Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

French immersions math and science


Posted: April 20, 2017

Math 8

-Finish formative test.  Test on surface area Monday.

Math 7

-We reviewed today.  Test tomorrow on circumference. Suggested questions were given for review and can be found in the notes posted below.

Science 6

-We learnt about how aerodynamics are tested.  Students went over the lab we will do next class.  Homework is to have the data table drawn and ready to go.

Science 8

-Students wrote their test today


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Posted: April 19, 2017

Math 8

-Students should be working on questions p. 212 Q 4, 6, 8, 9, 12 and the formative test.

-Quiz on surface area will be Monday.


Math 7

-Students should be working on Questions p. 141 Q 2, 3, 6, 7a and p. 138Q 5.

-Quiz on circumference will be Friday.

Science 6

-No homework

Science 8

-We had out teleschope presentations today.  Great work.

-Quiz tomorow on particle theory.  We did a review today in class.

Posted: April 13, 2017

Math 8

-We reviewed how to find the surface area of triangular and rectangular prismes. 

-Students were given a formative test to work on at home.


Math 7

-We reviewed both Math and Science today as their was some problems when I was out last day.

-No homework for the long weekend.

Science 6

-Students finished their lab today.  It will be picked up next class.

-We reviewed for the test.  

Science 8

-Students used the class to make a working telescope using mirrors.  We will present next class.

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Posted: April 7, 2017

Math 8

-Today we worked on section 6.4.  Students learnt how to calculate surface area.

Math 7

-Today students learnt about ciscumference.  Notes posted below.

Health 6

-Today we used the class to get caught up in Math and science.  We practiced our multiplying.  We also constructed a graph from values in a data table.

Science 7

-Study guide was given for the test that will be Tuesday.


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Posted: April 6, 2017

Math 8

-We started our new unit on volume.  Students are to complete Q 4,5,6 and 7 for homework.  Question 7 is to be done without a calculator as students are to practice multiplying decimals.

Math 7

-Students are to complete mathletics tasks for the week.


Science 6

-Students must have side one of the aerodinamics lab done for Monday.

-Test will be next Thursday.

Science 8

-Students are to complete the form on the particle theory of mater.

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Posted: April 5, 2017

Math 8

-We did our assessment today.

Math 7

-We did our assessment today.

-Mathletics tasks are due at the end of the week.


Science 6

-Students were given a handout of notes.  We discussed forces involved with flying.   Students highlighted key words and added to notes and diagrams to individualize the notes for their learning.  Links to videos for review are included in the notes posted below.

-Students should reread notes to learn new vocabulary.  The expectation will be that students can speak about forces in French.


Science 8

-Students wrote their conclusion for our makerspace lab on floating and sinking.

-Students had time to read and complete notes on fluids and review by reading text.

Health 8

-Students worked on Mathletics tasks.

Posted: April 4, 2017

Math 8

-test tomorrow

Math 7

-Test tomorrow

Science 7

Great presentations today.  We also did a formative test.  Summative test will be next tuesday.

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Posted: April 3, 2017

Math 8

-Test will be Wednesday for section 6.1 to 6.5

-Questions to practice for test that are for homework p. 350 Q 1,2,3,5,8, et 9

Math 7

-We did a formative test today.

Science 6

-We had a handout about how the wings affect flight.  We read from our book and students wrote notes on the forces.

Science 8

-We had a maker space in class today where students created objects that floated and objects that sank in order to come up with a list of factors that affect floating and sinking.  A lot of mess, a lot of fun and a lot of learning! 

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Posted: March 30, 2017

Math 8

-We corrected the first side of the review sheet.  Please see notes posted for examples.

-Students are to complete the second side for Monday.

Math 7

-We had our monthly assembly to day.  For the few minutes we had after the assembly, students did an activity to practice solving expressions.

Science 6

-Today we went over new vocabulary and took some notes.  We also discussed that forces exist and act on objects even if we do not see them.  We draw forces in science drawing by using an arrow to show the influence of the force.

Science 8

-Today we reviewed material from grade 7 related to the three phases of mater and the particule theory of matter.  We did some guided reading from the text to build vocabulary and develop our science literacy.  Notes were handed out to review grade 7 material that we will be using in grade 8.  Students have a worksheet to complete for next class.  Time was given in class to work on it.

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Posted: March 29, 2017

Math 8:

-Test Wednesday

-Review sheet due tomorrow.

Math 7

-Test Wednesday

-Today we reviewed expressions.

Science 6

-Notest given as a handout today.


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Posted: March 28, 2017

Math 8

-We worked on the distributive preoperty of algebra today.  Students are to complete the work sheet side 1.  Test will be next week.


Math 7

-Students are to complete the review sheet for Wednesday.   Test will be next week.

-Students are to complete Mathletics tasks for the end of each week.

Science 7

-Today we learnt about three methods of heat transfer.  A handout of notes were given.

-Students spent time working on their projects.  They problem solved and practiced their demonstration.  Students will present next science class. 

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Posted: March 21, 2017

Math 8

-Today we saw that the balnce beam method is only used for algebraic equations that have positive terms.   Students should use algebra tyles for equations containing negative terms.   Q 6, 7, 8 and 10 are for homework from section 6.1

-Students are to complete their assigned Mathletics tasks by Friday.

Math 7

-Today we reviewed the difference between an expression an equation.   We also reviewed the balance beam method for modeling solving an algebraic equation.

-Today we learnt how to model solving algebraic equations using algebra tyles.    We will continue to work on this next class.

-Students are to complete their tasks on Mathletics by the end of the week.


Science 7

-Notes are posted below.

-Students are working on a heat project.  Time will be given Friday to work in class.  Presentation will be next Tuesday. 

Posted: March 20, 2017

Math 8

-Today we reviewed grade 7 algebra and saw how our grade 8 questions will require that we use our knowledge or positive and negative numbers from before Christmas.  J

Math 7

-Today we learnt how to solve expressions by substituting in a value given.

-We also reviewed our balance models for algebra.  Students are to complete Q 1 and 2 from page 229.

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PDF icon march_20th_math_8.pdf1.17 MB

Posted: March 13, 2017

Math 8

  • Finish questions 8to 11 and Questions 1 to 4 on percentages.   Test will be Wednesday or Thursday depending on the weather.

Math 7

  • We did a review today in class for the test tomorrow on percentages.

Science 6

  • We finished going over the term 2 test review today.  We talked about how questions will be asked.  We write the test our next class.

Science 8

  • We went over our optics review today.  Our test will be next class and will cover both knowledge and skills outcomes as listed in the review.  The focus will be on skills and science literacy.

PDF icon march_13th_math_8.pdf6.85 MB

Posted: February 27, 2017

Math 8

-Today we worked on finding the original number when you know the percentage of the number.  We also looked at percent increase and percent decrease questions.  

-p 252 Q 4, 5, 6 are for homework

-Mathletics tasks are due at the end of the week.


Math 7

-Today we presented our STEM projects.   

-We also corrected the first side of our percent formative test.   The summative test will be March 1st.

Science 6 and 8

-Projects were presented today.  School fair is tomorrow.  Parents are welcome to join us between 12:30 and 2pm to view the projects.

-Study guides have been handed out.  Test will be the first week back after the break.  Students should be reviewing at home.
