Latest Teacher Activity

Title Type Page Post date
RAZ-Kids Note Mr. Glazier April 30, 2020
Shoes Image Gallery Mr. Glazier April 30, 2020
Skype Meeting Note Mrs. Allison April 30, 2020
Week 4 in pictures Image Gallery Mrs. Lynch April 30, 2020
Home learning week 4 Cort writing a few sentences Image Gallery Mme Matchett April 29, 2020
Olivia is having fun during home learning Image Gallery Mme Matchett April 29, 2020
week 4 Luke having fun learning. Way to go! Image Gallery Mme Matchett April 28, 2020
Special Guest! Note Ms. Bransfield April 28, 2020
Nature Ninja Activities from the ASDN Numeracy Team Note Ms. Matheson April 28, 2020
Grade 6-8 Physical Education Document Mr. Walsh April 28, 2020
Lauren - Writing Activity Image Gallery Mme. Baisley April 28, 2020
STEAM Weekly Issue Document Mme. Baisley April 28, 2020
Calvin Having Fun At Home Image Gallery Ms. Bransfield April 27, 2020
Les viandes et substituts Document Mme Matchett April 27, 2020
Les viandes et substituts Audio Mme Matchett April 27, 2020
The Mysterious Dog Thief Video Mme Foran April 27, 2020
Home Learning Week of April 27th-May 1st Document Mme. Levesque-Martin April 27, 2020
Middle School Physical Education - Week 4 Document Mrs. Tozer April 27, 2020
Grade 8 - Week 4 Document Mr. Tozer April 27, 2020
Grade 7 - Week 4 Document Mr. Tozer April 27, 2020
Home Learning Week 4 Document Mme. Baisley April 27, 2020
Writing Lesson: End Punctuation Video Ms. Bransfield April 27, 2020
Reading Lesson: No Robot Reading Video Ms. Bransfield April 27, 2020
Letter to students - week 4 Image Gallery Mrs. Allison April 27, 2020
Writing Lesson: End Punctuation Document Ms. Bransfield April 27, 2020
