Posted: January 7, 2020
Math 8
-Today we started Chapter 5 on multiplying and dividing fractions. We did a review of fractions from grade 6 and 7. Notes are posted below. You can also find two videos that were posted in our ShowMe platform for review. We learnt that multiplications are just a repeated addition. This material covers section 5.1 of the student text. Time was given to work on reflex and Mathletics.
-Mathletics is due at Sunday night.
-Reflex is a program to improve basic math facts. Students progress through the program based on their math skills and advance only when they master (become fluent) at the previous math facts.
-We now have a “workspace” at lunch where students can choose to stay in and work on homework. Laptops and iPad will be available for students to make use of Mathletics and Reflex memberships.
-Extra help is Monday at lunch.
Math 6/7
-We started by having everyone do the grade 6 lesson on equivalent fractions. The grade 6 then went with Mr. Walsh to complete a worksheet to confirm understanding. The grade 7 students continued with a review of fractions from grade 6. This year they will be adding and subtracting fractions. We started the first model of how to add and subtract fractions. Notes for both lessons are posted below.
-Time was given for students to work on Reflex and Mathletics.
-Mathletics are due Sunday night.
-Reflex is a program where students work on basic math facts and advance only when they master (become fluent) at the previous math facts.
Math 6
-We started chapter 5 on fractions. We went over new vocabulary and worked on equivalent fractions. Worksheet is due tomorrow. Time was given to work on Mathletics and Reflex.
-Videos posted in ShowMe of today's lesson for review.