Ms. Matheson

Ms. Matheson

Posted: October 14, 2014

This week we are working on the letters Gg and Hh.  Show your parents the signals for Gordo Gorilla and Honey Horse.  What sounds do they make?  The /g/ sound can be found in the words gum, guitar, dog and great.  /H/ is in house, horse, happy and hello.   Practice printing these letters at home.  Keep practicing the sight words for October (a, I, like, and, the, to).     The school fundraiser ends on Friday.  Library is Thursday. Interim reports will be sent home on Friday.  Please sign and return the bottom of the report.  Have a great week!

Posted: October 8, 2014

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Posted: October 8, 2014

Posted: October 8, 2014

Posted: October 7, 2014

Posted: October 6, 2014

Posted: October 6, 2014

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Posted: October 6, 2014

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Posted: October 5, 2014

This is a short week for students  (there is no school on Thursday and Friday due to teacher PD days) so there will be no homework!!  We are going to review the letters Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, Ee and Ff. Practice these sounds at home.  Remember to keep reviewing your sight words for October (a, and, to, the, like, I).  Try writing or saying sentences using these words (I like dogs.  I like to swim.  I went to school.).Keep looking for patterns.  Can you make patterns with toys at home? Try drawing some. This is Fire Prevention week.  We will review fire drill procedures and have a visit from some firemen! Have a great week!!


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