Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

French immersions math and science


Posted: November 2, 2021

All work can be found in Teams and OneNote.   For those students who can not get this option to work below you will find work to keep you up to date.

Math 8

Today we are reviewing area of rectangles and paraellograms from grade 7.  Our next topic is surface area of 3d shapes.   I have posted three videos on my youtube channel to watch and then an assignment for practice to confirm that you are ready to move onto the grade 8 work.

Science 8

Today we continue our work on refraction.   I posted a video on my youtube channel to go over the questions from yesterday.   You can watch it and add information you may have missed into your notes from yesterday.   I was able to correct some of them that were done earlier in the day yesterday.  You will see my feedback in your notes.

After the video, their is a section of Omniscience 8 page 111 that I would like you to read.   It is a follow up to the lab we did last week.

In the homework section of OneNote science 8   (click on your name, click on Homework section, click on todays date) are the questions for you to answer today.   Again, only you and I can see pages as long as you click on your name first.   Look back latter for feedback.


I was bussy all day with questions for you all.   Send me a chat or email and I will get back to you as soon as I can.   We had 25 of 29 students in our class online working yesterday.    

Posted: November 1, 2021

If office 365 is not working for you please let me know.

Math 8:

video lesson

Helpful Websites

Exemples des polyèdres et les développement: 



Des liens si tu veux couper et former des polyèdres: 



Attached below is the form assignment to check comprehension.


Science 8

 video lesson


Questions to check underdstanding:

Répondre les questions suivantes: 


  1. 1. Nomme et dessine les deux types de lentilles dans le vidéo.

  2. 2. Explique quand la lumière dévie.   Qu'Est-ce  que le mot dévie veut dire?  

  3. 3. Nomme les trois types de variables et explique les. 






Posted: January 28, 2021

Math 6

-We will have a short quiz on adding decimals Friday.

-We learn how to calculate the volume of a rectangular prism.  Notes and a turorial video are in the class Notebook in office 365.

-Q 1 and 2 are for homework.  Most students finished this in class.

-Students should be doing 15 minutes of Mathletics or netmath at home.

Math 7

-Students learnt about moyene et mode today.  Page 260 Q 1, 2, 3, and 4 are for homework.

-Students should be working on Mathletics and netmath for 15 minutes at home to practice each night.

-Notes and tutorial video can be found in the class notebook.


Math 8

- Section 6.1 Q 6, 7, 8, et 10

-Section 6.2 5, 6, 8, 9 et 10

-Mathletics (activities and Quest)

-Netmath (assigned work)

Science 7 and 8

The following is work students should be completing for Sunday night:

-Upcycling prototype planning is due Sunday night.  Please load this to oneNote.  Rubric and notes are posted.  This is where you pick the object you are going to upcycle and make a list of materials needed.  Next week will be your week to make it.   We will display this project the week before March break.  Take pictures of the process.  Keep a journal of what you did.

-Pollution plastique, attention danger  (questions after reading information on the website)

-Upcycling planning sheet  (Many students passed in a paper copy.  It is posted in OneNote.)  The goal is to narrow choices to three possible ones that you could make at home.

-Vocabulary sheet.  Students should know what each word means so that they can use the vocabulary in their project.


Posted: December 14, 2020

Math 6

-Students will get the practice test back tomorrow. We will go over all answers in class.  This will tell the students what they need to study for the test on Wednesday.   Most students did not know the names of the angles and triangles.  This needs to be memorized.  Please use teams and notes to study.  

-Today students worked on Mathletics and assignments in teams.  All assignments in Mathletics should be completed with a minimum of 60% by xmas break.  More class time will be given Thursday and Friday to work on it.

Math 7

-Students are to have all math assignments in teams and Mathletics done by Christmas break with a minimum mark of 60 %.  Time was given to work on them in class today.  Mrs. Foran, Mr. Walsh and myself were available to help students as needed.

Math 8

-Students are to complete Mathletics tasks by the end of the week.

Science 7

-We continued with the presentations today in class.

Posted: December 10, 2020

Math 6

-Practice test tomorrow.  See teams for notes.   If they do well I will count it as their final mark.

Math 7 and 8

-Mathletics assignments should be done before xmas break.

Science 7 and 8

- I am really enjoying the science presentations.   It is nice to see the variety of work and how each student chose to further their learning.

Posted: December 8, 2020

Math 7 from 7/8 

-Did a practice test. 

Math 8 

-We did a lesson on surface area of cylinder.   I have put a video, notes and suggested practice questions from the textbook in Teams class Notebook.  We will have a test on this next week. 

Math 7 

-Work period.  Assignments were turned back in teams.  We reviewed how to solve expressions when given the value of the variable.  All Teams assignments should be done.  Students will have time tomorrow to work on Mathletics assignments if they are not writing the unit test. 

Math 6 

-We went over the new ways to name 4 sided figures.  We then learnt that perimeter is the distance around a shape.  We did some examples together.  I put a video, notes and suggested questions in class Notebook.  Q 1 and 3 is for homework.   Tomorrow will be a work period.   

-In Teams click on class notebook- click on name- click on class notes- scroll to the bottom to see the study sheets for our upcoming test.  After our work period tomorrow we will pick the date for the test. 

Science 7 and 8 

-We had some good projects today.  Work is displayed on the middle level hall. 

Posted: December 2, 2020

Science is being more commonly known as STEAM: science, technology, engineering, art and math.   Tomorrow the grade 7 and 8 students will have a virtual presentation sponsored by Brilliant labs.  It will help the students to understand why ART is now being grouped with science.  Here is some information on the presenter. 


About the speaker: 


Lining Yao is an Assistant Professor at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) of Carnegie Mellon University, and an adjunct professor of Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences and Engineering. She directs the Morphing Matter Lab, developing materials, tools, and applications of adaptive, dynamic and intelligent morphing matter from nano to macro scales. Research often combines material science, computational fabrication and creative design practices. Lining and her lab work anti-disciplinarily, publishing and exhibiting across science, engineering, design and art. In 2017, Lining gained her PhD at MIT Media Lab, where she combined biological and engineering approaches to develop physical materials with dynamic and tunable properties including shape, color, stiffness, texture and density. 




Math 7 


-Students will write a practice test on r, d, c and area.  Two assignments are in teams to practice triangles and parallelograms.  Students will also find notes, videos and suggested questions from the textbook to help guide their learning.  Click on class Notebook- click on your name- click on class Notes- click on the topic you want to learn about (scroll to the bottom). 


Math 7/8 


-Students worked on Christmas concert for the first few minutes of class and then had time to further their learning in math or science. 


-Next week grade 7 will have a test on area while grade 8 will learn the grade 8 concept of surface area.   


Science 7/8 



-Work period for project today.  Students should now be completing work at home for the projects.  Presentations for this class start Tuesday. 

Posted: December 1, 2020

Math 7 and 8 

-In class Notebook students can find two sheets.  Click on your name- click on class notes- scroll down to the bottom.   The sheets have a review video lesson, and then questions to complete from the text  The triangle sheet should be completed for tomorrow.   Test next week on area and volume. 

Math 6 

-Today we did some questions on measuring angles from the textbook.  Students have an assessment sheet to complete.  Most students passed this in, but if they were not finished it is for homework. 

--Review videos are in the class Notebook.  Test next week on angles and triangles. 


Science 7 and 8 

1.Research for the water project should now be completed. Students should have a list of resources that they used to find the info.    

2.Presentation: Students have chosen their method to present their findings to the class.   Time was given to create the presentation.  Bon Patron can be used to help edit their work.    

During the presentation remember to focus on: 

-Explaining the new vocabulary 

-Talk about technology use in your topic. (Equipment used) 

-Give some real-life connections or examples.  You may have pictures or videos to share. 


3.The visual art piece can be created at home or at school.  It needs to be done for Monday. 

Time remaining to work on the project at school: 

The 7/8 class will have 1 class on Tuesday and two classes on Wednesday and one class on Thursday to work on the project.  All tasks not completed will need to be done at home. 

The 7 class will have three classes on Thursday.  All other work will be done at home.  

4.Projects will be presented next week in class. 

Posted: November 30, 2020

Math 7 and 8 

-Today we learnt how to calculate the area of a circle.    Time was also given to practice area of parallelogram and triangle in Mathletics and Netmath. 

Math 6 

-We reviewed the names of the angles.  Students then had time to work in Mathletics and Netmath where they got instant feedback on their progress. 

-Names of angles and triangles should be memorized. 

-Video to review angles and triangles is placed in teams.  Click on class Notebook- student name- class notes- scroll down until you see the page. 


Science 7 and 8 

1.Research for the water project should now be completed. Students should have a list of resources that they used to find the info.    

2.Presentation: Students have chosen their method to present their findings to the class.   Time was given to create the presentation.  Bon Patron can be used to help edit their work.    

During the presentation remember to focus on: 

-Explaining the new vocabulary 

-Talk about technology use in your topic. (Equipment used) 

-Give some real life  connections or examples.  You may have pictures or video to share. 


3.The visual art piece can be created at home or at school.  It needs to be done for Monday. 

Time remaining to work on the project at school: 

The 7/8 class will have 1 class on Tuesday and two classes on Wednesday and one class on Friday to work on the project.  All tasks not completed will need to be done at home. 

The 7 class will have three classes on Thursday.  All other work will be done at home.  

4.Projects will be

Posted: November 26, 2020

Science 7 and 8

-Research for Project should be done for Monday.   Students should now be working on their presentation.  Next week they will be working on the presentation and art component of our project.    All projects are due December 7th.   

Math 6

We are working on learning how to measure and draw angles.  Students should be learning the names at home.  Notes are in teams.  

Math 7 and 8

-We are working on area of triangles and parallelograms.   Grade 8 is also learning about nets and will be learning about surface area next week.  Notes, videos in teams.

Posted: November 17, 2020

Math 6, 7 and 8 

Math test will be Thursday.  Please use the practice assignments and test to help you know what you need to practice.  Mathletics and Netmath have practice questions that will give you answers.  Assignments in teams have been corrected.  Check grades for feedback and answers. 


Science 7 and 8 

We have started our big water research project.   Student have a topic to research.  They are to answer the questions given and create a list of 7 to 10 vocabulary words.  They will create a project to present their findings.  The method is their choice.   They will also create a visual to show their learning. 


Remember to focus on technology use in your topic and how the science concept affects our life.  Choose a method to display your learning that is interesting to you and that showcases your strengths.  Options can be power points, stop motion, bill Nye type videos, sway....   For the visual, you may choose to do a poster, model, brochure, art piece.     Let your interest and personality help you to choose an option that interest you.   This project will be due the second week of December.   I have placed the guiding sheet in Team’s notebook.  Mme. Burque will be available once a week to help with translation and the French correction.  This project will require some work to be done at home. 

Posted: November 16, 2020

What we are doing in classs this week.

Math 8 

-This week we will work on graphing.   We have done this in science.   Practice questions in Netmath and Mathletics should be done by the end of the week. 

Math 7 from split. 

-We did review questions together to practice for the test. Examples placed in teams. Students then had a practice test in teams.  When the assignment is marked it will appear in the grades section. 

-Test will be Thursday this week. 

Math 7 

-We did review questions today to get ready for our test.  I have placed these examples in the students’ notebooks in teams. 

-Mrs. Foran worked with a group of students on graphing and tables. 

-All assignments in teams should now be done and passed in. 

-Practice questions for term 1 should be done by the end of the week in both Mathletics and Netmath. 

Math 6 

-Today we used Mathletics and Netmath to practice for our test Thursday.    

-Practice test will be passed back Tuesday.  We will use Tuesday and Wednesday class to re-teach any concepts students had trouble with on the practice test.  

-Students should be working on Mathletics and Netmath this week at home to prepare for the test on Thursday.    

Science 7 

-New project was explained.   Handout was given to each student with their research questions. 

-Vocabulary sheet should now be completed. 

Posted: November 12, 2020

7/ 8 class can wear PJ tomorrow.  They can also bring a snack for the afternoon activity 


Science 7 

-We continued to learn about water basins and pollution.  Notes and worksheet was placed in teams.  We will finish the worksheet tomorrow. 

Math 7 

-Text book questions should now be done.  page 136 Q 1, 2, 4, et 6 and page 138 Q 3, 5, 7 et 8.  When done students are to take a picture and upload it to oneNote under the assignment section.  Ask for help if you need it. 

-Assignment on circumference is due Monday.  It is in teams. 

Math 6 

-Practice test tomorrow. (module 1 algebra, graphs and tables) 

Math 8 

-They did their test today on PEDMAS. 

Math 7 from the split class. 

-They learnt how to upload homework to oneNote.  Textbook questions should now be done.  page 136 Q 1, 2, 4, et 6 and page 138 Q 3, 5, 7 et 8.  When done students are to take a picture and upload it to oneNote under the assignment section. 
