Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

French immersions math and science


Posted: October 4, 2018

Math 6

-Our tentative date for an assessment (test) for multiples, factors and primary factors will be Thursday October 11th.   This may be moved depending on how the class does on the formative work.

-Today we did a review of all material covered this year.  We again went over the importance of reading the question.  Common multiples and common factors are not the same thing.  

-Homework is pg 65 Q3 c and d.  10 minutes of class time was given to work on these two questions. 

-Notes from today are posted below.

Math 7

-Students completed their formative assessment on divisibility rules.  Test is tentatively set for Tuesday and tomorrow’s class is devoted to reviewing and preparing for the test.

Science 7

-Today we went over the parts of a conclusion.  Students were then given time to write the draft of their particle theory lab.  Good copy will be due next Friday.

-We will be doing a lab next Science class Thursday.

-Tentative date for our first big test is October 15th. 

Science 8

-No class today due to assembly.

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Posted: October 3, 2018

Math 8

-We did a multiplication review game.  Students wrote their formative math test on order of operations with integers.  Summative test will be Tuesday.  No Math class on Thursday.

Math 7

-We reviewed the divisibility rules.  Our text books were passed out.  Students began a formative assessment that we will finish in class tomorrow.  We then had a presentation from Mr. Stewart. 

Math 6

-We did a multiplication quiz.

-We spent most of the class reviewing our times tables and doing group activities.  

-We finished the class by doing question 3 a on page 65 where we found all the factors of 48 using the <<rainbow>> method.  Students are asked to complete p. 65 Q 3b at home to make sure they understand this method of finding all factors for a given number.

Science 8

-Project presentations today.

-We started our unit on water. Notes were taken on waves and we did some guided reading from the text book.

-Homework is to learn the new terms.

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Posted: October 2, 2018

Math 8

-We continued our work with order of operations. 

-P. 98 Q 21, 22, 23 is for homework.

-Time was given to work on Mathletics.

Math 7

-Today we used <diagrame Carroll> and Venn diagrams. 

- p. 8 Q 1, 2, 3 p. 12 Q 1, 2, 3

Our books have arrived!  They will be passed out tomorrow.

Math 6

-Today we used <<the rainbow>> method to list ALL factors of a number.  We used tree diagrams to list PRIMARY FACTORS of a number.  Question 1 is for homework.  Notes are posted below.

-Students need to continue to review multiplication tables at home each night.  If you do not know your multiplication tables it is very difficult to learn the grade 6 material of factors and multiples.  Tests to practice multiplication will be given without prior notice.

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Posted: October 1, 2018

Math 8

-Today we learnt some new vocabulary from module 8.

-We corrected Q 9 p. 92 from the homework.

-Homework is questions 10 p. 92

-Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.

Math 7

-Tests were handed back to be signed and corrected.

- We went over the rules for divisibility.  These need to be memorized.

Math 6

-Mr. Stewart passed out a sheet on sleep habits from our presentation last week.

-We learnt the difference between prime and composite numbers.   Students watched a video on factor trees.  

-Homework is to complete Q 1 and 3 from the student text.

-Notes posted below.


Science 7

-Students finished their particle theory lab.

-We will work on the conclusion in class Thursday.

Science 6

-Today we reviewed variables and learnt the difference between a prediction and a hypothesis.    We learnt there are three parts to a hypothesis (Si, alors, parce que).

-Notes are posted below.

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Posted: September 28, 2018

Math 8

-Today we did order of operations.  Q9 is for homework.  We will go over all the questions together on Monday.  Take your time and show your work.  One operations per line.

Science 7

-Today we did a double period science so that we could review the planning phase of a lab and do a particle theory lab.  We will continue this activity Monday.

Math 6

-We continued our work with multiples.  We learnt what a composite number is.  Notes are attached below. 

-Homework is to complete Mathletics questions.

-Rewrite Monday at lunch if test is signed and corrections are done.

Science 8

-First part of the class was an assembly. 

-Second part of class Mme Arsenault joined us and each student did a conference to evaluate their use of French not only in French class but while working on our video project.  It was a good experience to have the opportunity to discuss areas of strength and to identify areas where students could improve.

-No homework.

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Posted: September 27, 2018

Math 7

-Wrote their test today.

Science 7

-We did a review of lab safety and took some notes.  Notes posted below.

Math 6

-Today we went over the multiples of 2 and 3.  We identified the multiples for 4 and 5 and took notes.  Notes are posted below.

-Homework is to complete Q 1 and 2 on page 56. 

Math 8

-no class on Thursday.

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Posted: September 26, 2018

Math 6

-Today we talked about multiples.  Students looked at the multiples of 2 and 3 and filled in a hundreds chart.

-Second part of class they had a presentation from Mr. Stewart.

-Test sent home to be signed.  Corrections should be on a separate sheet of paper.  Students may do a re-write Monday at lunch during extra help time.

Math 7

-Today we corrected the formative test as a group.  Below is the attachment.

-Test tomorrow.

-Practice test needs to be signed.

Math 8

-Students wrote their test today on multiplying and dividing integers.

Science 8

-Video project is due next class.

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Posted: September 24, 2018

Math 8

-no class today due to student vote.

-Practice test tomorrow with test Wednesday.

Math 7

-We will do our review of practice test Wednesday and the test that counts will be Thursday.

Math 6

-Today we started word problems.  Students must show their work as the answer is not enough. Test was passed back and is to be returned signed tomorrow.

-Mathletics tasks have been assigned for the week.  Some students have outstanding assignments from last week.  All assignments should be completed by Sunday night.  Students are to use their work period, and time at home to complete their work.

-Questions from book should be completed at home if you did not complete them in class today.

Science 7

-We did some guided reading activities today.   Students will be working on science literacy this year.

-Study particle theory notes for test next week.

Science 6

-Poster on lab safety is now past due.

-Today we took notes on the three types of variables.

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Posted: September 21, 2018

Math 8

-Student did not have a class as they are running the student vote Monday.  Mathletics tasks to be completed for Sunday night each week.

Math 7

-Formative test will be Monday.  Today we went over a review together as a class.  See notes posted below.  Mathletics tasks are to be completed for Sunday night each week.

Math 6

-Students wrote an assessment today.  It is corrected and will be passed back Monday to be corrected and signed.  Next week we will be working on word problems.  Students should make use of a dictionary and calculator. Mathletics task task are to be completed for Sunday night each week.




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Posted: September 20, 2018

Math 8

-No class on Thursdays.

Math 7

-Today we reviewed the rules for modeling subtraction of integers using counters.  Students are to complete the formative worksheet for homework.  Students should also be working on their Mathletics tasks at home.  Students had part of math class and a work period today to complete work.

Math 6

-Today we did a group review of outcomes N1 and N7 for the test tomorrow.  See notes attached below for examples of questions that will be on the test.  Students were given a place value table that will help students who are struggling with place value questions.  This is an aid that students can use.  The goal would be that with practice they can begin to answer the questions without the use of the table. 

-Summative test (one that counts for report card) is tomorrow.

-Continue to use Mathletics to practice and review.  Tasks should be completed for Monday morning.  Each week new tasks will be assigned based on the student’s area of need.


Science 7

-Today we took notes on the particle theory of matter.  We learnt that there are 3 states of matter: solids, liquids and gas.  

-Homework is to review and study new terms.

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Posted: September 20, 2018

For Health 8FI with Mme LeClair, you have until Tuesday to complete "La roue du bien-être," including the question on the last page. You also have to complete the three scenarios of a person's lifestyle (Pressé, inactif, équilibré). These sheets will be picked up in class on Tuesday. 


Posted: September 19, 2018

Math 8

-Students will have a formative test Friday and the summative test (one that counts) on Tuesday.  Extra help Monday at lunch.

-Practice questions can be found on page 83 of the student text with answers in the back of the book.  Suggested questions to use to study are Q 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8.


Math 7

-Today we spent a lot of time reviewing the homework.  Please see notes attached for corrections and examples of subtracting with counters as a model.  We started to look at number lines as medels.

-Students should be working on their Mathletics tasks at home.

Math 6

-Today we continued our work with place value.  We went over the homework and corrections can be found in the notes posted below. 

-Students are to complete the formative assignment.  This does not count for the report card but is used to help students know what type of questions will be on the test.  It will help them to identify what questions they know and what questions they need to review and study.  Sometimes they are collected and corrected by the teacher, other times we will correct them as a class.

-Summative test that counts will be Friday.

Science 8

-Students continue to film their video project.  Groups should be starting to move into the editing and re-shooting phase.  Presentations next week.

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Posted: September 18, 2018

Terry Fox walk Friday afternoon.

Walking school bus Thursday morning.

Math 8

-Today we had two math classes.  We learnt how to divide integers.  Students worked on p. 87 Q 4 and 5 and p. 88 Q 8, 9 and 10.

-Time was given for students to complete their Mathletics tasks. 

-Formative test will be Friday with the summative test being Tuesday.

-Test sent home to be signed.

Math 7

-Today we went over how to use the counter model to subtract integers. 

-Homework p. 69 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7.   Questions are scanned into the link below for notes.

-Student Mathletics accounts are now up and working.  Tasks should be complete for Monday of each week.

-Test was due back today signed. 

Math 6

-Today we learnt how to represent numbers three different ways: symbolic, developed and in words.  Students must be able to switch between the three methods.   This will require that students are able to write their numbers in French.  

-Homework is to 48 Q 1, 3 and p 50 Q 13.  Extra help was given today at lunch as I was not here Monday for our regular extra help time.

-Students were given their logins for Mathletics.   Mathletics has assignments that students should complete each week.  New tasks will be assigned each week. Please not that  << , >> mean thousands in English but decimal in French.   Mathletics also contains games to practice key math skills and tutorial books and videos for review.

-Test was due back today signed.

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Posted: September 14, 2018

Math 6

-Students wrote their test today.  It is marked but cannot be sent home until everyone writes.  We had some students who were absent today.

-Students were given their Mathletics accounts and passwords today.  


Math 7

-Today students wrote and assessment.   We will begin subtraction of integers next week.

Math 8

-Students will have a test Monday for multiplying integers.  

-Today we went over the rectangle model for multiplying integers.


Science 8

-Video project due Friday.  More class time will be given.

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Posted: September 13, 2018

Math 8

-no class on Thursday.

Math 7

-Today we corrected our work from the text book.  We went over the formative assessment.  Students will write their summative assessment tomorrow.

Math 6

-Today we went over the worksheets.  As a class and in small groups we practiced questions for the test tomorrow.   Test on material covered so far this year tomorrow. (THings to know for the test: multiplication facts, adding, subtracting, multiplying, positive and negative numbers, which number is smalles?...biggest? put numbers in order....)

Science 7

-We went over lab safety today.  Time was spend discussing the safety symbols.  Test is moved to Monday.

Science 8

-Good class creating our lab safety videos.  Tomorrows class will be another work period for the project.

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