Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

French immersions math and science

Posted: October 3, 2019

ShowMe is an online platform where students can go to find short tutorial for what is being taught in class.  Students can also create a tutorial to show their learning and post it to our group in order to help their friends learn the new concepts.  The school has paid for the memberships.


To join the class use the following group codes:

Grade 6 yezn

Grade 7 DISX

Grade 8 pcBu


Math 6/7

-We did a review today.  The practice questions are posted below.  We then took time to hook everyone up with their ShowMe account. 

-Grade 7 test on divisibility rules will be Monday.

-Grade 6 Questions from text book will be reviewed tomorrow.  P. 65 Q 2, 3, 5

Math 6

-Today we reviewed as a class all concepts taught this year.  Students then had time to work on the homework. P. 65 Q 2, 3, 5, 8.

-Some students have their accounts set up for ShowMe.  We will try to get the rest of the students set up tomorrow.

Science 8

-We talked about lenses.  Notes are posted below.   We took a nature walk.   Beautiful day around Gretna Green. 

Posted: October 2, 2019

Grade 6: tous les facteurs

Here is a short tutorial video for finding all the factors of 30.  (Rainbow method)

Posted: October 2, 2019

Grade 6: tous les facteurs

Here is a short tutorial video for finding all the factors of 30.  (Rainbow method)

Posted: October 2, 2019

Math 8

-We did the formative test today.  I corrected it at lunch and passed it back so students can use it to study for the test that counts on Friday.

-Mathletics assignments are due Sunday night.

Math 7

-Students were given a formative worksheet on the divisibility rules.  This will be corrected tomorrow in class.  Test will be Friday.  Divisibility rules should now be memorized.

-Test were passed back and need to be signed.

Math 6 from the split

-See notes attached below.  We worked on finding all factors of a number and finding primary factors.  Students should try the questions from the text p 65 Q 2, 3 and 5.

Math 6

-We reviewed how to divide today.  We reviewed how to find all the factors for a number (rainbow method) and started to learn how to find the primary factors for a number (tree method).  We watched a video tutorial on primary and composite numbers.   P. 65 Q 2 is for homework.  Students should be going over their notes to learn all the new vocabulary.

Science 8

-We had a wonderful class watching all the lab safety videos.  They were creative, entertaining and educational.  We then went over some common French errors that students made in the videos.  While I do not take marks off for French errors, it is important to make note of them and review how to correct them so that students are able to improve their French. 

PDF icon oct_2nd_math_6_from_split.pdf449.79 KB

Posted: October 1, 2019


Math 6


-Today we learnt about factors, prime and composite numbers.  Notes are attached below.   Homework is page 61 Q 1, 3, and 5.


-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night.


-We are slowly starting to get everyone signed in to the ShowMe app.


Math 6/7


-Grade 6 worked on multiples and finding factors today.  Grade 7 continued their work with the divisibility rules.  They saw how to use a table to represent their understanding.   Questions from text due for homework.


Math 8


-We went over the homework and practiced some more PEDMAS questions.  Formative test will be tomorrow.   Depending on how they do we plan to have the real test on Friday.


Posted: September 30, 2019

Math 8

-Today we continued our work with PEDMAS and integers.  This is a difficult concept as students need to put together what they learnt in grade 7 with what we learnt this year.

Math 7

-Students need to have the divisibility rules memorized.

-Mathletics due Sunday night.  Remember to go between your two classes by using the drop down bar under your avitar.

-Students should be bringing a cheap pair of headphones to class.  We will be starting a “flipped” class.  Students will need headphones to use the ShowMe app for instructions.

Math 6 from the split class

-Students watched a video and then had time to work on three questions from the text on factors.  This should be completed for next class.

Math 6

-Today we learnt about composite numbers and reviewed multiples.  Students found common multiples. 

Science 6/7

-Students need to become more independent learners.  Students worked on their literacy skills.  Students need to be able to read scientific materials.  They reviewed the three states of matter and the particle theory.  We will not be in the lab this week as they are not working independently. 

-We also went over how students should be using the lines on the page when they take notes or write answers.  Basic work skills need to be improved before we can work independently in the science lab.

Science 6

-Students went to the lab today.  We had a demonstration on how to use a microscope.  Once students were done the naming the parts of the microscope sheet from last Monday’s class, they were able to practice using a microscope.  Students were able to view several slides.  Next Monday they will have the opportunity to demonstrate how they bring a slide into focus.  

PDF icon sept_30th_math_7.pdf1.07 MB
PDF icon sept_30th_math_8.pdf218.5 KB

Posted: September 27, 2019

We had a lot of fun today!

Posted: September 26, 2019

Science 7

-We went over the particle theory of matter today.  Please check the notes below.

Math 7

-Test tomorrow on integer addition and subtraction.  We did questions in class today to review.  Students should look over their formative test.

Math 6

-Students need a parent email to join “showme”.

-Homework is to finish the word problem worksheet.


Posted: September 25, 2019

Math 8

-Students wrote the test today.

-Dress in school colours tomorrow for the assembly.

Math 7

-Formative test is to be signed and returned.  Test will be Friday.

Math 6 from split

-We learnt about multiples and composite numbers today.  Time was given to work on page 56 Q 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6.

Math 6

-We worked on word problems today.  Assignment was given out, but it is not for homework.

Posted: September 24, 2019

Math 8

-Formative test was passed back and is to be returned signed tomorrow.  Test will be first period tomorrow.

-During our second class today we started order of operations.  Please complete Question 7 and 8 on page 92.

-Mathletics assignments are due Sunday night.


-Students wrote their formative test today.

-Mathletics assignments are due Sunday night.

Math 6 from the split

-We went over what an operation is.  We then took time to correct the problems from the text.  Students should complete the workbook questions for next class.

-Mathletics assignments are due Sunday night.

Math 6

-We went over word problems today.  Students are encouraged to use a highlighter for key words.  Questions from textbook are for homework.  P.52 Q 1 p. 53 Q 2, 3, 4 and page 54 Q 8.  30 minutes was given in class to work on these problems.

-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night.


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