Mrs. Allison Notes

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge" - Albert Einstein


Posted: April 30, 2020

Hi everyone. Just a reminder for students in 6/7W and 7/8BD about our read aloud and discussion today at 1:00. There has been some confusion over time but it is at 1:00 today. 

I hope you are all well and enjoying the home learning opportunities. Please email me your letters at when you have them done. Have a great week and stay safe!

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Hi everyone. I hope you are all enjoying the home learning activities. I miss you all. Stay safe!

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Posted: April 20, 2020

Hi everyone. I created a class account on Splash Math. Please contact me at for your child's password And instruction. Have a great day!

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Posted: April 14, 2020

For my middle school students in 6/7W and 7/8BD, please send me your student email that you use at school. You can send me this at

Thank you!

Welcome to Week 2 of Home Learning. If you have any questions on the activities I posted, please email me at any time.

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Welcome to week 2. Remember to email me at any time if you have any questions or concerns. 

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Posted: April 7, 2020

Hi everyone. I've had some questions about my Language Arts classes. I posted home learning activiites for 6/7W and 7/8BD. For my French Immersion students, you are not required to do English Language Arts at this time. Your focus is on your French Immersion subjects. I hope this clarifies any questions you may have. Have a great day!

Hi everyone! Please find attached the home learning activities for week 1. Hope you have fun and are staying safe! If you have any questions, please email me at

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Hi Grade 1! Here are your home learning activities for Week 1. Have fun doing them and if you have any questions, please email me at

Posted: January 15, 2020

Students will be having a Conventions and Figurative Language quiz. 

6/7 W - Jan. 17

7/8 BD - Jan. 21

6/7 A - Jan. 21

6 T - Jan. 20

The grade 7/8 class was given a new assignment today. It is a "Blind Date with a Book: Literature Cirlce Edition". Students were dividied into groups and then each group picked a package that had the genre of the book and a few hints on what the book is about. This assignment has students working as a group but reading the book on their own time and in class. So students are to read a least 20 minutes per night. Each group decided on a goal so they know how much to read by Tuesday, Dec. 10th and what job they are to do.

** Homework for 7/8BD** - read 20 minutes each night and work on your literature circle job

** Homework for 6T, 6/7A & 6/7W ** - read 20 minutes each night



Posted: October 31, 2019

Literature and Genres quiz for:

6/7 A - Nov. 5

6 T - Nov. 7


Posted: October 17, 2019

Students are to study their notes on Literature & Genres. Dates for quizzes are:

7/8 BD - Oct. 25

6/7 W - Oct. 25

French Immersion students will have their quiz at a later date.

