Mrs. Moody - Archive - 08/2012

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Posted: January 18, 2010

Spelling:  This weeks spelling words are my, by, why, ten, when.  The words by, my and why are one syllable words and this is why the y says "i".  When it is a two syllable word such as baby, the y says "e".  When working with your child, have them look for chucks they already know.  For example, "If they know how to spell went, then this will help them spell ten and when because they already know the chunk en. Writing:  We will be working on using proper punctuation throughout their stories.  Language Arts:  We are visiting the vowel digraphs ai, ay, ey (when two vowels make one sound) this week.  These three vowel digraphs make the long vowel sound of a.  For example train, play, they        

Posted: January 13, 2010

  Check out the web link below(Game Bone) for a great way to practice numbers 1 -100.

Posted: January 13, 2010


A great game to learn numbers1 - 100.

Posted: January 11, 2010

MANGO:  Starting the week of January 18th to 22nd.  Students are asked to be physically active for at least 30 minutes after school.  A more detailed note has been sent home with your child.   ****** BOOK ORDERS DUE FRIDAY JANUARY 15TH *******   Please note that January's spelling words are avalible in our document folder.  This weeks spelling words are: out, shout, she, this, they We have been reviewing our digraphs (two consonants that make one sound) TH, CH, SH and WH.  When they are reading to you please have them look for words with these sounds.  Also, this weeks spelling words have the sh and th sounds In writing, we are working on conventions for the month of January:  Conventions - the piece's level of correctness, the extent to which the writer uses grammar and mechanics with precision . So far we have talked about using spaces and when to use capitals. HAVE A GREAT WEEK!        

Posted: January 8, 2010

Microsoft Office document icon JANUARY_spelling_words.doc280.5 KB

Posted: January 4, 2010

Welcome Back Students!  This week we will be having show and tell for all students on Friday, January 8th.  Students can bring in one of their Christmas gifts to show.  We ask that your child not bring in breakable or expensive items.  In Math this week we will be starting a unit on Numbers to 100!   There will be no homework this week.

Posted: December 18, 2009

  Mrs. Simmons and Mrs. Moody want to wish all our students and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Posted: December 8, 2009


Posted: December 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to Amy Adams who is celebrating her birthday on December 11th.    Spelling:  We are working on the eat word family.  Students are learning the rule that when two vowels go walking, the first one does the talking.  Click on our web link to listen to the song.  meat, seat, cheat, treat, heat Writing:  We are continuing to work on strengthening our Ideas for the month of December.  Students are focusing on choosing a clear message and supporting it with juicy details.  Show and Tell:  Cole, George and Ashlee  

Posted: December 1, 2009

Book orders due:  Wednesday December 2nd!  Thanks for your support.    Christmas Dinner:  Friday December 4th!   Kids Corner Store:  will be open each Wednesday and Friday.  Everything is a $1.00 or less.  Look on Gretna Green's home page for store prices.   Show and Tell:  Friday December 4th, Nicolas, Lauren, Caleb   Spelling:  We are working on the "ain" word family this week.  Spelling words are rain, pain, train, main.    Reading:  Guided Reading books are to the returned the following day.  Also, homework books should be read each night to work on fluency and expression. Writing:  We will continue working on the idea trait for this month.  Students have learned that in order for their writing to covey a clear message, they must choose interesting topics, support their ideas with juicy details and focus on writing about things that matter to them.    Have a great week!


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