Mr. Comeau - Archive - 08/2012

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: October 17, 2010

Français: Read your book to a family member.  Practice your sound sheet. Sentences 1-5. English: Continue working on your draft copy of the donkey story.  Please complete your thought web for tomorrow.              Please sign and return your reading log entries. Math: Review your number sheet 0-100.          Math Quiz: Thursday. Reminders: Picture retakes - WEDNESDAY                    Skating: THURSDAY - Bring helmets and skates.

Posted: October 17, 2010

Picture retakes will be held on Wednesday, October 20th.  In French this week we will be completing our stories and sharing them with Mme Gallant's class for those of you who are interested.  We will also be putting the finishing touches on our donkey stories this week as well.  In Math we will be completing our unit study on place value and representing numbers up to the hundreds place.  We will continue to explore our numbers from 1 to 100 in French.  On Thursday we will be going skating for the first time this year.  Make sure you have your helmet and skates ready for Thursday. Let's have a great week and you never know we make it to the multi media studio this week for some green screen action!

Posted: October 15, 2010

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Posted: October 15, 2010

Posted: October 15, 2010

 The students today were provided with a host of excellent learning opportunities regarding the heritage of our region by our friends and colleagues of Croft Elementary.  The students saw a range of exhibits that higlighted an array of cultures, such as: French Acadien, Natives, Irish, Scottish and authentic learning lessons on our past.  The students had a great day and it was a fine way to finish up our week.  Have a good weekend everyone!  Check out our image gallery for some of the highlights of our day.

Posted: October 14, 2010

French: Practice reading the "S" page.  Read your book to a family member. English: Journal Entry: If you could change anything in this novel what would it be and why? Math: No Math homework for tonight. REMINDER:  We will be travelling to Croft TOMORROW for their Heritage Fair and we all need to bring our own lunch.  It should be a fun day!!!  PLEASE make sure you have signed and returned your permission slips.

Posted: October 13, 2010

 Français: Reading the sheet S and a book. English: Think of your idea for the "Donkey Story"              Journal Entry is due on Friday.  If you could change anything in the "Island" novel what would it be and why? Math: Questions 4&5

Posted: October 12, 2010

 French: Practice reading the "S" page. English: Journal Entry: If you could change anything in this novel what would it be and why? Math: No Math homework for tonight. REMINDER:  We will be travelling to Croft on Friday for their Heritage Fair and we all need to bring our own lunch.  It should be a fun day!!!

Posted: October 6, 2010

Welcome back team!  We are in for another short week but it should be fun.  In Math we will be comparing numbers and using base ten materials to represent them.  In English Language Arts we will be writing a story about Mr. Comeau and a donkey, wow that sounds strange!  In French we will be writing a story about ourselves and a special friend.  On Friday Katelyn and Amber will be doing a presentation on ducks.  Don't forget our field trip to Croft Elementary on Friday for their heritage fair.  Stay tuned for a special message from our friend Alexandre mmmmmmmmmm ... I wonder what he will have to say?

Posted: October 6, 2010

 From my family to yours ... Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you all find the time to have a fun and relaxing extended weekend and enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday!


Image Galleries

Added: Fri, Jun 15 2012


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Added: Mon, Jun 4 2012