Mr. Comeau - Archive - 09/2010

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: April 9, 2010

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We hope you enjoy Christopher's story.  His story was selected by his peers as a model piece of writing for the following traits, voice, word choice and ideas.  Great job Christopher!

Posted: April 8, 2010

The salmon eggs have arrived courtesy of Mark Hambrook, marine biologist from the Miramichi Fish Hatchery.  This program will allow students to see the eggs hatch over a 6 to 8 week period.  The salmon fry will then be released into the main South West Miramichi river sometime in June.  The grade five students are very excited about this program.  It also allows the students to study environmental issues, fish habitat and much more in conjunction with our Science curriculum!

Posted: April 7, 2010

Math: Pg. 232- Questions 1,2, 5 a), 7 English Language Arts: Podcasts tomorrow.                                    Reading- 15 minutes Social Studies: Medieval projects are due on Thursday, April 8th.  The following students are presenting tomorrow Justin K., Lauren-Lexy-Taylor, Hilary-Jordyn,Christopher.                         Please return permission slips for "The Sword In The Stone" play at JMH - 10:30 am.

Posted: April 7, 2010

I recently put out an invite to parents for our Friday Showcase presentations.  Preston Newman was our first official studen-parent participant yesterday.  He was a big hit with the students and Zachary absolutely loved the opportunity to present with his own dad.  How cool is that!  If you any of you would like to participate and follow Preston's lead please come in.  You are more than welcome!!! Pick a topic of your choice, a special talent, travel destination or anything of interest to your family ... grandparents are invited too!  We hope to see you soon!

Posted: April 6, 2010

Math: Pg. 232- Questions 3&4 English Language Arts: Podcasts tomorrow.                                    Reading- 15 minutes Social Studies: Medieval projects are due on Thursday, April 8th.

Posted: April 5, 2010

Wow, April is here and we are in for a short week.  There will be no school on Friday due to Parent - Teacher Interviews in the morning and teacher meetings in the afternoon.  Good luck to all floor hockey players who will be playing their first game vs. Harkins today after school.  This is podcast week and we will be putting to practice all that we have learned about the software Audacity and podcasting.  We will be looking at procedural writing in language arts this week and coming up with a neat experiment in Science class that uses procedural writing.  Report cards will be going home today.  It will be a different week without our good friend Logan.  We will have to come up with a very unique idea that we can post on our class page to show how much we will miss him!  Have a great week Comeau team!!!

Posted: April 5, 2010

This will be our regualar season floor hockey schedule.  All players are responsible for transportation to and from the games.  Students are also responsible for their own helmets, sticks and gloves.

Posted: April 1, 2010

  For those of you who signed up for our school floor hockey team there will be a game on Tuesday, April 6th vs. Harkins Elementary at 3:30.  The game is expected to end at 4:30.  This is a "home game" and will be played at Gretna Green.  You are reminded to bring your own stick, hockey gloves and hockey helmet.  The schedule is posted under the documents tab on this page,check it out.

Posted: April 1, 2010

Here are just a few of the highlights of our curling adventure.  A great time was had by all!

Posted: April 1, 2010

The students on the team had a great time curling today.  It was first time experience for many of us and it will be one to remember for a long time!  Check out our image gallery for a few highlights on the ice.  Thanks again to everyone who helped make this curling event possible!!!


Image Galleries

Added: Fri, Sep 10 2010


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Added: Wed, Aug 25 2010