Daily Bell Ringer – Students are usually expected to write approximately one paragraph. Each bell ringer should take students approximately 10 minutes to complete. Today's bell ringer is:
Meaning Monday: Homophones are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. Write three sentences using the homophones to, two, and too properly.
Read-to-Self - Students should be reading an appropriate book at their level for approximately 15 minutes each day. If they have time to read more, they are encouraged to do so.
Writing Prompt - I have posted a new writing prompt for students to complete for today. Today's writing prompt is:
If you could have an extra hour of sleep or an extra hour of time to play after school, what would you choose? Why?
Dreamscape/Squiggle Park/Online Games - Try out some ELA online games. Reminder that this page of links gives students access to several online games covering topics that are often used in class, particularly with sight words, nouns, verbs, and adjectives for grade 3. Also, please remember that some of these may require making a free account or Flash Player. Students also have access to either Dreamscape or Squiggle Park. For those playing Dreamscape, they must read the questions thoroughly before answering. If they do not know their username or password to either game, please email me and I will get them the information right away. They should be playing one of these for approximately 20 minutes each day.
No Excuse Words – Please access the attached no excuse words list for students to practice while they are at home. There is a new list of words for this week. Remember, there are fun ways to learn and practice spelling (not just memorize). Students can use word searches, word chants, body spelling, writing on windows/whiteboards with whiteboard markers, writing with sidewalk chalk, word unscrambles, word puzzles, etc.