Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

French immersions math and science


Posted: January 16, 2019

Math 8

-We continued our work with multiplying fractions without models.  Students had time to complete homework in class and then they used their time to work on their STEM fair projects.

Math 7

-Work was passed back to students.  We went over the answers of the formative assessment.  Students are to complete the review sheet for tomorrow’s class.  Test will be Friday or Monday depending on how the corrections go tomorrow.

Math 6

-We did a game to practice finding equivalent fractions.  Students then worked on a review sheet on fractions.  If it was not finished in class it is for homework.  I will pass back the sheets for those who completed it in class tomorrow.  Time was given to review with Mathletics.

Science 8

-We went over how to write hypothesis today.   Students had time to research their project and work on the planning stage.  Projects are due Feb 20th.

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Posted: January 15, 2019

Math 8

-We had two math classes today.  We continued our work on the rectangle model for multiplying fractions and started to learn how to solve without a model.   Questions were completed in class and time was given to work on Mathletics tasks in class.

Math 7

-Students did a formative test on equivalent fractions and addition of fractions.  It will be passed back tomorrow.  Small pull out groups were made to give students a chance to have re-teaching done with Mr. Walsh.   We will be doing a class review tomorrow.  Test before the end of the week.

-Time was given to work on Mathletics tasks.

Math 6

-Homework was corrected.  Please see notes attached below for answers. Students who did not have homework completed worked with Mr. Walsh.

-We continued to work on how to switch between improper fractions and mixed numbers.   Reinforcement can be found in this week’s Mathletics tasks.  Time was given in class to work on Mathletics.   

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Posted: January 14, 2019

Math 8

-Homework p. 113 Q 6 rectangle model for multiplication.

Math 7

-No homework as it was our first day with a new concept.

Math 6

-p. 168 Q 1, 2, 3, 4 and p. 169 Q 9

Science 6

-Notes were handed out on how to write a hypothesis.  Students were then given the second half of the class to work on their STEM project.

Science 7

-Students need to have the topic and type of project picked for Thursday.

Posted: January 11, 2019

Math 8

-Today we worked on models for multiplying fractions.

-Homework Q 10, 11, 14 and 15 of section 3.1

-Mathletics tasks due Monday.

Math 7

-Students completed a formative assessment on equivalent fractions.  Mr. Walsh then did a pull out for students that needed more review and re-teaching.

-Mathletics tasks due Monday.

Math 6

-We continued our work with improper fractions and mixed numbers. 

-Homework will be page 164 Q 1, 2, 3.  Questions are in the notes posted below.

-Mathletics tasks due Monday.

Science 7 and 8

-We have started STEM fair.  Projects are due February 20th.    For Wednesday students need to know which type of project they will be doing and what their topic will be.   A handout explaining the types of projects and steps have been passed out.   Students are encouraged to work individually.   While some class time will be given, students are required to complete a large part of the project on their own time.  Updates will be posted on the class website each week as to what students should be working on.

Posted: January 8, 2019

Welcome Back!

Math 8

-Today we started chapter 3 of the student text on Fractions.  We started by reviewing material from grade 6 and 7.  We then started to look at multiplying fractions using a number line.  Q 6 and 8 of section 3.1 are for homework.

-Mathletics tasks have been assigned and are due Monday.  Remember that you can complete these tasks from home on a storm day.  J

Math 7

-We have started module 5 of the student text.  Today we reviewed material from grade 6 and went over new material.  Students were encouraged to create their own notes for vocabulary words using examples, pictures, and the glossary of their text.

-Homework to complete the work sheet.

-We will do an assessment of grade 6 material latter this week to identify students that need re-teaching of previous material. (reducing fractions, changing between improper and mixed fractions).

-Homework is to finish the worksheets.

-Mathletics tasks are assigned and due Monday.

Math 6

-Today we started chapter 5 of the student text.  Please see notes attached below.  Students should have question 3 and 4 of the worksheet completed for next class.  We worked on finding equivalent fractions by multiplying or dividing both the numerator and the denominator by the same number.  Remember to show work by including the arrows and indication what number you multiplied or divided by.

-We finished the class by reviewing our multiplication facts in small groups.

-Mathletics tasks are assigned and due Monday.

Posted: December 21, 2018

Have a great holiday, grades 6, 7 and 8!  It was truly a pleasure to work with you these past 4 weeks.  I will see you in the New Year when I come to Gretna Green to work with the grades 3 to 8 French Immersion teachers and their classes in my regular role!

And grade 6, as promised, you will find a pdf file below with the answers to last night's homework (pages 101 and 102, #2, #4, #7 and #8).

Merci et à la prochaine!

Melanie Maltby Ingersoll :) 

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Posted: December 20, 2018

Science 7

We were invited to listen to a First Nations guest speaker at the library during science today.  We enjoyed a wonderful presentation by Donna Augustine of Elsipogtog!

Math 7

We reviewed multiplication of 2 digit and 3 digit numbers.  Students were given 2 worksheets to complete.  They had most of class to do so.  They have been asked to complete the first page in its entirety and to attempt 5 questions on page 2.  This is to be completed for tomorrow if it was not finished in class.

Math 6

We finished Section 3.4 of the unit today which involves multiplying decimal numbers smaller than 1 by natural numbers.  The concept reinforcement is on pages 101 and 102, #2, #4, #7 and #8.  Students were given about 45 minutes during class to complete this work.  Several students finished before the end of class.  Anyone who did not finish is asked to do so at home. 


Posted: December 19, 2018

Math 8

We began reviewing fractions today in preparation for Unit 3 during which students will be multiplying and dividing fractions pictorially, concretely and symbolically.  Students were given 3 review sheets to complete.  They were given about 25 minutes during class to do so.  Several students finished before the end of class.  Anyone who did not finish is asked to do so at home. You can see today’s lesson in detail in the pdf file below.

Math 7

We began Section 4 of Unit 3 today (multiplying decimal numbers).  In the middle of the lesson, there was an example in which students had to multiply a 2 digit number by another 2 digit number.  Students said they did not know how to do this, so the lesson turned into a simple multiplication lesson with natural numbers instead of decimal numbers.  We will continue to work on multiplication of natural numbers tomorrow before going back to multiplying decimal numbers.  You can see today’s lesson in detail in the pdf file below.

Math 6

We began working on Section 3.4 of the unit today which involves multiplying decimal numbers smaller than 1 by natural numbers.  The concept reinforcement is on pages 101 and 102, #3, #5 and #6.  Students were given about 15 minutes during class to complete this work.  Several students finished before the end of class.  Anyone who did not finish is asked to do so at home.  You can see today’s lesson in detail in the pdf file below.

Science 8

Students worked in groups of 2 or 3 to create a step-by-step procedure for an activity of their choice.  They will present their procedures in class with the idea of the assignment being that their classmates have to try and guess the procedure being described.  Students who did not submit their good copy at the end of class today are asked to do so tomorrow.





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Posted: December 17, 2018

Math 8 (Science 8)

Due to missing a significant amount of science classes recently, we did science today instead of math.  We did an activity where students read a document in which there was a procedure to follow, they found the verbs written using the imperative verb tense then they followed the procedure explained in the document to create a puppet.  There is no homework.

Math 7

We began Section 3 of Module 3 today (adding and subtracting decimal numbers).  Students worked on a sheet (pages 55 and 56) for the majority of the period, and some students finished.  Those who did not finish have been asked to do so at home.  You can see today’s lesson in detail in the pdf file below.

Math 6

We continued working on Section 3.3 of the unit today which involves multiplying decimal numbers by natural numbers.  The concept reinforcement is on page 97, #1 to #4.  Students were given about 25 minutes during class to complete this work and were asked to finish it at home.  You can see today’s lesson in detail in the pdf file below.

Science 7

We began discussing how to record observations when doing scientific research or experiments.  There is no homework.

Science 6

We reviewed for tomorrow’s Science test with Mme Arsenault.  Students are encouraged to study the notes in their gray duo tang at home at some point today as well.

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Posted: December 14, 2018

Science 7 / Math 7

We ended up doing two periods of science today to allow as many students as possible to finish a group assignment on procedure writing before the weekend.  This also allowed me to finish conferencing with students regarding their district math benchmark assessment.  All groups finished the draft of their procedure writing assignment, but several groups need to finish the good copy over the weekend to pass in on Monday.  I will explain the assignment to those who were absent today on Monday.

Math 6

We began working on Section 3.3 of the unit today which involves multiplying decimal numbers by natural numbers.  The concept reinforcement is a worksheet (pages 36 and 37).  Students were given about 30 minutes during class to complete the worksheet and were asked to finish it over the weekend.  You can see today’s lesson in detail in the pdf file below.

Math 8 / Science 8

Due to high absenteeism today, students spent the afternoon in the gym.


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Posted: December 13, 2018


Science 7

We resumed our lesson in which we have been discussing procedure writing when it comes to science experiments, especially the importance of verbs and specific details / word choice.  We did an activity which allowed students to discuss and follow procedures.  There is no homework. 

Math 7

Students did Mathletics today while I began conferencing with them regarding their district math benchmark assessment.  There is no homework. 

Science 6 and 8

Grade 6 did science instead of math today.

We resumed our lesson in which we have been discussing procedure writing when it comes to science experiments, especially the importance of verbs and specific details / word choice.  We did an activity which allowed students to follow procedures while creating and designing a puppet.  There is no homework. 

Posted: December 12, 2018

Math 6, 7 and 8

Students wrote their district math benchmark assessment today.  There is no homework. 

Science 8

We resumed our lesson in which we have been discussing procedure writing when it comes to science experiments, especially the importance of verbs and specific details / word choice.  We did an oreal activity which allowed students to practice using procedures and detailed language.  There is no homework. 

Posted: December 11, 2018

Math 7 and 8:

We continued reviewing for tomorrow's (Wednesday's) district math benchmark assessment.  Students were provided with more review sheets today to use along with those provided previously in conjunction with summative assessments (in their duo tangs) to study (by practicing).  The review sheets are not for homework.  They are simply a tool for students to use to prepare - they have been told to do the questions they feel they need to do to prepare for the district assessment.  There is no official homework, but I hope students practice some questions again this evening.  Have a great night!  :)

Math 6:

We watched the Gretna Green Christmas Concert rehearsal in the gym during math class today, but be sure to practice for tomorrow's (Wednesday's) district math benchmark assessement tonight!  :)


Posted: December 10, 2018

All classes (Math 6, 7 and 8):

We continued reviewing for Wednesday's district math benchmark assessment.  We are using all math and science classes prior to the assessment to do so.  Students were provided with more review sheets today to use along with those provided last week in conjunction with previous assessments (in their duo tangs) to study (by practicing).  The review sheets are not for homework.  They are simply a tool for students to use to prepare - they have been told to do the questions they feel they need to do to prepare for the district assessment.  There is no official homework, but I hope students practice some questions again this evening.  Have a great night!  :)

Posted: December 7, 2018

All classes (math 6, 7 and 8):

We are currently reviewing for next week's district math benchmark assessment.  We are using all math and science classes prior to the assessment to do so.  Students were provided with review sheets today to use along with their previous assessments (in their duo tangs) to study (by practicing).  The review sheets are not for homework.  They are simply a tool for students to use to prepare - they have been told to do the questions they feel they need to do to prepare for the district assessment.  There is no official homework, but I hope students practice some questions this weekend.  Have a great weekend!  :)
