Mrs. Moody,  Shared Writing

Posted: November 22, 2010

   Guided Reading Books:  Books should be read the night they are brought home and brought back the following day.  Book Orders:  Due Friday December 3rd.  Show and Tell:  Each Friday, students can showcase something for the classroom.  This is an excellent way to strengthen their oral skills. Homework:  Please return each Friday Home Folders:  These are not sent home each day, but when they are, could you please have your child return them to me the next day.  Thanks!  

Posted: November 20, 2010

Spelling:  This week we are working on the "bl" word family.  Students are using "Bubba Bear and Lizzy Lizard" to help them remember.  Students should recognize that our chunk is now at the beginning of each word. x

Posted: October 25, 2010

A ten frame is a really neat organizer that helps students with recognizing numbers, building numbers, addition and subtraction.  This can be made at home to help your child with math.  The first row must be filled in first before you move to the second row.  When removing the counters you must start on the second row on the right and work your way to the left.  *Check out the class Links on the right hand side of this page for online games using the ten frame and watch the video titled, How to Use a Ten Frame under the videos on the right.   

Posted: June 7, 2010

Library:  This is our last week for library.  Students must return all over due books by Friday, June 11.  Field Trip:  Students will be going to the  Boiestown Woodsman Museum on Thursday June 10.  Please dress your child for the weather and no hot lunches, please.  Permisson slips must be returned by Wednesday.  Homework:  Students will read 2 books this week.  Please work on speed, fluency and phrasing.  These skills become easier for your child the more they read. Show and Tell:  There will be show and tell for all students on Friday.  Please have your child practice what they are going to say to the class.  Popcorn:  Popcorn will be sold on Wednesday this week only.               
