Posted: November 8, 2009
Mrs. Moody - Archive - 08/2012
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Posted: November 8, 2009
Spelling Words (test on Friday)
hop, mop, chop, pop, shop
We are working on the op word family this week. Please look under our web links for some fun interactive op family games. These words also have the short o sound.
Short o
Students will learn some tricks to help them with the short o sounds:
1. When a word or syllable has only one vowel and it comes at the beginning of a word, that vowel makes a sound that is called "short" ex. off, on, ostrich
2. When a word or syllable has only one vowel and it is between two consonants, the vowel makes a sound that is called "short" ex. mop, got, dog
OCTAPUS (this picture cue helps them to remember the short o)
Guided Reading
Students will be bringing home guided reading books once or twice a week. These books are to be read and returned the following day.
**Guided reading is a strategy that helps students become good readers. The teacher provides support for small groups of readers as they learn to use various reading strategies (context clues, letter and sound relationships, word structure, and so forth).
Posted: November 6, 2009
This week in Math we will be starting our unit on Addition and Subtraction to 12. Parents can read the attached note for suggestions in helping their child at home.
Posted: October 28, 2009
On Monday we decorated two pumpkins. One pumpkin was for the Pizza Delight contest and the other was for Gretna Green. We divided the class into two groups to decorate the pumpkins. Each group were given fun stuff to decorate the pumpkins with and we took a picture with them after we were all done. The Pizza Delight group called their pumpkin "Spooky" and the Gretna Green group was undecided. Some called it "Boo Spooky" and others liked the name "Halloween". We had a spooktacular time!
Shared Writing
Mrs. Moody's Grade One Ghouls
Posted: October 26, 2009
This week we are focusing on words that have the short e sound:
Elephant (this picture cue helps them remember the sound of the short e)
Students will learn some tricks to help them with the short e sounds:
1. When a word or syllable has only one vowel and it comes at the beginning of a word, that vowel makes a sound that is called "short" ex. egg, Ed, every
2. When a word or syllable has only one vowel and it is between two consonants, the vowel makes a sound that is called "short" ex. wet, web, get
Posted: October 26, 2009
This weeks show and tell students are:
1. Amy
2. Julianna
3. Blake
4. Tristan
Please bring your show and tell in on Friday with your write up. Thanks!
Posted: October 22, 2009
Sun, Nov 1/09 8:00 pm
Students will not be taking out a new library book today due to the book fair. Students will still be going to the library to view purchasable books. A flyer will be sent home before this date showing some of the book titles and a list of their prices. Thanks
Posted: October 22, 2009
Posted: October 22, 2009
This weeks show and tell students are:
Posted: October 19, 2009
Monthly spelling has now been sent home in your child's homework books. We hope this is helpful when it comes to busy lives.
This week we are focusing on words that have the short a sound:
Students will learn some tricks to help them with the short a sounds:
1. When a word or syllable has only one vowel and it comes at the beginning of a word, that vowel makes a sound that is called "short" ex. apple, ant, ask
2. When a word or syllable has only one vowel and it is between two consonants, the vowel makes a sound that is called "short" ex. sat, nap, can
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Added: Tue, Apr 10 2012