Mr. Glazier


Posted: December 19, 2016

Due to last Friday's inclement weather, district math benchmark assessment will take place today. We will review our unit 1 work for the remainder of the week and complete our unit test by Thursday.

Please refer to last week's notice for activites planned throughout the remainder of the week.

Happy Holidays! See you all in 2017 :)

Posted: December 15, 2016

* Distrist math assessment will take place tomorrow (Friday, Dec 16th). *** A reminder to students to practice their multiplication as we will be commening multiplying and dividing with decimals after Christmas***

* Next week our student council have organized a few Christmas theme days for all of our students in K-8. They are as follows:

- Candy grams (.25 cents/candy cane) being sold in cafeteria Monday and Tuesday. Will be handed out on Wednesday

- Wednesday- Pajama Day

- Thursday- Elf / Santa Hat Day

- Friday- Red & Green Day
*** Friday is a half day and our dismissal will be at 11:00.***

Posted: December 5, 2016

Welcome back at another great week at Gretna Green. A reminder that old man winter has made his appearance and is here to stay. With that being said, please ensure you child dresses warmly.

All work on the new playground has finished for now.  The swings remain to be installed and will be placed in the spring. It really is a fantastic set up.

District Math benchmark (Grades 5-8) assessments will take place this week. The writing period runs from Monday, December 5-16th.

French - This week Grade 6 students continue to write an adventure and/or personal writing piece. Grade 7 students continue to write a mystery story whilst grade 8 students will be finishing up their Power Point presentations and commence an enrichment project for the remainder of the month. As always, writing traits continue to be taught throughout as well as grammar, conventions, homophones, guided reading, etc.

Math - District math benchmark assessments will take place this week.  Next week we will finish Unit 1  "Les régularités et les égalitiés" and review for our unit test. Decimal numbers will be our next unit of study. Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at the school. I will respond promptl via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!






Posted: November 30, 2016

Name our Mascot

Help us choose Gretna Green's mascot name.

Posted: November 30, 2016

Posted: November 29, 2016

Welcome back at another great week at Gretna Green. Montly assembly for K-8 students will be held this Friday morning in the gymnasium. 

French - This week Grade 6 students continue to draft their copies of an adventure and/or personal writing piece. Grade 7 students continue to draft their introductions of a mystery story whilst grade 8 students will be creating and rehearsing for a Power Point presentation of their text next week. As always, writing traits continue to be taught throughout as well as grammar, conventions, homophones, guided reading, etc.

Math - This week students will continue with Cartesian plans whilst representing patterns with the use of tables along with. Next up, we will learn about equality and how to balance mathematical expressions. Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG.


Posted: November 23, 2016

Jeux Plan Cartésien

Another game to reinforce math skills.

Posted: November 23, 2016

Jeux Plan Cartésien

Plot the points in their respective quadrants to emphasize x and y coordinates.

Posted: November 21, 2016

Welcome back! We have another busy week ahead of us in 6, 7, 8 Glazier.

French – This week Grade 6 students continue to draft their copies of an adventure and/or personal writing piece. Grade 7 students continue to draft their introductions of a mystery story whilst grade 8 students will be completing their explanatory writing piece including a bibliography. Their next step will be to create a Power Point of their text. As always, writing traits continue to be taught throughout as well as grammar, conventions, homophones, guided reading, etc.

Math – This week students will learn how graph and place x, y coordinates on a Cartesian plan. Students will also be creating ShowMe videos explaining recent material that has been covered. Stay tuned :)  Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home.

If you have any questions, please contact me at school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG

Posted: November 14, 2016

Welcome back! Report cards go home today Monday (Nov 14th). Please ensure that the response form is signed and return. Parent-teachers interviews are Thursday from 4-7 p.m. and Friday morning from 9-11 p.m.

French – This week Grade 6 students are writing their rough copies of an adventure and/or personal writing piece. Grade 7 students will be drafting their introductions of a mystery story and the grade 8 will be doing research in the computer lab to support the details of their explanatory writing piece. As always, writing traits continue to be taught throughout as well as grammar, conventions, homophones, guided reading, etc.

Math – This week students will learn how to use variables to describe patterns. Thursday will serve as a review day. Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home.

If you have any questions, please contact me at school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!


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