Mr. Glazier - Archived 06/2013 Notes

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Posted: February 7, 2013

Unfortunately old man winter does not want to cooperate. Skating will have to be postponed until further notice.

Posted: February 6, 2013

Please remember to bring a scarf (if you have one) to school tomorrow. We will be filming our Bonjour l'hiver video.

Posted: February 4, 2013

Happy Monday to all! It is hard to believe that we are already into our first week of February. This week, we will continue our theme on winter. We will be filming our "Bonjour l'hiver" video on Thursday. I have attached the link on my page. Please practice at home if you have a chance. I would like (if possible) that everyone bring a scarf from home for the video. Friday, we will be "Skyping" with the immersion students from St. Andrews.  Valentines is just around the corner. We will be incorporating this theme as well into our weekly writing. The 14th is "Pink Shirt Day" at school. I was wondering if any parent(s) would be interested in baking some peanut-free goodies for the class that day? If so, please contact me :) In math, we are learning to use rulers. We are studying length and height of objects in mm, cm and m's. Feel free to practice withyour child at home. It's also a great opportunity to throw in some addition and subtraction problems. With that being said, we practice our doubles up to 12+12 +/- 1, substraction and multiplication up to 5x5 daily. Please practice whenever you have a chance with your child at home. I use playing cards in class to help masters basic addition and subtraction facts. When it comes to writing problems out, I have your child use a number line and/or round each number out to the nearest whole number to find their solution i.e. 83+24 =  80+20=100 and 3+4 = 7 therefore the sum is 107. The same goes for substraction. We are striving for the most effecient solution and not necessarily the most effective. Please contact em if you have any questions? In social studies, we are continuing our theme on New Brunwwick. This week we will see where we are situated in comparison to other Canadian provinces. From there, we will investigate where Miramichi and other NB cities are located. Homework: - read 15 minutes each night - cursive writing litter Bb - practice reading letter B sheet *** Please return book bags each day to school*** Reminders: Wednesday is popcorn day Thursday is library day Friday (fingers crossed) we will be skating from 9 - 9:45. Please remember to bring your helmets. If you have any question, comments or concerns please contact me. We can make arrangements to speak if need be. Cheers!

Posted: February 1, 2013

Due to yesterday's unseasonable weather and today windchill factor skating will be re-scheduled. Here's hoping we can make it out next week!

Posted: January 28, 2013

This week: We will be continuing our theme on winter. Last week we were able to write two pieces of writing pertaining to winter. One piece was about winter activities and the other about hot chocolate. We will continue working on the “organization trait” and implement as many “mots frequents” (frequent grade 3 spelling words) and new sounds as possible in our writings. Friday, we will also be Skyping with a grade 3 FI class at St. Andrew's. We will be writing our scripts this week. I placed both the letter Dd and Pp reading sheets in your child’s trousse de livre. Please ensure that they practice reading these sheets and their nightly book throughout the week. PLEASE return their trousse de livre to school daily. As for cursive writing, we practice the letter Pp today. Letter Pp is to be completed by next Monday. In math, we continue to work with time and the calendar. We will soon be learning about measurement. I must add that we practice adding and subtracting multiples of ten i.e 54+33 and having students break down the question i.e 50+30 = 80 and 4+3=9 therefore 80+9 = 89 or by having students add/subtract on a number line adaily during our morning routine/message. We also practice multiplying up to 5x5. It would be beneficial to have your child either practice, or you ask them random addition/subtraction and multiplication (up to 5x5) at home on a sheet of loose leaf, and see what they are able to come up with. If you have any questions/concerns or would like extra math exercises, please feel free to contact me. Every little bit helps. There are also numerous math websites on the internet. Feel free to explore. In social studies, we are exploring where New Brunswick is in relation to North America. We also took a virtual tour around various attractions in New Brunswick via Google Maps today in class. Everyone enjoyed this activity! Wednesday is Popcorn...don't forget your $0.50. Thursday is library, don't forget your books!!! IMPORTANT INFO!!!     We will be skating this Friday, February 1 from 10-11 am. Please make sure students bring their skates and helmets. If you require skates or a helmet, please let me know. If any parents or grandparents would like to come and help tie skates, your help would be greatly appreciated.Today we went to Carrefour Beausoleil to watch a French play. Stay tuned for pictures of our outing.   Gretna Green is also selling tickets @ 0.50$ each for a chance to win one of the two hockey jerseys. Cheers! 

Posted: January 24, 2013

Please remember to have permission slips for Monday and Tuesday's field trip in to me before Monday, January 28th. Thank you.   P.S. I have re-scheduled skating for next Friday from 10-11. Let's hope the weather cooperates! :)

Posted: January 21, 2013

A cold snap is upon us. Recess will be held indoors until further notice. With that being said, our Friday skating time has been put on hold as well. I am hoping that we will be able to enjoy our school rink sometime soon. This week in French, our focus will once again be reading and writing. Our theme for the next few weeks will revolve around "winter." I am pushing writing this semester and working closely with the writing traits text in class. We are learning to develop ideas and details this month. Spelling and word work accompanie's these activities. My goal is to have them produce as many solid pieces of writing as possible between here and the end of the year.  In math, we continue to study time and the calendar. Soon we will move onto measurement. It would be beneficial to practice hours and minutes at home on a clock i.e. 1 represents 5 minutes, 2 represents 10 minutes, etc. By February, my goal is to move onto adding/subtracting along with graphing. In social studies, we continue to learn about direction, compassing, and mapping. We will soon move on to discuss New Brunswick  Homework:French - read 15 minutes every night! Please record what you are reading in your reading logs/BINGO sheets and return your book to school the next day. I have extra copies of both sheets if needed. - Cursive writing letter Dd. Math - practice telling time at home. Do not be concerned with 24 hrs. Reminders:Wednesday is popcorn day (.50 cents)Thursday is libraryFriday's skating session postponed until further notice. 

Posted: January 15, 2013

I should clarify one point about the Bingo reading challenge. Each square represent's a different person that you child can potentially read to. If your child decide's to read to someone who is wearing glasses and happens to have brown eyes, then they can only stamp one sqaure and not both of them. The object of the challenge is to read to as many different people/times as possible. A few students also mentioned that they were not able to stamp some of the squares. For instance, their grandmother or cousin(s) happens to live elsewhere, etc. In this case, they simply need to find somone who is/happens to be a grand-mother or cousin to someone else and not necessarily theirs in order to stamp those particular squares. Students could also choose to use other means of communication such as telephoning or internet in order to receive their stamp. This activity is meant to be fun and provide and added "boost" for your child to read/enjoy the texts they have to read each night at home. Be creative as possible and have fun :) Any questions, feel free to contact me.

Posted: January 14, 2013

Our first Monday of 2013! We spent the better half of the morning organizing and lining our ducks in a row. We also spent some time cleaning out our “trousse de livres.” I also a few handouts such as the “Cahier de sons”, “Bingo” reading challenge, “Common grade 3 French Immersion words” along with the letter “N” sound sheet in their trousse. All handouts are to either stay at home or in their trousse de livre.   The cahier de sons can be read at home or you may choose to ask your son/daughter to practice writing these and/or similar words with the same sounds at home. Breaking words up into syllables (sounding out their words) is extremely helpful.   The BINGO challenge is sometime new this term. I must add that the class in general is doing very well in reading and I am impressed! The challenge is to read each night and stamp all the squares as soon as possible to as many different people as they can. I mentioned that bingo dabbers can be purchased at the Dollar store if they would like to add more excitement to the challenge, or that they could simply add a sticker here at school the following day. The first one to complete their card will be entered in a class draw to win a prize. I have other cards available once the current one is complete.   I also added the common grade 3 French Immersion words that are expected to be mastered by the end of the year. These are words that we have been practicing and continue to practice daily. I simply wanted to give you an idea of what is expected and what we incorporate in our reading and writing. By all means feel free to practice weekly at home if you wish. Please contact me if you have any questions.   The letter “N” was also added in your child’s trousse this week. Please read this sheet nightly. Cursive writing for the letter Nn is to be completed for Friday as well.   In math, we continue to work on our new time and space unit. This week, our focus is on time i.e. how many seconds in a minute, how many activities we can accomplish in a minute, weeks in a month, months in a year, etc. Mental math, family facts, double +/- 1, 2 etc continues to be a primary focus as well.   We have also begun to study mapping/direction skills and the province of New Brunswick in social studies. We began today we a class activity that incorporated learning such words as “en avant”, “en arrière et a coté.   Notes: * Scholastic book orders are due January 17th.  * Crazy Sock Hop - The Student Council has a Sock Hop planned for recess time.  Where your crazy socks and get ready to dance! * As soon as our rink is ready we will go outside as a class to skate. Remember that helmets are mandatory.

Posted: January 11, 2013

Thursday,I sent home student's math quizes (completed before holidays) on patterns. For those not yet signed and returned, could you please do so for Monday. Thank you.

Posted: January 9, 2013

 Happy New Year and welcome back! I enjoyed hearing stories about everyone’s holiday break.   This is a short week, so we will be using the remainder of time to re-establish our routines. Books along with a new monthly “Bingo” contest/tracking sheet will be placed in reading bags on Monday. New spelling words will also be sent home on Monday to practice throughout the week in preparation for weekly quizzes on Friday’s.    We started a new unit in Math today. We will be learning about time and measurement. I do not anticipate this unit to take much time in order to complete. Looking ahead, our next unit will be on addition and subtraction. We continuing to practice mental math strategies and doubles i.e. 2+2 = 4 and doubles +/- 1 i.e. 2+3=5, 5+4=9, etc on a daily basis. Our "Tour du monde" flash card game continues to be a hit with everyone.    Our skating rink is up and running.  We will be booking a day soon to go out and enjoy the ice.  Parents are welcome to join us J Sudents are reminded that they must have skates and a helmet to go on the ice!  If you don't have any, let me know and I'll see if I can track some down. I will post a note on my page as soon as our time has been allocated.   Mr. Glazier 

Posted: December 18, 2012

The last week before Christmas! A busy and exciting few days before vacation. With that being said, our normal class routine will be somewhat interupted. A few videos "Me Voici 2" entitled "Ma Famille" have been placed on my page. The remainder will all be up by Friday. I am very pleased with their progress thus far. Aside from a few minor errors in their videos, everyone has and continues to progressing well in the course. They have come along way in 4 months! Bravo! As far as reading goes this week, much will be done in-class. I have set guided reading aside this week due to the many activities and practices taking place leading up to tomorrow's concert. We will read in class. Kelly Richard (math mentor) visited the class today and facilitated a Senteo math activity. Senteo is an electronic device students can use to answer questions. It looks similar to a remote control with a unique password for each student. After the holidays, my goal is to utilize this technology and administer mini-quizes once a week. Popcorn will be free for all students tomorrow. Youpi! Reminder to return all library books. The librarian would liek to have them before the holidays so that they can be placed back on the selves and catalogued. We will finish the week with a class party. We will watch Christmas videos, play games and decorate homemade gingerbread cookies compliments of my mother :P Their Christmas art, activites, and cards will all be sent home as well. Hope to see you all at the concert tomorrow. Happy Holidays!

Posted: December 14, 2012

With Christmas just around the corner and everything else in between, there will be no homework this weekend. Enjoy :)

Posted: December 11, 2012

Hope everyone enjoyed their snow day yesterday. Only 8 schools days remaining until Christmas break! In French, we will begin filming our "Me Voici 2" video. Stay tuned. I hope to have the video up by Friday.  Our focus will be on the letter H this week. Their new sheet has been placed in their trousse de livre to practice at home. In terms of cursive writing, Hh has already been covered when we practiced "Ch" a few weeks ago. Letters to Santa have also been drafted and revised. I will send them out after school today. I requested 1 class letter from Canada Post be sent to the school. Guided reading continues as usual. Your son/daughter may have the same book to read at home depending on what was accomplished in our small groups. They can continue to masters their sounds, comprehension, fluidity, etc. Please ensure reading takes place each night for 10-15 minutes. If you require a new reading log sheet, please let me know. I can attach a new one to their existing copy. Math is coming along. My goal is to complete our pattern unit before break. With that being said, we may have an in-class quiz on the 21st. I also started a new mental math duo-tang with the class. After X-Mas, we will ahve a series of activites to accomplish in order to prepare ourselves for the grade 3 provincial exam. Aside from that, tomorrow we will be decorating a class X-Mas tree I cut over the weekend. Our classroom door will be decorated Thursday. Judges will be coming around on Friday to judge all doors. Fingers crossed we can win a pizza party this time around :P Notes: Wednesday - popcorn day Thursday - library Friday - Christmas meal will only be the only one served that day in the cafeteria. X-Mas concert next Wednesday (19th) Storm date is Thursday the 20th.  Cheers!

Posted: December 7, 2012

Communication duo-tangs will be sent home on Monday. Not enough hours in the day :) Have a great weekend!
