Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

French immersions math and science


Posted: September 17, 2019

Math 8

-We reviewed our models today and learnt how to divide integers.  Students practiced with questions in class.  No homework.

Math 7

We learnt how to represent subtraction of integers with a number line.  Q 1 and 3 are for homework.  Notes posted below.  Mathletics is due Sunday night.

Math 6

-Students wrote their test today.  It will be passed back Friday as some students were absent and will need to write tomorrow.  Remember that Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night.  Formative assignment should be returned signed.

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Posted: September 16, 2019

Math 8

-We continued our work with multiplying integers.  P.74 Q 1 for homework.  Notes posted below.

Math 7

-Today we learnt how to do the counter model for subtracting integers.  Page 69 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. 

Time was given in science to continue working on it.

Math 6 from math 6/7

-We reviewed how to add and subtract without a calculator.   Mr. Walsh reviewed with the students the assignment to practice for the test tomorrow.  Corrections are posted below.

Math 6

-We reviewed how to add and subtract without a calculator.  Students did a puzzle to practice. We used the first part of science class today to review for the test tomorrow.   Corrections posted below.

-Assignment should be signed.

-Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.

Science 6/7

-Notes posted below.  Students should be memorizing their safety symbols at home.

-Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.

Science 6

-We read about how microscopes were discovered.  No homework.

-Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.

Posted: September 13, 2019

Students were given the Mathletics logins today.  please take a look at the info video to see how it all works.



Posted: September 12, 2019

All books should be covered.   Mathletics will start tomorrow.  J


Math 8

-No class on Thursdays

Science 6/7

-We went over the safety rules.  We did a matching for lab equipment.  We started our work with WHIMIS.   Worksheet will be finished in class tomorrow.

Math 7

-We had our pictures during this class.  We corrected homework and started the model for adding integers with a number line.   Test Tuesday.

Math 6 from spilt class

-We did some review questions together and then they went with Mr. Walsh to work on the assignment.  Test will be early next week

Math 6

-We continued our review as a class.   Work sheet was given as a review assignment.  Test will be early next week.


Posted: September 11, 2019

Math 8

-Today we reviewed the counter and number line model for multiplying integers.  Students were shown the “old school” way of solving multiplication of integers.   Homework is page 73 Q 4, 6, 7 and 8.

Math 7

-We corrected homework.  Students were given the rest of class to work on an assignment.

Math 6 from the 6/7 class

-Students began the class doing a multiplication game.   We then took notes on how to represent numbers in the symbolic, developed and in table format.   After doing some problems together on the board, students had time to work on homework.  Please see notes below.

Math 6

-We had a practice lockdown during this class.  Homework was checked and notes were given for students that did not have it completed.  Notes are to be signed and returned.   Class notes are posted below of corrections from homework.   Students are to complete the worksheet for homework if they did not finish in class.

Science 8

-Students are creating their lab safety videos.  This project is due next Wednesday.

Posted: September 10, 2019

Math 8

-We reviewed counter model for multiplying integers.  We then learnt how to model multiplication on a number line.  Homework is page 68 Q 8 c and d and Q 11 (pick one to model).

-Text book should be covered.

Math 6 and 7

-Grade 6- See notes below for review questions done in class.  Worksheet was completed and corrected in class.  No homework.  We will start a new concept tomorrow.

-Grade 7 P. 58 Q 1, 3, 4, 5, 6.  Time was given in class to work on this and most students were almost done.  Please see notes below for examples of how to show your work.

Math 6

- We reviewed ordering integers, finding the smallest number and finding the biggest number.  We then saw that we can represent numbers three ways: symbolic, developed and in a table format.   Homework is page 48 Q 1 and 3 and page 50 Q 13 (make use of table in your text book).

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Posted: September 9, 2019

Math 8

-Today we learnt how to use counters to model multiplication of integers.

-Homework is page 68 Q 5, 6, 10 and 11.

Math 6 and 7

-Today we went over number lines (vertical and horizontal).  Students practiced putting numbers in order from small to big.   Grade 6 worked on identifying which number in a set is the biggest.

Math 6

-Today we continued to work on ordering integers using a number line.  Students did some practice questions similar to what they would see on a test.  They are included in the notes below.  The last slide is the homework.  Time was given in class to work on Homework.

Science 6

-We watched two videos on lab safety.   We also started to learn the names of the equipment we will be using.   No homework.

Science 6 and 7

-We reviewed rules for lab safety.  Students have a project due Friday.  They need to choose a rule and create a poster with colour.  Some students finished in class and passed it in.

Posted: September 6, 2019

Math 8

-no class due to assembly

Math 6/7

-We did a review of our multiplication tables.  Students should have up to the 12X12 tables memorized.

-A hand out was given of numbers in French.

Science 6/7

-We discussed how to work in a team setting.  Students worked in small groups to build towers.  See pictures posted.   Homework is to finish the self evaluation (2 paragraphs in notebook with a sketch of the tower).

Math 6

-We took some notes on number lines and integers.   Notes can be found below.

-In groups, students practiced their multiplication tables.  We will be having a quiz next week in class on the multiplication tables.

Science 8

-Students finished the planning phase of the project, and started taping.   As a class we identified the important parts of the project and identified what should be in the project rubric.  It will be posted next class.

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Posted: September 5, 2019

Math 8

-no class on Thursdays.

Math 6/7

-We did our placement test today.  This does not count for the report card.

-We reviewed subtracting and division with games.

Science 6/7

-notes posted below.  Handout given on lab safety rules.

Math 6

-Students did a multiplication worksheet.  They should be reviewing at home each night their multiplication tables.  Mr. Walsh worked with students who needed more time to complete the review sheet.

Science 8

-We watched some safety videos.

-Students were placed in groups for their first project on lab safety.   Good progress today.

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Posted: September 4, 2019

Math 8

-We started our first unit on integers.  Module 2)

-Notes posted below.

Math 6/7

-Note sent home for parents.

-Students should be reviewing their multiplication tables at home.

Math 6

-Today students did a placement test to see where their Math operation skills are.  This does not count for the report card.  We will do the same test two other times during the year to monitor progress.

Science 8

-Assembly first part of class to go over middle school expectations.

-Students worked in groups of three to do a discover the book activity.  Most students finished this in class.  Questions posted below.

Posted: September 3, 2019

Math 6

-Parent information form was passed out today in class.  Please return the bottom portion.

-Student text books were handed out.   Please have them covered by Monday.


Math 8

-We did our Math Operation placement test today.  This does not count for the report card.

-Text books were handed out and need to be covered for Monday.

-Parent info sheet sent home and bottom portion is to be returned.

Posted: August 9, 2019

Math 6

Students should have a two inch binder (or an inch and a half).  A Hilroy notebook (larger) will be used for notes and homework. Graph paper that we will keep in the class.   Students will also need a duo tang that we will use as a portfolio for our marked work.   We will be working on organization this year and as such students will need a pen, pencil, highlighter and eraser.   A calculator and math set will also be needed.  


We often use our white board desks, so students may want to have some whiteboard markers.


Science 6

For the class that you have with me once a week we will use a small Hilroy notebook.  (small 80 page type). 


For the students in the 6/7 split class, they will need the items listed above but will also need an extra HilRoy notebook for Science.

Posted: June 13, 2019

Math 8

-No class on Thursday

Science 7

-We did an engineering project today.  We watched some videos on construction in earthquake zones.  Please see photo gallery.

Math 6

-We practiced switching between fractions, decimals and percent today.  See photo gallery for images.

Science 8

-We continued our work on colour and optics.  We watched Oniva.  This radio Canada French science show taped part of the episode here on the Miramichi this year.  Students loved recognizing some of their friends and neighbours in the show.

Posted: June 10, 2019

Math 8

-Second part of assessment tomorrow.  Calculator is needed.

Math 7

-Tomorrow we will be doing our  math operations assessment.  Today we practiced fractions, improper fractions and mixed numbers.  We also used a game to review how to add and subtract.

Math 6

Students completed an end of the year assessment today.

Science 6

-Students worked on the planning phase of their Airplane project.  We also went over science sketches.

Science 7

-Today students presented their project.

Posted: June 6, 2019

Math 7

-Today we finished our district assessment.  Next week students will write their school math operations test.  This is a benchmark that is done without calculator.  It assesses ability to add, multiply, subtract and divide along with other number outcomes.

-No homework

Science 7

-We will be continuing with presentations over the next few science classes.

Math 6

-Today students prepared for the math operation assessment they will do next week.  This is a general assessment of basic math facts that students do without a calculator.  They did this assessment twice this year already.  

-Some students presented their science project to me one on one.

-no homework.
