Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

French immersions math and science

Posted: September 23, 2019

Subtracting integers

A video tutorial to review how to subtract positive and negative numbers using the counter model.

Posted: September 23, 2019

Show Me video tutorials

If you have the Show Me app on an iPad, or you visit the Show Me website, you can search my name for some math tutorials.  This are great to review with for a test or to use to help with homework.

Posted: September 23, 2019

Math 8

-Students completed the formative assessment.  Test will be Monday.

Math 7

-We went over the method to solve integer addition and subtraction without a model.   Students have a work sheet to complete.  Formative test will be tomorrow.  We will have a test Thursday.

Math 6 from the split.

-Students continued their work on word problems.   Worksheet was given and we will go over it in class tomorrow.

Math 6

-We started our work on N2 word problems today.  No homework.   We had a presentation the last half of class. Notes will be uploaded tomorrow when we finish going over them.

Science 6

-We went over the parts of the microscope.  We will be in the lab next Monday.

Science 6/7

-We had our test today on lab safety.

PDF icon sept_23rd_math_7.pdf3.01 MB

Posted: September 20, 2019

Mathletics is due Sunday night.

Due to some computer issues, class notes will be posted Monday.


Mathe 8

-We continued our work on the project.

Math 6

-Worked on multiplication today.

Math 6 from the split class

-We worked on Multiplication.  We then Started N2 and worked on word problems.

Math 7

-We reviewed multiplication.  Students then reviewed integers with a puzzel.

Science 6 and 7

-We will have a test on Monday on lab safety.   We reviewed in class and started our chemistry unit on solutions.

Posted: September 18, 2019

GPlease note I was out this morning and there was a supply teacher.


Walking school bus tomorrow.

Math 8

-Students did a formative test.  It will be passed back Friday and the real test will be Monday or Tuesday.  We will decide on Friday what day works best for the class.

Mathletics assignments are due Sunday night.

Math 7

-Students worked on an integer worksheet.  Students are starting to learn the “old school” method to add and subtract integers without a model.  Students need to know all three methods for the test: counter model, number line model and “old school” method.

-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night.

Math 6

-Students were given a multiplication worksheet.  This is a review sheet.   We will spend some time reviewing how to multiply two digit by three digits this week.   This will prepare us for being able to multiply decimals.

-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night.


Science 8

-We continue to work on our grade 8 project.  The grade 8 students will be hosting the end of the month assembly.  They are preparing a dance to showcase their talents.   As a group, they are also planning an amazing race for the entire school.  It is great to see them working together.  They are learning to work as a group, while taking on leadership roles within our school.

We will be back to regular "programming" soon.  The skills they are learning during this project will help them to be better lab partners.  I am pleased with their work ethic and the new skills they are developing.   Stay tuned as I plan to post some pictures next week of all their progress.





Posted: September 17, 2019

Math 8

-We reviewed our models today and learnt how to divide integers.  Students practiced with questions in class.  No homework.

Math 7

We learnt how to represent subtraction of integers with a number line.  Q 1 and 3 are for homework.  Notes posted below.  Mathletics is due Sunday night.

Math 6

-Students wrote their test today.  It will be passed back Friday as some students were absent and will need to write tomorrow.  Remember that Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night.  Formative assignment should be returned signed.

PDF icon sept_17th_math_8.pdf689.2 KB
PDF icon sept17th_math_7.pdf274.54 KB

Posted: September 16, 2019

Math 8

-We continued our work with multiplying integers.  P.74 Q 1 for homework.  Notes posted below.

Math 7

-Today we learnt how to do the counter model for subtracting integers.  Page 69 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. 

Time was given in science to continue working on it.

Math 6 from math 6/7

-We reviewed how to add and subtract without a calculator.   Mr. Walsh reviewed with the students the assignment to practice for the test tomorrow.  Corrections are posted below.

Math 6

-We reviewed how to add and subtract without a calculator.  Students did a puzzle to practice. We used the first part of science class today to review for the test tomorrow.   Corrections posted below.

-Assignment should be signed.

-Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.

Science 6/7

-Notes posted below.  Students should be memorizing their safety symbols at home.

-Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.

Science 6

-We read about how microscopes were discovered.  No homework.

-Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.

Posted: September 13, 2019

Students were given the Mathletics logins today.  please take a look at the info video to see how it all works.



Posted: September 12, 2019

All books should be covered.   Mathletics will start tomorrow.  J


Math 8

-No class on Thursdays

Science 6/7

-We went over the safety rules.  We did a matching for lab equipment.  We started our work with WHIMIS.   Worksheet will be finished in class tomorrow.

Math 7

-We had our pictures during this class.  We corrected homework and started the model for adding integers with a number line.   Test Tuesday.

Math 6 from spilt class

-We did some review questions together and then they went with Mr. Walsh to work on the assignment.  Test will be early next week

Math 6

-We continued our review as a class.   Work sheet was given as a review assignment.  Test will be early next week.


Posted: September 11, 2019

Adding integers video

A tutorial for grade 7 and 8 students on how to add integers using the counter model.


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