Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

French immersions math and science


Posted: September 12, 2018

Picture day for Middle school is TOMORROW (Thursday).


Please note that I was out this morning and students had math with Mr. Trevors.  We will revisist material covered today in class tomorrow.

Science 8

- Students continue to work on their lab safety video project.  Today we as a group discussed and came up with a list of what a 3+ project should have.   Students were a part of the process of making the rubric for how the project will be marked.  Students will have Thursday and Friday’s class to work on the project.


Math 8


-Students did a worksheet on multiplying integers.  This is a formative assessment. We will be having a test Friday.


Math 7


-Students worked on models for adding positive and negative numbers.    A formative worksheet was given.


Math 6


-We went over homework from yesterday and students did a second sheet on ordering and modeling positive and negative numbers.  This is formative (practice) work that does not count for the report card but is to prepare them for the summative test.  We will have a small test Friday. (Adding, subtracting, multiplying, positive and negative numbers).



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Posted: September 11, 2018

math 6

students are to complete the worksheet for homework.  We continue to work on integers and how to model and order positive and negative numbers.


math 7

time was given in class today to complete homework on adding integers using models.



we had two classes today.  We reviewed multiplying integers using counter models and number lines.  Students were then shown how to multiply using no models.   Students completed tasks on their Mathletics account.

Posted: September 10, 2018

Math 6

-Today students wrote a math operations assessment.  This will be used to make small extra help groups.  Interventions will be offered by Mr. Walsh to students who were identified.

-We learnt about <<des nombres entiers>> today.  We made a human number line and began to work with positive and negative numbers.  Notes are posted below.

Math 7

-Today students worked on a math operations assessment to identify students who need extra re-teaching.  Interventions will be done by Mrs. Blakely Doucette and Mr. Walsh.

-We continued to work on modeling integers today using counters.

-P. 54 Q1,2, 5,and 6 was completed in class.

Math 8

-Today we reviewed adding and subtracting integers.  Number line models were introduced and we will continue to explore them tomorrow.

Science 7

-Today we went over the hand out of safety simples and the handout for lab safety rules.  Test on lab safety will be Friday.

Science 6

-Today we watched some lab safety videos.  Students are working on a poster project and will have more time next week to complete this task.

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Posted: September 7, 2018

Students have a multiplication facts quiz to be signed.  All students should be practicing multiplication facts at home.

Math 6

-Today we continued to work on multiplying.

Math 7

-Today students were given a review assignment to go over the number strand from grade 6.  More time will be given Monday to complete this.

Math 8

-Today we finished lecon 1 from chapter two on multiplying integers using the counter model.

Posted: September 6, 2018

Math 6

-Today we reviewed how to add using regrouping.  We also went over how to subtract by borrowing.  We did examples together on the board.  Examples are posted below in the links.   We also spent time going over how to set up our notes in Math.  New terms and headings will be highlighted.  Work in pen has been done as a group and is correct in method.  Work in pencil is for practice or is homework.

-Students reviewed the times tables up to 12 x 12.  Students should have this memorized.   Parents should be going over times tables with their kids at home each night.  Students may choose to practice with an app on their electronics.

-We finished the class playing a multiplication game to practice.


Math 7

-Today we went over how to model positive and negative numbers with <<des jetons>>.

-Students worked on questions from the text.  No homework as we are still waiting for text books to arrive.  More time will be given in class to complete the work.

Math 8

-no class on Thursdays

Science 7

-Today we talked about lab safety.  Students watched some videos on lab safety.   We also did a discover your book activity.  No homework.

Science 8

-Students were placed into groups for their first video project of the year.  All work will be completed in class.  Students will have three classes next week to work on the lab safety video. 

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Posted: September 5, 2018

Math 6

-Students were given their math text today.  They are to have it covered by Monday.  Students are responsible for their text this year and they may take them home to complete homework and work with a tutor.

-Today students did a math review sheet.  This sheet does not count for marks, but is intended to identify where review is needed.  Basic math skills from elementary are assessed on the sheet.  Students need to be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide without the use of a calculator.   During this week we will be doing mini lessons in class to review skills from previous grades.   Mr. Walsh will be in the class so that we can both assist students who may need a review.  I encourage students to be regularly reviewing their multiplication tables at home with their parents.   The work sheet is in the students’ binder.

Math 7

-Parent information sheet is to be signed and returned.

-Text books have not been handed out a we are waiting for some to arrive.


Math 8

-We finished the review sheet for the grade 7 integers unit.  Please see link below for today’s corrections.

-We began to look at how to model multiplication of integers.  Students saw the three different types of examples (both terms positive, both terms negative, one term negative and one term positive).  Notes are posted below.

-Today students worked on page 68 Q 5, 6 and 10.  This was not assigned for homework.  We will continue with these questions tomorrow in class.

Posted: September 4, 2018

Math 8

-          Students did a review of the integer unit from grade 7.  We went over three methods to add and subtract integers.  Notes posted below.

-          No homework

-          Many forms to be signed and returned to class tomorrow.

Math 6

-          Today we started to go over classroom expectations.  A letter was sent home to parents.  Bottom portion should be returned to class tomorrow.

-          We had an assembly with Mr. Commeau.

-          Great class! No homework.

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Posted: June 4, 2018

All students have a copy of their marked work from the year to study with.  Math assessment are Tuesday and Wednesday.   Students need 2 pencils and an eraser for the test.  Grade 7 and 8 also need a calculator and math set.    Students should be reviewing their practice test tonight at home.

Posted: May 31, 2018

Students have been handed back their duotang with all their marked work from this year. (Formative and Summative).   They should be re-doing their test at home for practice to study for their final assessments.  We have done some practice test to help let the students know what sections they have forgotten and need to go back to review.  If they had trouble with fractions on the review they should spend time going over the fractions unit.

Students should be spending 20 minutes reviewing each night.

Students may also use the examples, practice test, and tutorials on the class web site and Mathletics.

Posted: May 29, 2018

Students should be reviewing their math at home in preparation for their end of the year test.   Duotangs of marked work from the year have been handed out to students.  They you use old tests and assignments to review and practice.   Students must also complete their Mathletics tasks online.   Students should be spending 15 to 20 minutes a night on Math review.

Science 8- Research project is due Friday June 8th.

Posted: May 23, 2018

Math 8

-Students wrote their test today.

-Homework is to complete assigned Mathletics assignments.

Math 7

-Today we went over how to plot coordinates on a Cartesian plan.

-Homework is to do sections 8.1 to 8.5 in the review booklet.

Math 6

-Some students have to finish their practice test for homework. 

Science 7

-Projects due for 1st period.

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Posted: May 22, 2018

Math 8

-We had two math classes today.  During the first class students did a practice test on volume and we had the time to correct the questions as a class.  Test tomorrow.

-During the second class we started unit 7 on diagrams.  We looked at how to pick the correct type of diagram for the information given.

-The first review sheet for the end of the year test was handed out. Students were given time to work on this in class and it is due at the start of next class.

Math 7

-Today we learnt how to draw perpendicular lines.  It is important for students to have a math set for class each day.  A hand out with practice questions were given.

Math 6

-Today we learnt about transformations and how to do several transformations on an object.   Homework is p. 310 Q1.

Science 8

-The study guide for our optics unit was handed out.  Students should be reviewing and learning the content and vocabulary from this handout for the test.

-The last half of class was given for students to research their optics project.  This is due June 6th.  Rubric of how it will be marked was handed out last week.

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Posted: May 16, 2018

Math 8

-Today we learnt how to calculate volume.

Math 7

-Today we reviewed  the test.  Rewrite is tomorrow during class.  Please see notes below.

-We started Module 8.  Q 2,4,6 are for homework for Friday.

--Students must have a math set for next class.

Math 6

-Today we learnt about translations, reflections and rotations.   Students are to complete their notes for homework.

-Students must have a math set for next class.

Posted: May 11, 2018

Math 8

-Practice test wa handed back to be signed.  The test that counts for the report card is Monday.

Math 7

-The practice test for area was passed back to be signed and the test that counts for the report card is on Monday. We corrected all the questions on the practice test as a class for a review.

Math 6

-Today we started module 8.  Homework is p. 293 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.

-Test (one that counts) was passed back to be signed.

Science 8

-No class today due to the assembly/game.  Students are working on their research project and will be given more class time next week to complete it.

Posted: May 9, 2018

Math 8

-We did a practice test today.  Summative test is Monday.

Math 7

-Formative test is tomorrow.   Notes are posted below with practice questions.

Math 6

-Formative test was passed back today and we corrected it as a class.  See notes posted below for answers. 
