Mr. Glazier - Archived 06/2013

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: November 13, 2012

I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend! The weather was fantastic! As usual, we have a lot to squeeze in this week. This week, our theme will be on birthdays. We finished our family theme, and family pictures have been returned for those who sent them in. Thank you. I opted for an oral activity as opposed to a writing one due to time constraints. As a result, we had a class show and tell with the pictures.   We will also focus on the letter Rr this week. A reading sheet will be placed in your child's reading bag tomorrow. We will also begin to  practice level C books for next week's readings. We are almost finished recording ourselves reading with Audacity. The podcasts will be up ASAP. I will continue assessing your child's reading this week in class. By the end of December, it is expected that your child be reading level C-D books. With that being said, please ensure that your child reads for 15 minutes every night, regardless if it ony takes them 5 minutes to read the book. I marked our math quiz today. It has also been placed in your child's book bag. I am impressed :) We read the questions aloud as a class, followed by them answering the questions independently. Please sign and return tomorrow. We will begin our new unit on Patterns tomorrow. Homework: 1) Read 15 minutes and record on reading sheet. 2) Cursive writing letter Rr Show and Tell: Wednesday - Kennedy sisters Thursday - Kayla Friday - Eden   Wednesday is Popcorn Day Thursday is library Friday is reading buddies in the afternnon with our Kindergarden friends. Friday is also "Green and Gold" day at school. Lastly, Scholastic orders for December  are due Friday, December 7th.   Please note next Thursday evening and Friday is parent-teacher interviews. If you have not yet submitted the yellow sheet indicating a time you would like to meet with me, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you. Let's have a great week!  

Posted: November 9, 2012

Posted: November 9, 2012

          Another week has come and gone. This past week, we nearly finalized our theme on family. We will hopefully wrap it up either on Tuesday or Wednesday. Thursday we will be speaking about our birthdays. In math, we reviewed all week for our quiz. Due to the assembly, we will complete the quiz on Tuesday. I corrected what has been completed thus fa. So far so good :) We read each question out loud, then one student was chosen at random to read the question to the class. Our next unit will be on patterns. Please return Ziplock with plastic money next Tuesday. Continue throughout the week to ask your child to count and represent random values. Also have them represent an amount more than once to compare which is more practical/efficient. We also continued recording ourselves reading (level A and B books) with Audacity. By Friday next week, I will post their readings on my teacher page. Today we had our school Remembrance Day assembly. Our song was a great success. They all sang very well! Bravo! December Scholastics were sent home today. Money will be due December 7th.   Have a safe and enjoyable long weekend, See you all mardi prochain! Cheers.

Posted: November 8, 2012

        I sent home a Ziplock bag with plastic play money ("argent") today. Please take a few minutes each night and ask your child questions about money. For example, "show me $1.00", "show me .78", etc. Also have them represent values two different ways i.e "show me 2.00 two different ways", etc. You can also have you child use the Learn Alberta website (found on page two of my Web Links section) "compte argent" to play with the money. Ziplock bags can be returned next Friday. Any questions, do not hesitate to ask.

Posted: November 7, 2012

Posted: November 6, 2012

Sorry for the delay folks. I was not 100% yesterday, and was away today. This week, we will focus on the letter Ff en Francais. We will wrap up our theme on family as well. If you have a chance, could you please send in a photo of your child with your family or family member. It will be used for a writing activity and returned once complete. I also began testing student reading levels on Monday in class. By December, it is expected that your child be at a A/B reading level. So far so good :) I am pleased! That being said, please ensure that your child reads every evening.In math, we will be using this week to review material learned to date. We will have a quiz on Friday.Homework:1) Continue reading each night. Please make sure your child records what they read on their sheets. Notice that some are doing this in class the next morning.2) Read the letter Ff sheet Wednesday is popcorn dayThursday is library. Please ensure your child return's their book, so they can check out a new one. We will also be practicing our Remembrance Day ceremony song in the gym in the a.m.Friday at 10:30 a.m. is GG's Rememberance Day Ceremony. December's Scholastic Book orders will also be sent home. Due date will be December 7th.  

Posted: November 2, 2012

          What a week! Glad to say we accomplished most of what had been planned, given that we had two assemblies and Halloween on Wednesday. Next Friday, we will celebrate Remembrance Day with an assembly at 10:30 a.m. This week we learned to sound "ch" We also learned how to write the letter Cc in cursive. Next week, we will focus on Hh and Ff. We practice our books as usual for the upcoming week. Their vocabulary has significantly improved! On Monday, I am going to begin assessing (running record) their reading in class. My goal, is to have one student/day assessed. We will also continue to record what we read with Audacity.  In math, we began skip counting by 2,5,10,25 and 100. Next week, we will count with money, and begin to review our unit. Class quiz in the near need to panic :) Please remember to send in a picture of your family, or your child with a family member on Monday. We will be writing about our families. Picture will be returned. Also, Scholastic $ for November's order will be sent out next Friday, and December's sent out the following Tuesday, seeing that there is no school Monday November 12th.  


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Added: Mon, Jun 17 2013


Added: Mon, Jun 10 2013