Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

French immersions math and science


Posted: January 7, 2020


Math 8 

-Today we started Chapter 5 on multiplying and dividing fractions.  We did a review of fractions from grade 6 and 7.  Notes are posted below.  You can also find two videos that were posted in our ShowMe platform for review.  We learnt that multiplications are just a repeated addition.  This material covers section 5.1 of the student text.   Time was given to work on reflex and Mathletics.   

-Mathletics is due at Sunday night. 

-Reflex is a program to improve basic math facts.  Students progress through the program based on their math skills and advance only when they master (become fluent) at the previous math facts. 

-We now have a “workspace” at lunch where students can choose to stay in and work on homework.  Laptops and iPad will be available for students to make use of Mathletics and Reflex memberships. 

-Extra help is Monday at lunch. 

Math 6/7 

-We started by having everyone do the grade 6 lesson on equivalent fractions.  The grade 6 then went with Mr. Walsh to complete a worksheet to confirm understanding.  The grade 7 students continued with a review of fractions from grade 6.  This year they will be adding and subtracting fractions.  We started the first model of how to add and subtract fractions.  Notes for both lessons are posted below.   

-Time was given for students to work on Reflex and Mathletics. 

-Mathletics are due Sunday night. 

-Reflex is a program where students work on basic math facts and advance only when they master (become fluent) at the previous math facts. 

Math 6 

-We started chapter 5 on fractions.  We went over new vocabulary and worked on equivalent fractions.  Worksheet is due tomorrow. Time was given to work on Mathletics and Reflex. 

-Videos posted in ShowMe of today's lesson for review. 

Posted: December 18, 2019

We are down to only three boxes of Kleenex for the class.   If you are able, please send in a box of kleenex for the new year.




Math 8

-We cooked a holiday breakfast of hash browns and pancakes this morning. 

-This afternoon marks were passed back.  Students worked at their own pace to complete tasks.  Some students worked on corrections for the unit test.   (Re test tomorrow).  Some students worked on their basic math facts with Reflex.  Some students worked on enrichment questions on Mathletics.

Math  7

-Friday students can bring a mug as we will be having hot Chocolate.

-Waiting for one student to write the assessment before I give back results to students.

Math 6

-Friday students can bring a mug for hot chocolate.

-Students worked to finish up assignments.


Posted: December 16, 2019

Bake Sale for Theatre arts club.

All students need a book for reading after they are completed their math assessment.

Math 8

-We went over the December review this morning.  See answers posted below.

-Assessment tomorrow.

Math 6/7

-Re did some review puzzels today.  Students did a class review. Personalized review was done using Mathletics.  I assigned review questions depending on where each student was struggling.  Time was given to work on Reflex.

-District assessment tomorrow.

Math 6

-We worked on Office 360 today with Mr Duplessie.   Students learnt how to use a function to read and dictate in word.  They learnt how to save and turn in assignments electronically. 

-Students had time to use Mathletics to do a personalized review.

-District assessment tomorrow.

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Posted: December 13, 2019

Math 7

-We spend some time working at our own pace this morning.  Students worked on their Mathletics and reflex.  We then did a group review with the grade 7 students using the Senteo responders.   We finished the class with some review questions for the end of chapter 3.  Grade 6 did a formative assessment of decimals.

Math 6

-We did corrections for multiplying decimals.  Once students passed their corrections and did an exit slip (two questions to check understanding), they worked on review questions in Mathletics and then practiced their basic math facts in Reflex.  A note was sent home this week with passwords so parents can see how to log in to reflex.  Students can practice their basic math facts at home.

Math 8

-Review Assignment was passed back and is to be .  This is a good review for the district assessment Tuesday.  Students then had time to work on finishing their Mathletics.  If students completed Mathletics they worked on Reflex to improve their basic math facts.

-Students did a formative assessment for unit three. 

Posted: December 12, 2019

Math 8

-We did personalized learning today.  Students could finish the review, work on Mathletics or do reflex.  I was able to circulate and give help to students.

-District assessment Tuesday.

Math 7

-We went over the review in class today.  Answers posted below.

Math 6

-We finished the review.  Answers posted below.

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Posted: December 11, 2019

Math 8

-Students had time to work on the review packet.  I placed some review and practice questions on Mathletics but they are not due Sunday night.   Students are working at their own pace to review for the assessment.   I will be available at lunch tomorrow to help grade 8 students.

-District assessment Tuesday.

Math 6/7

-Today we did some questions together. (multiplying and dividing decimals).  The difference between grade 6 and grade 7 is that grade 7 students are expected to be able to solve questions where both the dividend and divisor are decimals. (2.34 ÷ 2.2).   

-Grade 6 then watched two tutorial videos on the ShowMe Platform and have to create a ShowMe for the question they were given.  This is an assessment and it will be marked.

-Grade 7 started the corrections of the review assignment.  Answers are posted below.   We will continue this tomorrow instead of science.  We will make up the science time before STEM fair.

- I was asked by some students and parents for extra practice questions for multiplying and dividing.  I assigned some Mathletics tasks.  These tasks are not due Sunday.  They are available to anyone who would like more practice.

Math 6

-We reviewed multiplying and dividing decimals by whole numbers.   We then began to correct the review package.   We will continue this tomorrow.

-I was asked by some students and parents for extra practice questions for multiplying and dividing.  I assigned some Mathletics tasks.  These tasks are not due Sunday.  They are available to anyone who would like more practice.

Posted: December 10, 2019

Math 8

-Today we went over Pythagorean theorem.  See notes below for examples.   Homework is page 34 Q 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.

-Students asked for me to create a big review packet for the district assessment.   I handed out the review today and students were given most of the class to work on it.  They may use their notes and work with a tutor or come in for extra help.

Math 6 and 7

-Today we went over the homework (dividing decimals).  Homework not done notes were given to students who did not have their work complete.

-November review booklet is due back signed tomorrow.

-District assessment is Tuesday.  One part with calculator and one part without calculator.  All material has been introduced.


Grade 7 tutorial videos posted in ShowMe for review:

Math 6

-no class today due to Christmas concert assembly.    I am still waiting for a few students to pass in their review assignment from last week.  I need these in before I hand them back to other students.  If not passed in tomorrow a zero will be given unless you have made arrangements with me.

-District assessment is Tuesday.  All material that will be on the assessment has been taught.  We will be reviewing and practicing over the next few classes.   Students may stay in at lunch if they need extra help on Wednesday.

-I posted some tutorial videos in showme 


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Posted: December 9, 2019

Last week I was in Fredericton working on assessmemnts for the province.

Please note that if you are ordering the CHristmas diner it needs to be ordered by 5pm today online.

Math 8

-We had a presentation about office 365.

-District assessment December 17th.

Math 6 and 7

-We had a presentation about office 365 in the morning.  We turned our science class into math.  Review assignments were passed back.  District assessment is next Tuesday December 17th.  Students should use the review assignment to identify where they need to study.

-We went over how to divide decimals.    In grade 7 both numbers in the question can have decimals.

Math  6

-We went over how to divide decimals.

-District assessment December 17th.


Posted: November 29, 2019

Math 6

-We are moving towards a personalized learning model where students progress at their own pace.   Today students were given a list of activities to perform and they could work through them at their own pace and seek help and re-teaching as needed.  One activity was an assessment.   As a result students are moving at their own speed as they show their learning.   Students completed a review sheet, watched a ShowMe tutorial on multiplying decimals using base 10 blocks, had the option to view other student created videos or create a tutorial to post in the class forum, practice multiplying decimals on Mathletics with instant feedback as to if the question was right or wrong and complete the summative assessment.  

-Monday students will continue where they left off with the goal of all students finishing the summative test by the end of the day.    Some students will progress along and start the next outcome of understanding place value in decimals.

-Mathletics assignments are due Sunday night.

Math 7

-Students did an assessment to identify who needs re-teaching.

-Mathletics due Sunday night.

Math 6 from split class.

-We did a seminar today where we worked with base 10 blocks.   Students will be ready for an assessment Monday.

Science 8

-No class due to assembly.

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Posted: November 28, 2019

Science 7

-Procedures were passed back with feedback.  We went over the requirements of the procedure.  Students need to list equipment, quantities of material, use correct units, steps need to be detailed, mention of how observations and measurement are being reordered.  Validity and bias need to be referenced.   Time was given to make corrections.  Students will have time in class tomorrow to conference.  Good copy is due Monday.

Math 7

-We went over section 3.1 and 3.2 of text today.   Students will have an assessment tomorrow to identify who can identify décimal périodique and décimal fini.  Students need to be able to switch fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.    Those who pass will move on to ordering numbers and fractions while those who do not pass will get some re-teaching.

Math 6 from split

-Students worked with Mr. Walsh today on estimating and multiplying decimals by a whole number.  The worksheet is to be completed for tomorrow.  Tomorrow students and I will work on base ten models.

Math 6

-We reviewed how to use base 10 models to multiply decimals by whole numbers.  We then went over how to round numbers to do estimations.  Students completed a review sheet.    Mr. Walsh and I conferenced with students to correct estimations and multiplications.  Corrections need to be done before students can try the formative test.

Science 8

-Math test was passed back and should be signed.  Students that got less than 50% are asked to come to extra help on Monday for re-teaching.

-Today we started to work on Analyze and explain outcomes. 

We reviewed the following concepts:

How to identify points in a graph.

How to fill in a table from a graph.

How to describe trends in a graph.

How to identify the trend in a table.

How to predict results using data from a table or graph.

How to identify points that do not follow the trend.

-An assignment was passed out and 20 minutes was given to work on it.  Students were asked to complete this assignment for homework.

Posted: November 27, 2019

Math 8

-We did our assessment today.   It is marked and will be passed back tomorrow.

Math 7

-We continued to work with ordering fractions and mixed numbers.  Students are to complete p. 94 Q 1, 2 and 3.

Math 6

-We did a general review today and then continued our work with multiplying decimals.  New material was solving word problems.  Tomorrow we will be correcting work.  Homework is page 94 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  Students also need to have the names of the decimal place values memorized.

Science 8

-Today we worked as a class to complete the district STEAM challenge.  We build a way to turn off the lights.  It was good to see students observing and problem solving when it did not work.   Good discussion was had as students gave their opinions of what needed to be modified to make it work.  Bravo!




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Posted: November 26, 2019

Math 8

-We did a formative test today.  It was corrected and handed back over lunch and we reviewed all the answers.   Test that counts is tomorrow.

Math 7

-We did a general review today with the grade 6 and then we went on to comparing and ordering numbers.   Students need to be able to place fractions, decimals and mixed numbers on a number line.  No homework today.

Math 6

-We did a general review today and then worked on multiplying decimals.  We looked at the base 10 model method the book uses.   Question c from notes posted below is for homework.

Posted: November 25, 2019

Math 8

-We corrected homework from last week.  Questions for tomorrow are p. 55 Q 4, 5, 11 and 13.

-Mathletics due Sunday night.

Math 7

-We reviewed multiplying decimals and the term décimaux finis et décimaux périodiques.

-We practiced turning fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions. 

-Homework page 89 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Math 6

-We learnt how to multiply decimals.  See show me for examples and the notes posted below.

-Questions from board in notes below are to be finished for homework.  (split class also has Q 5 and 6 from textbook.)

Science 6

-We went over quantitative and qualitative observations.   Students were then given time to finish the double bar graph given to them by Mme Aresenault.  This bar graph is for homework.


Science 6/7

-We went over what should be in a procedure.  Notes were given.  Students are to have their good copy done for next class.  Rubric of how it will be marked was passed out.

Posted: November 20, 2019

Math 8

-We continued our work with estimating square roots.  We went over questions from the text.  Students did a puzzle to reinforce knowing theith perfect squares. 

-Students need to memorize perfect squares up to 144, but is is recommended to know them up to 400 in order  to make the work easier.

-Students should also be reviewing how to find primary factors using the division method.  This is used to find the square root of a large number without a calculator.

-Students must have a calculator for each class.

-p. 30 Q 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11

-Duotang of marked work should be returned signed.

Math 7

-We started chapter 3 today.  We went over <<décimaux finis et décimaux périodique>>.  We also reviewed how to switch a decimal to a fraction and a fraction to a decimal.

-Students need a calculator for class.

-Homework p. 88 Q 1, 2, 3 and 4  (25 minutes in class given to work on this).

-Test passed back to be signed and corrected.

Math 6 from split

-Test passed back.  It should be signed and corrected.

-Time given to work on Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.

-Tomorrow we start chapter 3.

Math 6

-We started chapter three today.  We went over how to estimate multiplication and division of decimals.  Practice questions this week assigned in Mathletics for division.

-Homework to complete questions from the lesson for estimating decimals.  This is the second last slide.  (textbook questions are not for homework).

-Test should be returned signed and corrected.

Science 8

-We did some guided reading about optics in medicine, communications and use of optics for light.

-We watched a video to demonstrate the above applications.   This is part of the science and Environment and knowledge strand of the curriculum.

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Posted: November 19, 2019

Math 8

-We looked at how to estimate square roots. 

-Homework p. 15 Q 13, p. 16 Q 14 and 15, p. 25 Q 4, 5, 8, P.26 Q 12.

Math 6 and 7

-Wrote test

Math 6

-Wrote test.

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