Math 8
-We solved division problems involving mixed numbers. We also looked at word problems involving fractions. Students are encouraged to use a highlighter and to identify key words in word problems.
-Homework is to complete <<Exercices suplémentaires 6>>.
-Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.
Math 7
-Review workbook was given for our fraction units. This is to be completed for homework for Thursday. All answers should be in the reduced form. Students must show their work to get the questions correct.
-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night. Time was given in class to work on Mathletics.
Math 6
-Students completed their test today. Time was given to work on Mathletics after the test.
-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night.
Science 6, 7, and 8
-Students should have the draft of the planning phase of their project done. A copy of the handout given to the students at the begining of January is attached below. It has an outline for the three types of projects and a detailled explanation for each part of the experiment type of project. If you are doing an innovation please see me for additional resources.
-Students should be completing the gathering of data at home this week.
-STEM fair update video for parents at the following link
-Weather permitting, we will have a guest speaker tomorrow from science east to talk about the scientific method and STEM fair expectations.