Mrs. Moody - Archive - 08/2012

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Posted: October 25, 2010

A ten frame is a really neat organizer that helps students with recognizing numbers, building numbers, addition and subtraction.  This can be made at home to help your child with math.  The first row must be filled in first before you move to the second row.  When removing the counters you must start on the second row on the right and work your way to the left.  *Check out the class Links on the right hand side of this page for online games using the ten frame and watch the video titled, How to Use a Ten Frame under the videos on the right.   

Posted: October 14, 2010

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Posted: June 24, 2010

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Posted: June 18, 2010

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Posted: June 18, 2010

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Posted: June 18, 2010

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Posted: June 7, 2010

Library:  This is our last week for library.  Students must return all over due books by Friday, June 11.  Field Trip:  Students will be going to the  Boiestown Woodsman Museum on Thursday June 10.  Please dress your child for the weather and no hot lunches, please.  Permisson slips must be returned by Wednesday.  Homework:  Students will read 2 books this week.  Please work on speed, fluency and phrasing.  These skills become easier for your child the more they read. Show and Tell:  There will be show and tell for all students on Friday.  Please have your child practice what they are going to say to the class.  Popcorn:  Popcorn will be sold on Wednesday this week only.               

Posted: May 25, 2010

Spelling:  This weeks words are : before, because, you, your.  This will be the last week for spelling this year.    Writing:  Students continue to work on improving their sentence fluency.  Students are learning that sentences need to make sense, be complete, start with a capital and end with a proper punctuation mark. 

Posted: May 10, 2010

Spelling:  Our words this week will be: blind, find, kind, mind, * wind.  (Inny Inchworm makes many different sounds in words.  That is why he is considered one of the hardest workers. Writing:  Students will work on improving their sentence fluency. Book Orders:  Due Friday May 14th.  Go for 42 starts this week!  More information will be sent home with your child this week.   Have a terrific week! 


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Added: Thu, Apr 5 2012


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Added: Tue, Apr 10 2012