Mr. Glazier - Archived 06/2013 Notes

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Posted: October 24, 2012

          Students have been asked to bring in a stuffed animal from home for a class activity tomorrow. We will be playing an exchange game where they have to present their animal to a partner i.e. "Jai un chien" (a dog). "Est-ce que je peux avoir ton animal en peluche" (can I have your stuffed animal), etc.

Posted: October 23, 2012

        Next week in art class, we will be constructing poppies out of egg cartons. The poppies will be displayed on our bulletin board for Remeberance Day. If you have any cartons at home, could you please send them to school with your child. Thank you.

Posted: October 22, 2012

          Our theme for this week will be animals. It will be based on what we have learned thus far i.e Il/Elle s'appelle, Il/Elle a x ans, etc. We will also focus on the letter Jj.Guided reading will continue each morning.  In math, we will begin to review and focus on ship couting by 5, 10, 25 and 100 en francais. Show and tell will be explained and demonstrated by me in class this week. We will commence on November 1st.  Homework:   1)*** Read each night for 15 minutes*** Please make sure your child fill's in their reading log and places in the book bag. 2) Read letter Jj sheet (placed in reading bag) 3) Cursive writing letter Jj. 4) Practice Celin Dion song (refer to web link on my page) 4) Math may be sent home depending how much we accomplish in class. Continue to utilize Learn Alberta website and link on my page for counting and palce value purposes.   This week there will be a Guess the Candy contest. You can make a guess for .25 cents. The jar and tickets will be outside the cafeteria.   Scholastic orders for November will be sent home on Tuesday. Orders will be due November 9th. Some orders for October have been back ordered. As soon As I receive them, I will place them in your child's reading bag.   Let's all have a great week. Please contact me if you have any quetions?            

Posted: October 18, 2012

          This week we concentrated on the sound S. We also practiced writing Ss in cursive. Guided reading took place in class, and their new books have been well rehearsed for next week. Our old 'mots courants" i.e. je suis, moi, toi, etc have now been placed on our word wall, and new ones added to our board. They can be reviewed on the bottom of the S sheet found in their book bags. Our writing activity for the week focused on what our dream school would look like...'Mon école de rêve." In math we moved on to learn how to compare and order numbers up to 1,000. They all have a solid foundation from previous years. Our task as a class is to now take that knowledge and translate it in French. They are however, quickly picking up on the appropriate terms we have been discussing, and am impressed to say the least :) We also played some math games from the Learn Alberta site to reinforce concepts. Please refer to the site at home if you have a chance (the link is located on my page). On Tuesday, students from Croft came to visit. They delivered a message concerning Miramichi's food bank, and how students at Gretna Green can become involved in order to aid the food bank during their outing on Halloween night. Refer to GG's website for more details.  Thursday, we exchanged our books in the library. They were all glad to see the librarian back this week. Tomorrow, students will continue to discuss their bucket list items and "fillers" in guidance. We will also review material from the previous 4 days. To cap everything off, we will read to our 'buddies" in Kindergarden. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions and/or concerns. ***Note*** Halloween Dinner tickets will be placed in their reading bags tomorrow morning. The return date for the tickets is Friday, October 26. Cheers, M.Glazier

Posted: October 15, 2012

          This week in class we will be learning the sound "S" en français. We will also continue to rehearse new guided reading books (level A) in preparation for next week's readings. We will also be discussing what we like and do not like as a theme (ce que j'aime et ce que je ne aime pas") at school. The theme compliments preferences and needs, and will focus on an animal of their choice as both discussion and writing topics. A head's up to parents, in November we will begin show and tell in class. Details to follow near the end of the month. The goal is to have your child speak/present what they have learned thus far in a different context. Homework: Français - 1) reading each night (guided book and letter S sheet)                 2) cursive writing (letter S) Math - continue to view and practice math websites on my teacher page. (Counting, representing numbers i.e. base 10, place value) Notes: - Crofts students will be visiting on Wednesday to present a project to our students at GG           - Popcorn Wednesday           - Library Thursday Please contact me if you have any questions. Cheers :)    

Posted: October 12, 2012

          We managed to finish everything that had been planned for this week, yeah! We learned the vowel Uu en français, continued to read new books, and practiced our fire escape plan. We also continued our unit on representing numbers up to 1,000. We began to work in our math textbooks. We learned how to use our textbook to copy questions and answer them in our binders (work in progress). We finished the week off by reading to our kindergarden friends in Mrs.Wall's class.  Mid-term reports were sent home today. The class was briefed on what the mid-term report actually is, and that it is similar to their communication binders. An explanation of each category in the report was dicussed as a class. Please continue to read over the weekend and return book bags on Monday. Guided reading books (levels A&B) and a new recording sheet will commence on Monday. These are books that have been rehearsed in class and compliment the vowel sounds we have been learning. Have a great weekend!

Posted: October 11, 2012

Our school librarian was out today. Students will exchange their books next Thursday.

Posted: October 9, 2012

    A busy 3 days ahead of us en 3e année. This week is Fire Prevention Week! There will be a presentation on Wednesday morning and a fire drill at some point throughout the week. Mad Science also continues this week for those who are registered on Wednesday and Thursday. Interim Report Cards will also be handed out on Friday. As far as homework goes, everyone will again be receiving new books to read each night. Please ensure you child reads for 15 minutes, records what they have read on their sheet and returns to school the next day. We will also be learning the vowel U en francais and how to write Uu in cursive. In math, we will be continuing our unit on numbers. We will be working on ways to represent numbers up to 1000 (place value). Math homework may be sent home this week depending how much is accomplished in class due to our shortened schedule. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at school. Thank you :) 

Posted: October 5, 2012

Today marks a milestone in your child's education. I am proud to announce that your child is a bilingual student/role model at Gretna Green Elementary. 1 month has already passed! I am amazed at their progress thus far :) All have come along way. This being said, we still have 9 months to go and a lot of work ahead of us, but with their and your continued efforts, we will continue to make great strides. Felicitation mes amis :)

Posted: October 2, 2012

Today in class we began learning how to represent numbres up to 3 place values en francais. We then proceeded with a class activity. It was corrected and handed back to your child. I've attached another copy of the assignment that I would like to see completed and returned to school by Friday. Any questions, please let me know. Merci beaucoup.  

Posted: October 1, 2012

  Alot of great comments have been mentioned about your child's progress thus far en francais! Lets keep it up :)     Homework for this week includes (copy also found in reading bags): French - 1) Guided reading book (new book each night). Please return each day. 2) Letter Ii and Oo in cursive. We are learning our vowels in french 3) Ortho (spelling of mots courants & mots outils) i.e. Je suis, toi, lundi, etc  4) Real aloud vowel sheets A,E,I and O (found in guided reading bag)                          Math -  Numbers 60 & 70 in french.   *Note popcorn is on Wednesday and library in on Thursday. Thanksgiving Monday October 8th. No school Tuesday Oct 9th for students (PD session for teachers). Please contact me if you have any questions??? Cheers Mr. Glazier

Posted: September 28, 2012

Another great week has come and gone. This week we reviewed the vowels a, e and i. We also practice our new books for next week. In math we explored ways to represent numbers up to the hundreds. Friday was extremely busy! The day began with the walking school bus, followed by bus evacuation practice, school assembly and reading buddies. That's all for now. Enjoy the weekend.

Posted: September 25, 2012

Our class will begin Scholastic Book orders (Club de lecture) for the month of October. If you would like to order books for your child, please indicate on the back of the student order form and return to school by Monday October 1st. If writing a cheque, please make payable to Scholastic Canada Ltd. *Please make note of the price under the correct provincial column. If you have any questions, please ask.

Posted: September 25, 2012

Please remember to send you child's "book bag" (a.k.a trousse de livre) to school each day. They will receive a new book to bring home and practice.

Posted: September 24, 2012

          Homework for this week includes: French - 1) Guided reading book (new book each night). Please color in the book that you have read that night.               2) Letter Ee in cursive. We are learning our vowels in french               3) Ortho (spelling) Je suis, toi, un, une, le, la, de, c'est, et, moi.                4) Real aloud the letter Ee sheet (found in guided reading bag) Math -   Numbers 35-50 in french. Previous link on my teacher page has many great examples/activities.   *Note popcorn is on Wednesday and library in on Thursday. Terry Fox will be on Wednesday afternoon and Walk to School Friday morning. Refer to school website for more details :) Please contact me if you have any questions??? Cheers Mr. Glazier  
