Mr. Glazier


Posted: January 30, 2017

Welcome back. Last week as challenging to say the least. I trust everyone was able to weather the storm. We will continue to work through the material that had been planned for last week. With that being said, the schedule is as follows:

French - Grades 6 and 7 students continue to draft an informative writing piece, whilst the grade 8 students continue to delve into the sections of a narrative writing piece either about a tale/legend or an adventure. As always, writing traits continue to be taught throughout as well as grammar, verbs, conventions, homophones, guided reading, etc.

Math - Decimal numbers (understanding place value less than 1000, multiplying, and dividing) will be our unit of study. Our focus this week will be on division. Additional work and remaining homework will be sent home to be completed. Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home. Refer for my "web link" for numerous math websites to practice at home.

  • Please note that Mathletics will be commencing soon. Students will receive a username and password this week. Various activities/assignments will be handed out as we progress in math throughout the year and will either be completed at school or assigned as homework.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at the school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!

Posted: January 23, 2017

Welcome back. We will be going skating again on Wednesday afternoon (weather permitting) from 12:20-1:20. Students require a helmet and skates. If you child does not own either please let me know and I can make arrangements.

French - Grades 6 and 7 students continue to draft an informative writing piece, whilst the grade 8 students continue to delve into the sections of a narrative writing piece either about a tale/legend or an adventure. As always, writing traits continue to be taught throughout as well as grammar, verbs, conventions, homophones, guided reading, etc.

Math - Decimal numbers (understanding place value less than 1000, multiplying, and dividing) will be our unit of study. Our focus this week will be on division. Additional work and remaining homework will be sent home to be completed. Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home. Refer for my "web link" for numerous math websites to practice at home.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at the school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!

Posted: January 16, 2017

Welcome back! Please remember to bundle up. Students have been inside at recess over the past few days due to the cold weather. Hopefully Mother Nature will cooperate soon and we will be able to enjoy our new playground.

We will be going skating Wednesday afternoon (weather permitting) from 12:20-1:20. Students require a helmet and skates. If you child does not own either please let me know and I can make arrangements.

French - Most writing pieces have been corrected and will sent home today to be viewed and signed. Please ensure that you child returns to school so they can be placed in their portfolios. The grades 6 and 7 students will explore and commence an informative draft writing piece, whilst the grade 8 students will be continue with a narrative writing piece either about a tale/legend or an adventure. As always, writing traits continue to be taught throughout as well as grammar, verbs, conventions, homophones, guided reading, etc.

Math - Decimal numbers (understanding place value less than 1000, multiplying, and dividing) will be our unit of study. We will be reviewing the place value component (up to 1 millionth i.e. 1/1 000 000) this week. Additional work and remaining homework will be sent home to be completed. Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home. Refer for my "web link" for numerous math websites to practice at home.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at the school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!

Posted: January 11, 2017

We will be skating on our outdoor rink (weather permitting) Friday, January 13th from 1:20-2:20. Students must wear a helemt. Please let me kow if anyone requires skates and/or a helmet.

Posted: January 10, 2017

Welcome back and Happy New Year.  I hope you all had an enjoyable break and are looking forward to 2017 at GG and 6/7/8 Glazier!

You may have noticed that our outdoor rink is almost ready.  As soon as the ice surface is ready we will be going skating! Please stay tuned for notices.

French - This week Grade 6 students will complete their adventure story. Grade 7 students will also complete their mystery story and Photo story of their text (enrichment), whilst the grade 8 students will be commencing a narrative writing piece either about a tale/legend or an adventure. As always, writing traits continue to be taught throughout as well as grammar, conventions, homophones, guided reading, etc.

Math - Decimal numbers(understanding place value less than 1000, multiplying, and dividing) will be our unit of study. Additional work and remaining homework will be sent home to be completed. Please let me know if you wish to have any additional work for your child to complete at home. Refer for my "web link" for numerous math websites to practice at home.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact me at the school. I will respond promptly via telephone. Let's have a great week at GG!








Posted: January 9, 2017


Posted: January 9, 2017


Posted: January 9, 2017


Follow directions to play numerous activities in order to strenghten math skills

Posted: December 19, 2016

Due to last Friday's inclement weather, district math benchmark assessment will take place today. We will review our unit 1 work for the remainder of the week and complete our unit test by Thursday.

Please refer to last week's notice for activites planned throughout the remainder of the week.

Happy Holidays! See you all in 2017 :)

Posted: December 15, 2016

* Distrist math assessment will take place tomorrow (Friday, Dec 16th). *** A reminder to students to practice their multiplication as we will be commening multiplying and dividing with decimals after Christmas***

* Next week our student council have organized a few Christmas theme days for all of our students in K-8. They are as follows:

- Candy grams (.25 cents/candy cane) being sold in cafeteria Monday and Tuesday. Will be handed out on Wednesday

- Wednesday- Pajama Day

- Thursday- Elf / Santa Hat Day

- Friday- Red & Green Day
*** Friday is a half day and our dismissal will be at 11:00.***


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