Mrs. Allison Notes

"It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge" - Albert Einstein


Posted: October 8, 2019

English students were given this assignment on Oct. 8th.  French Immersion students will get the assignment soon. Students have one month to read a novel (no graphic novels please) and do the given assignment.  Please see attached sheets per grade level and rubrics.

Due dates are as follows:

6/7 W - Nov. 12th

7/8 BD - Nov. 12th

6/7 A - Nov. 19th

6 T - Nov. 21th


This week, each class will be given the "Favorite Collection" - Picture/Writing Assignment.  The first part of the assignment has to be done at home.  Students will gather five objects that are important to them or that represent them and then they will arrange the objects and take a picture of all five of them together.  After the picture is taken, students can save it to a USB at home or email to me at  Students will have 5 class times to work on the writing part of their assignment.  This will be done in PowerPoint.  The due dates are as follows:

7/8 BD - Picture due Sept. 26 and PowerPoint due Oct. 3

6/7 W - Picture due Sept. 27 and PowerPoint due Oct. 4

6/7 A - Picture due Sept. 30 and PowerPoint due Oct. 9

6T - Picture due Sept. 30 and PowerPoint due Oct. 11


Posted: September 10, 2019

6/7 Arsenault - All About Me poster and write up due Wed., Sept. 11

6 Tozer - All About Me poster and write up due Thurs., Sept. 12

7/8 Blakely-DoucetteAll About Me poster and write up due Wed., Sept. 11

Posted: September 10, 2019

Welcome back to anther wonderful school year.  This year I will be teaching ELA to 6 Tozer and 6/7 Arsenault, as well as Language Arts to 6/7 Walsh and 7/8 Blakely-Doucette.

There will be many assignments throughout the year and students will have ample class time to work on these assignments. A handout will be given to each student explaining the assignment expectations.  At times, if students are not done their assignment, they will have to finish it up at home.  I will post homework when it is due, but each student is responsible to read for 20 minutes per night.  


Posted: December 13, 2018

Just a reminder that all persuasive essays will be due on the following dates:

Grade 7A - due Dec. 19

Grade 6B - due Dec. 21

Grade 6/7W - due Dec. 14

Grade 7/8 - due Dec. 14

All essays must have a typed good copy. Students will also pass in their rough draft (edited), their persuasive map and their persuasive checklist. I have attached the rubric of how I the essay will be marked.

File persuasive_writing_rubric.docx12.97 KB

Posted: December 5, 2018

All persuasive essays will be due on the following dates:

Grade 7A - due Dec. 19

Grade 6B - due Dec. 21

Grade 6/7W - due Dec. 14

Grade 7/8 - due Dec. 14

All essays must have a typed good copy. Students will also pass in their rough draft (edited), their persuasive map and their persuasive checklist.

Posted: December 3, 2018

All students have been working in class on their Persuasive Essay.  The persuasive essay should have 5 paragraphs:

1. Introduction/Hook/Thesis

2. Argument 1 with support

3. Argument 2 with support

4. Argument 3 with support

5. Conclusion- Restate your position


Posted: October 22, 2018


* Read 20 min. each night and log

* Work on your Book in a Box project - due Nov. 5

* Biography due on Fri., Oct. 26



* Read 20 min. each night and log

* Work on your Book in a Box project - due Nov. 5

* Biography due on Tues., Oct. 23



* Read 20 min. each night and log

* Work on your Book in a Box project - due Nov. 5

* Biography due on Wed., Oct. 24



* Read 20 min. each night and log

* Work on your Book in a Box project - due Nov. 5

* Biography due on Tues., Oct. 23

Posted: October 19, 2018

All classes have been working on a Biography of their choice.  We have been using the laptops and Ipads to do research in class over the past week.  Today is the last day for in class research for grades 6/7W and 7/8BD.  Grade 6B will have Monday and Thursday of next week to complete research and drafts.  Grade 7A will have Monday and Tuesday of next week to complete research and drafts.

6/7W and 7/8BD - Good copy of Biography due on Tuesday, Oct. 23 

7A - Good copy of Biography due on Wednesday, Oct. 24

6B - Good copy of Biography due on Friday, Oct. 26

Microsoft Office document icon biography_outline.doc27 KB

Posted: October 15, 2018


- Read 20 minutes and log

- Get LIterature & Genre test signed.  Re-write for those who need it will be on Thursday.

- Work on Book in a Box project (Due Nov. 5)


- Read 20 minutes and log

-Get Literature & Genre test signed. Re-write for those who need it will be on Thursday.

- Work on Book in a Box project (Due Nov. 5)


- Read 20 minutes and log

-Get Literature & Genre test signed. Re-write for those who need it will be on Wednesday.

- Work on Book in a Box project (Due Nov. 5)


- Read 20 minutes and log

-Get Literature & Genre test signed. Re-write for those who need it will be on Thursday.

- Work on Book in a Box project (Due Nov. 5)




Posted: October 1, 2018

7A - Book in a Box assignment has been passed out.  This project is due on Nov. 5th.  Information sheet and rubric has been given to each student. 

Reading Log sheets have also been given out.  Students are to read 20 minutes each night, log 1-2 sentences and have parent or guardian initital their work.  I will randomly collect reading logs on Wednesdays.

** Literature & Genre Quiz - Oct. 10 ** Study notes.

6B - Book in a Box assignment has been passed out.  This project is due on Nov. 5th.  Information sheet and rubric has been given to each student. 

Reading Log sheets have also been given out.  Students are to read 20 minutes each night, log 1-2 sentences and have parent or guardian initital their work.  I will randomly collect reading logs on Fridays.

** Literature & Genre Quiz - Oct. 11 **  Study notes.

6/7W -  Book in a Box assignment has been passed out.  This project is due on Nov. 5th.  Information sheet and rubric has been given to each student. 

Reading Log sheets have also been given out.  Students are to read 20 minutes each night, log 1-2 sentences and have parent or guardian initital their work.  I will randomly collect reading logs on Thursdays.

** Literature & Genre Quiz - Oct. 10 ** Study notes.

7/8BD - Book in a Box assignment has been passed out.  This project is due on Nov. 5th.  Information sheet and rubric has been given to each student. 

Reading Log sheets have also been given out.  Students are to read 20 minutes each night, log 1-2 sentences and have parent or guardian initital their work.  I will randomly collect reading logs on Thursdays.

** Literature & Genre Quiz - Oct. 10 ** Study notes.



Posted: September 10, 2018

Hello Parents/Guardians of children in 6B FI, 6/7W, 7A FI, and 7/8BD.  When I give out homework assignments, I will post them to my teacher page.  I always tell my students in class, but if they forget, my teacher page is another reminder.  Reading each night is a given and I ask that students read for 20 minutes each night.

Homework for Sept. 10/18 for 6B, 6/7W, 7A & 7/8BD

* Read 20 minutes

* All About Me Posters are due on Wednesday, Sept. 12th


Posted: October 22, 2017


Here are a few things happening during our spooky Halloween week:


*Monday is Gretna Green colors day so come to school sporting your black, green and white.


*Tuesday is crazy hair/hat day.


*Wednesday is pajama day and it is also a half day.


*Thursday is orange and black.


*On Friday, students can bring their costume to school. We will have a parade of costumes in the afternoon.


Posted: September 25, 2017

Here are some things happening this week:

* New homework was sent home on Monday and will be collected on Friday.  Please make sure your child reviews his/her spelling words every night so they will be prepared for the spelling test on Friday.  

* In Math, we are working on skip counting by 2's and 10's, forwards and backwards, beginning at differnt start points.

* In Literacy, we are working on writing strong leads and stregthening them.  The kids are having a lot of fun with this.

* On Wednesday, it will be an early dismissal.  Please send in a note to let me know if your child will be picked up on this day or will be taking the bus.  Dismissal is at 11:15.

* On Friday, we will be going on our Terry Fox Walk at 1:30.  Students are encouraged to bring in their spare change for this event.  On this day, we are also asking students to wear an orange T-shirt in recognition that "Every Child Matters".

Posted: September 17, 2017


Here are a few things happening this week:


*Homework is due each Friday.  During the week, please have your child practice his/her spelling words for their test on Friday.  We are on week 2 spelling words.


*Tuesday, Sept. 19 – School photos.  Bring your best smile. J


*Friday, Sept. 22 – Walking School Bus beginning at 7:30 from the Northumberland Square Mall. 


*Scholastic Book Orders are also due on Friday, Sept. 22

