Posted: November 29, 2021
Mrs. J. Girouard
Posted: November 29, 2021
Good Morning,
I have assigned review questions for students on Mathletics. I am available all day if you or your child have any questions at all. I will also post this on our "Mathematics 5" team page and my teacher page. Thank you for your continued support. I know these are not easy times.
Posted: November 26, 2021
Happy Friday,
For math, I ask students to continue to log on to Mathletics or Dreambox for a minimum of twenty minutes today. I have assigned questions for students to work away at. I would like to echo Mme. Foran in saying that these are unprecedented times. Please do what you can and reach out if you have any questions at all <3.
Thank you for your continued support.
Ms. Girouard
Posted: November 25, 2021
Good Morning!
For today in math, I have assigned questions to students on Mathletics. I ask for students to log on for a minimum of 20 minutes. Students may choose to go on Mathletics or Dreambox.
We have begun our fractions unit this week. I will post below some fun games students can play to solidify their knowledge.
Posted: November 12, 2021
Math Card Game
Check out this simple card game. It is great in further developing student's mathematical thinking as it uses all four operations (+,-,x,÷).
Helpful hint: Use 2 decks of cards, instead of one (if you have two).
Reminder to students, please complete the assigned work on Mathletics for the week :).
Posted: November 10, 2021
Normally, we would flood our hallways with symbols to say that "We Remember". Since we cannot flood our hallways at Gretna Green, why not flood our FB page? You may wish to follow this directed drawing but please do not feel limited to drawing this particular poppy. Get creative and create/draw any symbol of peace.
Please do not forget to check out Gretna Green's Tribute To Our Veterans; Our annual slideshow which honours our GG family veterans. Lest we forget. See link below.
Posted: November 10, 2021
Remembrance Day
Who do you wear a poppy for? Submit your words in the Gallery of Remembrance in honour of Canada's Veterans. Please find the link to do so above.
Posted: November 9, 2021
Wonder Read Aloud-Part 2
Posted: November 9, 2021
Multiplication & Division Fact Game
Multiplication facts becoming a breeze? AWESOME! If students know their multiplication facts in a snap, just like that! Then, knowing their division facts will also be a breeze as they are related. I am posting some division fact videos below. Also, check out this fun interactive game. Students can choose "Division Facts" or "Times Tables".
As always, thank you. For everything <3.
Posted: November 8, 2021