Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

French immersions math and science


Posted: November 28, 2017

Math 8

-Test Friday on N1 (perfect squares and square roots) and N2 (estimating square roots).

-Assignment sent home is due tomorrow.

-Mathletics tasks are due Friday.

Math 7

-Today students had time to work on their Mathletics tasks that are due Friday.

Math 6

-Today we finished going over the review packet for our test Friday.  Answers are attached below.

-Students are to do the corrections for the assignment passed back.

-Formative test tomorrow.

Science 8

-Today we looked at examples of videos for our climat change video project.  Students were given time to research and discuss what type of video they would like to do.

-The planning sheet was passed out.  This sheet is Due Friday.   Next week students should start the video process.  Videos are due before Christmas Break.

Posted: November 27, 2017

Math 8

-p.15 Q 5, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 15

-p. 25 Q 4, 5, 8

-p. 26 Q12

Math 7

-p. 94 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Math 6

-Q 1 and 2 from the review packet that was passed out today.  Test Friday.

Science 7

-Testable questions and procedure is due for Thursday.

Science 6

-Today we learnt about variables and how to write a testable question.

Posted: November 22, 2017

Math 8

-Today we had a visitor to help us learn how to take videos. We will be using this knowledge for our climat change project.

Math 7

-Today we reviewed the material learnt in grade 4 of adding and subtracting.  This is pre-curser material for our classes next week.

-We went over how to change from decimal to fraction and fraction to decimal.

-Homework p. 89 Q 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

Math 6

-We went over how to draw a linear graph.  Good copies of Q 6 and 7 are for homework.

-Time was given to work on Mathletics.

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Posted: November 20, 2017

Math 8

  • Today we learnt about square roots and perfect squares.

  • Students are to memorize the perfect squares from 1 to 144.  It is advisable to know them up to 16 X16.

  • Homework p. 8 Q 4

Math 7

-Today we learnt the difference between <<les décimaux finis>> and <<les décimaux périodique>>.

Math 6

-We reviewed the term equivalent with a game today.  We then took time to review the rules for PRDMAS.  As a class we practiced questions involving PRDMAS.  We continued our work on turning data tables into graphs. 

-Homework is page 31 Q2

Science 7

-Today we reviewed the methods to separate materials.  We revisited our distillation lab.  Students were given a worksheet and asked to identify the main parts of a distillation in real life examples.  We went over the three parts to a Hypothesis (if then because) and identified the key parts of a conclusion (a general statement of what you learnt and use the data to support such statement).  Students need to complete the graph of the data in the solubility worksheet for Thursday’s class.

Science 6

-We went over what a science sketch should look like.  Students drew a science sketch as an example in their notes.  It should be in pencil, words in a column on the right, a ruler should be used and a title.

-We presented the rest of our drawing instructions.  We learnt that word choice is important.  We saw that instructions should be detailed.

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Posted: November 14, 2017

We had a very productive day day working on our Gretna Green Global project.  Students learnt about the United Nations Sustainable Development goals.  Student are developing a project to help us move one step closer to reaching these goals.   Students are in the planning phase and have picked a goal to work towards.  In their journals, they are creating an action plan and working towards making the world a better place.  Some projects are to help our local community while others are working on prototypes and fundraisers to help communities far away.  

We are learning together and realizing that even mistakes take us closer to the solutions.

The day flew by and it was time to go home before we knew it.   Lots of engagement! 

Stay tuned for updates and pictures as we progress along our path to solutions.

Posted: November 8, 2017

Math 8

-Students prepared for the remembrance ceremony tomorrow.

Math 7

-We did a formative test today as a review.  Last test for term one is tomorrow.

Math 6

-We went over how to estimate by rounding and using mental math.

-Students are to work on their Mathletics tasks at home.  These are due for after the Tim Horton’s trip.  Students are enrolled in two classes.   One follows the grade 6 curriculum and the Canadian fluency class is a review of basic math facts.

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Posted: November 3, 2017

Math 8

-Test tuesday on graphs and linear equations.

Math 7

-Assembly today

Math 6

-We are starting to learn how to draw a graph.  Q 3 for homework.

Science 8

-We did some guided reading today on glaciers.  We are talking about how they influence climat.  Question 1 for homework.

Posted: November 2, 2017

Math 7

-Today we continued to work with making graphs from a data table.  See notes below for homework questions.

Science 7

-Today we saw how science uses the concepts we learn in math.  We calculated concentrations.

Math 6

-Today we wrote what the machine did after looking at the patterns in a data table.  Homework is p.14 Q 1 and 2

Science 8

-Today we learnt about glaciers and how they affect climat.

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Posted: October 31, 2017

Math 8

-P. 362 Q4, 7, 9, 12 a


-Mathletics tasks

Math 7

-We played a game to practice our new vocabulary and to practice solving expressions.

-We corrected previous work on expressions.  See notes.

Math 6

-We continue to work with enter exit tables.  NO HOMEWORK.

Science 8

-We did some research on erosion today and ways to prevent it.

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Posted: October 30, 2017

Math 8

-Today we worked on how to take data from a table and put it into a graph.  Students learnt that graphs need a title.  They need to use the info in the question to name the axis.  Each column (row) is a point on the graph.   Each axis can have its own scale.  Number are placed on the lines and not in the spaces.

-Q 10 is to be passed in for marks.

Math 7

-Today we learnt how to fill in an enter exit table.  We also reviewed material from last week.  Students are encouraged to think of algebra as a third language they are learning. It is important to review our new vocabulary.

-Homework is to finish the review sheet for material covered last week.

Math 6

-Today we learnt how to fill in a table with data using a pattern.  Students are to complete Q 1 and 2 for homework.  This is 4 tables in total.  See notes posted below.

Science 7

-Today we discussed observations.  We can have observations that describe and observations that have numbers. 

-We learnt about the terms concentrated and diluted.  We also began to learn how to calculate the concentration of a solution.

Posted: October 25, 2017

I will be having an extra help session Friday at lunch this week.

Math 8

-Students continued to work with data tables, and linear graphs.   Homework p. 363 Q 4 adn 7   p. 364 Q9

-A review sheet was passed out for all material covered to date.  This sheet is due Friday.  Students may use their notes.

Math 7

-We continue to learn the language of algebra.   Homework is p. 18 Q 1, 7 and 8

Math 6

-The worksheet on PEDMAS is due tomorrow and the students will correct it in class.

-A second review sheet was passed out.  This sheet reviews all material covered this year.  Students are to use their notes to help them review.  In June we will be writing a provincial assessment that coveres material from the entire year.    We will do review assignments all year so that we do not forget what we did earlier in the year.  This review assignment will be due Monday.  

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Posted: October 24, 2017

Math 8

-We continued to learn how to fill in data tables given and equation.  

-Mathletis tasks due Friday.

Math 7

-Today we started our new unit on algebra.  We learnt the difference between an equation and an expression.  We went over the new vocabulary.  No homework

Math 6

-Students were given a worksheet on order of operations.  This is due Thursday.  Students can work on the questions in their workbook and plave the answer on the sheet.

Science 8

-We took in the soccer jamberry today.  Great leadership seen from our students in our first pep rally.  GO Gators Go!

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Posted: October 23, 2017

Math 8

-Today we looked at what is discreet and continuous data.  We looked at how to fill in a data table from an algebraic equation.

-homework Q 4, 5, and 8

Math 7

-Students did their test today.  No homework.

Math 6

-We continued our work with order of operations today. 

-Homework p. 72 Q 5 (NO CALCULATOR)  and 10.

Science 7

-We finished our notes on particle theory.  We will be in the lab on Thursday.

Science 6

-We had a fire alarm today.

-We began notes on procedures and how to write them.

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Posted: October 20, 2017

Math 8

-No homework as they did their test today.

Math 7

-We finished going over our practice test.  Students have a test Monday.

Math 6

-We continued to work on order of operations today.

-Students are to complete Q 4 p. 72 for homework.

-Students also have practice questions on Mathletics to complete.  Students are enrolled in two classes through Mathletics.  203 is the grade 6 material and Canadian math fluency is a review of math skills class.  Mathletics gives instant feedback as to if the student was successful.  It also send me reports of how they are doing and where their strength and weaknesses are.  There are tutorial videos, practice questions, fun competitions and practice tests.

Science 7

-Today we talked about how temperature can affect the saturation of a liquid.  We also talked about the three states of matter.  Notes are posted below.  We will be in the lab next Thursday and Friday.

Science 8

-Students wrote their test today.

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Posted: October 19, 2017

Math 7

-Students are to get their test signed and do the corrections.

Math 6

-Test given back to be signed.

-We started to learn about order of operations. (PEDMAS).  Notes are posted below.  

-P.72 Q 1 for homework

Science 8

-Study guide was given out today.  Test is tomorrow

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