Mr. Glazier - Archived 06/2013 Notes

Welcome To Our Page


Posted: April 2, 2013

Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather we experienced this past weekend. We have a busy  days ahead of us. French - Our theme over the next few weeks will be about Spring. I am proud to say that students are begining to progress from E to F books. Let's keep up the good work. On Thursday, students will independently be writing in their journals about the book they have read at home, and continue with our writing trait of the month which happens to be conventions i.e. capitalization, punctuation, etc. Math - I offered tutoting today at lunch seeing that there is NO school for students on Friday.  We will be finishing up the unit and reviewing tomorrow. I plan on having our quiz on Thursday. You will notice as well that today's entry and exit question was placed in your child's reading bag. This will occur daily and give you and idea what we have gone over in class. Feel free to offer more example/support and home. Please write if you have any questions. Do not be concerned about the 3 digit addition and subtraction questions in their duo-tangs. Feel free to complete if you choose, but those sheets were placed as supplementary if we had time to complete them. Time is moving quickly, and our next unit will focus on fractions. Just a note that in grade 3 the focus is on adding and subtracting 2 digits.  In social studies, we will also be finishing up our unit on New Brunswick this week. Next week, we will move on to Health and Wellness followed by "Sturctures and Materials" in Science. In regards to science, we will be examining structures, how they are built and determining which materials work best to build certain types of structures. Students will explore different shapes and forms that make up natural and human built structures. In order to accomplish this, I require your help. Below you will find a list of materials that we will utilize in order to build structures in class. If possible, I am asking if you could collect and send any of the materials listed below. I have already began to gather some material. It would be greatly appreciated and certainly put it to good use. Materials list: Straws Popsicle sticks Toothpicks Newspaper Modelling clay Tape Once again thank you for your help!   ***Reminders*** Wenesday - popcorn Thursday - library Friday - No school    

Posted: March 27, 2013

Good afternoon folks, Just a reminder to please submit your parent teacher interview sheet if you have not done so yet. Thanks. I also want to mention that aside from weekly math tutorials, I will be commencing a daily "entry" and "exit" question in math. Students will simply be handed a strip of looseleaf and asked to answer a math question. Their work must be shown. Following class, students will complete a similar exit question. We will then take 5-10 minutes to  correct and clarify any questions. Doing so will give me an indication of what I need to focus on. It will also provide parents an example to follow up on at home. The strips will be placed in their reading bags and sent home daily. Note - Report cards will be sent home tomorrow. Happy Easter!

Posted: March 25, 2013

4 day week ahead of us, so I'm going to try and keep this short :) Please check you child's reading bag tonight, as I sent home a letter outlining they next few weeks at school. I also sent home a green sheet concerning parent teacher interviews. Please sign and send back as soon as possible. Today we visited the Book Fair. You may/may not notice a wish list of sorts in your child's reading bag as well. We will be visiting the fair again on Wednesday morning if you choose to send money to purchase a book. Tomorrow, GG will be hosting the STEM Science Fair. We will take some time out of our busy schedule to go visit the display's in the gym. Our week will have an Easter theme to it. Reading, writing and art class will incorporate new vocabulary and text around Easter. As far as Math goes, please ensure pages 44 and 45 (last week's homework is completed as soon as possible) I assigned page 53 (subtraction of 2 digit numbers) for homework this week. Some of their questions require them to regroup a.k.a. "borrowing"/exchange from the ten's position for 10 units. Some students did not quite yet grasp this, and it will be the focus of my tutorial TOMORROW at lunch seeing that we have no school on Friday. It will be due Wednesday. If anything, the previous page in their duo-tang provides examples of what we practiced in class, and the expected manner of solving these particular questions.   Cheers! Happy Easter :)   ***Reminders*** Tuesday - District Science Fair held at GG Wednesday - popcorn Thursday - library and monthly assembly      

Posted: March 22, 2013

Many notices have been placed in your child's reading bag today (Friday, March 22/13). Parent teacher interview sheets will be handed out on Monday. Math, communication binders and reading bags that were left behind will also be sent home on Monday. We simply ran out of time today due to the Science Fair. With that being said, I would like to congratulate everyone, including parents and guest who attended today's fair. All students did a fantastic job!

Posted: March 21, 2013

Math tutoring every Friday after lunch. This week and next we will be practicing estimation and addition/subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers.

Posted: March 19, 2013

A reminder that students will present their experiment in class on Wednesday March 20.  All students will present their project to the school and parents on Friday March 22 in the pm. All are welcome.

Posted: March 19, 2013

I mentioned to students today that I will be offereing math help commencing this Friday at noon after lunch and continue until May. We will use the time to review for the provincial exam. It is voluntary and with that being said, students who do not choose to attend do not have to. This week and next I will be reviewing estimation, adding and subtraction of 2 and 3 digit numbers. The goal is to come up with the most effective/efficent solution to our answers. Students have been told as well that this is not free time to play inside. Thanks. 

Posted: March 18, 2013

Welcome back! Science Fair will consume much of our time this week. A reminder that I will continue to set aside time tomorrow for students to complete their projects. From what I saw today, judges will have a difficult time choosing. Your time and effort at home is much appreciated. Parents are welcome to school on Friday afternoon as well to view all expositions. In French, our focus will be neighbourhoods and what surrounds us. We will also incorporate Easter acitivites throughout the week as well. Just a note, that cursive writing will take place in class throughout the following weeks. Math duo-tangs were sent home today. Please complete and return Lesson 5 question 1 for Wednesday. I would ask that students also take the same questions and see if they are able to come up with the correct answer by subtracting. I suggest that students take a few minutes each night and complete a virtual mental math game from the the link I posted last week. 50% of our provincial exam will focus on number outcomes, and these games provide a great opportunity to strengthen their mental math capabilities. Today for instance we focused in the adding and subtracting waterslide game found in the ages 7-11 section under the adding and subtracting tab. Give them and try and feel free to let me know how things go. In social studies, we are continuing to write a book about where we live. We also have been exploring different water courses i.e. steams, rivers, gulf, bay, ocean in and around NB and the Maritimes. ***Reminder*** Wedsday - popcorn Thursday - library Friday - Science Fair and Scholastic Book order

Posted: March 15, 2013

There will be class time set aside Monday and Tuesday for students to put their Science Fair projects together. We will also practice presenting in front of our peers prior to the event. I am excited to see what everyone is able to come up with. P.S. Please ensure red math duo-tangs are returned to school (along with books, cahier de communication, etc) on Monday. Directions to follow in next week's message concerning math homework. In the meantime, I have added a useful math link to my page. Feel free to play any of these education games.

Posted: March 11, 2013

Please refer to Mrs.Bransfield's teacher page. She has many useful links to provide direction and assistance with your child's project. I look forward to seeing what everyone come's up with :)

Posted: March 11, 2013

Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their break and is ready for another exciting week at GG. A notice was sent home today concerning Science Fair. If you have any questions, please contact me. You may refer to Mrs. Bransfield's teacher page for further information and links relating to Science Fair.  This week in French, are focus will be on vocabulary relating to playground equipment. We will also be practicing 5 new actions words in class, along with mastering new sounds in oral and written format's. We will also incorporate a St.Patty's theme into our our writing and art lesson's this week. In math, we began a new unit on addition and subtractions. Today, we discussed doubles +/- 1 and 2. Activity sheet #1 was sent home in their red duo-tang's. Please review the activity and have them complete additional questions on the reverse side. Please note that math homework will become frequentin order to prepare for our provincial math exam in May. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact me at school. Homework: * French - Read 15 minutes * Math - Lesson #1...Practice additional questions on reverse side. Please check math regularly, as activities will be sent home. Notes: * Free pizza party on Friday :)

Posted: February 25, 2013

This week, we will try and play catch up seeing that we missed 3 days of school last week. With that being said, it is also Student Appreciation Week, so we will try our best! We are very fortunate to have amazing students at Gretna Green! Following is a list of the week’s activities: Monday - Extra long recess and Survivor. Spell-A-Thon money is also due. Tuesday - Come in Character Day (Sy Robertson from Duck Dynasty may stop by and pay the student’s a visit J) and Survivor Day 2. French Immersion students will be travelling to École Beausoleil for another presentation.                           Wednesday - PJ Day, Free Popcorn and Day 3 of Survivor Thursday - I am away at district office for meetings. School Spirit Day (wear green and gold) and Outdoor hockey tournament (grades 2-5) Friday – Spell-A-Thon Assembly at 10:45 and Student/Teacher hockey game Please continue to ensure that your child is reading for 15 minutes. The books are becoming more challenging as we progress. In Math, we will introduce our new unit on addition and subtraction. Binders will be sent home after March Break so parents can review/continue to practice what has been taught in class. In social studies we will continue working with maps. My goal is to have a book/pamphlet made up by the end of the unit. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Cheers, Mr. Glazier.

Posted: February 19, 2013

Happy Tuesday folks! First, I would like to thank parents and the home and school committee for their work and preparation with teacher appreciation week. It was fantastic! Secondly, old man winter has not been nice to use lately! Please stayed tuned throughout the week as more nasty weather has been forecasted. This week, I will begin testing student's reading levels, seeing that reports cards are just around the corner. Thus far, everyone is on track and I am very pleased with their progress. Please continue to read at home each night, even if it takes your child 5 minutes to read their book. They can read it over 2 or 3 times, study the images, etc You can even ask them questions pertaining to the 5 "w's" (who, what, where, when, why) to challenge them further. As far as writing is concerned, we continue to study high frequency words, practice the 6+1 traits as displayed throughout GG's "Student Corner" and continue to utilize French dictionaries as much as possible. Please continue to practice the 15 "Spell-A-Thon" words that have been sent home. In math, we have just completed our space and time unit. We wrote a quiz last week and I have placed them in your child's sac de livre so that they can be signed and returned to school. Our next unit will be on addition and subtraction. Please continue to access the various math links on my page so that your child can continue to practice at home. In social studies, we will begin to learn how to create maps and legends. From time to time, we will utilize Goole Maps to explore various places around the province. Friday, there will be an assembly in the gym at 10:30. The assembly will be about "bucket filling" and will be hosted by Mr. Stewart. Homework: 1) Sign and return math test 2) practice cursive writing Kk 3) Read 15 minutes and ask who, what, where, when, why questions??? 4) Practice Spell-A-Thon words 5) Mr. Stewart's guidance activity sheet is to be completed and returned by Friday. ***Reminders*** - Popcorn Wednesday's - Library Thursday - February 26th we will be going to Carrfour Beausoleil from 8:50 to 9:50 to watch a play in French. - Please contact me if you hve questions or concerns.    

Posted: February 13, 2013

Reminder that we will be skating tomorrow (Thursday February 14th) from 10 - 11 a.m. Hot chocolate to follow. Please remember to bring your skates and helmet. Thank you to the volunteers who plan on coming out to help tie skates :) * Tomorrow is also Pink Shirt day. We will be handing out valentine cards in class and enjoy a few goodies compliments of some parents in the afternoon following phys.ed. Un grand merci! 

Posted: February 11, 2013

Another great week at Gretna Green awaits us. Only 3 more weeks until March Break!    French - Our daily routine continues. All activities this week will have a Valentine’s theme to it. Please ensure reading takes place for 15 minutes each evening. All students are progressing well and are on track to be reading level F books by March...bravo!   Thursday, we will hand out our Valentines and share a few homemade goodies J         Math- We will be finishing our unit on time and space by studying perimeter this week. Friday we will have a quiz on the calendar, estimation and measurement. Our next unit will be adding and subtracting with answers to 1000. Please practice mental math and estimation strategies such as adding and subtracting (adding from left to right, using doubles and/or a number line, skip counting and taking numbers to the nearest multiple of ten) at home. Please contact me if you would like further clarification. Social Studies - We continue to learn about New Brunswick. Later on, we will be creating maps based on a fictional city/town.    ***Reminders*** * Drama continues this week on Monday and Wednesday after school. Remember to make arrangements to get picked up at 3:30 if you are in Drama! * Tuesday Spell-A-Thon begins * Wednesday is popcorn day * Thursday is library and PINK Shirt Day. Valentines cards also handed out. * Skating Thursday as well (weather permitting) from 10-11. Volunteer “skate tiers” are welcome :) We will also have some hot chocolate after skating.      
