Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

French immersions math and science


Posted: October 5, 2016

Portfolios (Duotangs) of marked work have been sent home over the last week to be signed and returned by parents.   Please take the time to discuss with your child about their progress and please give me a call if you have any questions.

Math 8

In math today we looked at nets. Students cut out the nets to see how they can be folded to make 3-D objects.  We learnt the difference between prisms and pyramids.

Homework p. 180 Q 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 11

Math 7

Divisibility rules test next week. (Wednesday)

Homework p. 12 Q 1, 2, 3 (write the rule) and 5

Science 8

In science we unpacked our new microscopes and learn how to bring objects into focus.   We had a lot of fun looking at bug legs, dog fleas, wings and skin cells.  Students were able to practice using the correct terms for the parts of a microscope and were also able to practice problem solving as they helped each other to learn how to bring each specimen into focus.  We are looking forward to many more afternoons together in the science lab learning from each other.

Santé 8

Mr. Stewart did a presentation on screen time with the students today.

Science 6

Today we reviewed the parts of the microscopes.  Students need to be reviewing this at home each night.

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Posted: October 4, 2016


Math 8

-Today we reviewed vocabulary around 2-D and 3-D objects.

-Work was passed back to be signed by parents.

-Notes posted below

Math 7

-We reviewed divisibility rules.  These need to be memorized.  Test Wednesday.

-We learn how to display numbers in venn diagrams and <<des diagramme a carrol>>.  Q 3 is for homework.   Notes posted below.

Science 6

-No class today but re-write tests were passed out.  All test are to be signed for tomorrow’s class.

Science 7

- Students did some wonderful presentations today.   I hope to post some pictures of the presentations latter tonight.  Great work grade 7.

-Continue to review and memorize notes at home each night.  We will have a test next week.

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Posted: October 3, 2016


Math 8

-Today we reviewed vocabulary around 2-D and 3-D objects.

-Homework is to bring scissors to our next class.

Math 7

-We did science today instead of Math.  This allowed me to correct the French in the ecosystem project for several groups.   Science 7 projects presentations are tomorrow afternoon.

Science 6

-Today we reviewed our new terms.  Students should be studying these new terms each night.

-We learnt the parts of the microscope.   Homework is to complete notes. Students can come in during the outdoor portion of lunch tomorrow to complete notes or use the notes posted below.

Science 8

-Students completed their notes on the organelles in a cell.

-Homework is to write a draft of their plan for the cell project.  I will meet with each group next class to approve their idea.   Students can present the project anytime during the month of October when they are ready.

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Posted: September 30, 2016

Math 7

-study divisibility rules


Science 7

-ecosystem project due tuesday


Science 6

-Rewrite is monday at lunch


Posted: September 29, 2016

Math 8

  1. Test will be Thursday.

  2. We reviewed as a class the formative (practice) test.   Students were then able to work on a puzzle activity that helped them to practice the outcome on the test tomorrow.  


Math 7

  1. Today we took notes on the divisibility rules.   Notes are posted below.  These need to be memorized.

  2. Work has been passed back for parents to sign.


Science 6

  1. Test handed back.  Re-write is Monday at lunch.  Students must attend extra help Friday at lunch if they want to do the re-write.   

  2. Notes posted below.  We are starting to learn about cells and microscopes.

  1.  Science 8

  1. Examples of the cell project were shown.  Project expectations were given in detail.

  2. Students made notes from text.  This will be the info they should include in their projects.


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Posted: September 28, 2016

Math 8

-Q 23 and complete the formative test.

-Test on PEDMAS will be Friday.


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Posted: September 27, 2016


Math 8

  1. Homework do corrections for p. 92 Q 7, 8, 9 and 10.  Q 20 and 21 are for homework.

  2. Test will be Thursday.


Math 7

  1. We reviewed the formative test today.  Notes with explanations are posted below.  We spent some time discussing how to study for a math test.   There is a practice test in the text that students can use for extra question to practice with.

  2. Test tomorrow.

Science 6

Reminder of test tomorrow.


Science 8

  1. Quiz next class on all material to date.

Science 7

1.     We took notes today.  Students should use these new vocabulary in their project.

2.     Projects are due October 4th.

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Posted: September 26, 2016

Today the server was down and we were not able to save any notes.  At times we could not access files.

Math 8

  1. Some students still need to return their duotang with a signed test and assignment.

  2. Homework p. 92 Q 7, 8, 9 and 10.   PEDMAS


Math 7

  1. Students had bus evacuation today during class.

  2. We did a formative test today.  Formative test are treated like a test and are marked.  They do not count on the report card.  Formative tests help the teacher to know what needs to be re-taught before the summative test.  It also helps students to realize what type of questions they need to review more of before the test.  Formative test will be passed back tomorrow.  Test will be Wednesday.


Science 6

  1. We reviewed for the test that will be on our next class Wednesday.

  2. Homework was checked today.   If it was not completed a stamp was placed in the agenda.  In grades 6, 7 and 8 students need to make good use of their agenda’s to plan when homework is due.  Classes like science are not every day (3 times a week) and students must keep track of when assignments and questions are due.  This will be an important skill as they progress in their educational path.


  1. Science 8

  1. Quiz next class on all material to date.

  2. Today we learnt about the differences between a plant and animal cell.

  3. Cell project was introduced.  Students are asked to know by Friday if they plan on working alone or in groups.  They should also have a rough idea of how they will present their knowledge of the material.  Rubrics of how the project will be marked will be posted latter this week.


Posted: September 19, 2016

Math 8

  • Students are to do corrections for their test.  Assignment and test are to be signed by parent and/or guardian.

Math 7

  • We spent time today going over the homework: subtraction using number lines.

  • Homework: p. 74 Q 3 and 4  ( use a number line).

  • We will do a practice test next class.  Test will be Tuesday or Wednesday depending on how the practice test goes after our trip.

Science 6

  • We took some notes today.   Notes posted below.

  • Students are to finish their classification activity.   Each animal is to be put into a classification key diagram.  This is like the example we did in class in the previous notes. (boxes with colours…)

  • Science 8

  • Quiz next class on all material to date.

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Posted: September 16, 2016

Math 8

  • Today we did a formative test.  This is a test that is used to guide re-instructing concepts students may not fully understand and to also help students know what they still need to study.  Students were able to take this home to study with.   Our test is Monday.

Math 7

  • We spent time today going over the homework: subtraction using the counter model.

  • Homework: p. 73 Q 1 only the number line method.

Santé 6

  • Today we started talking about our strengths and our weaknesses.  We realized that we are sometimes hard and critical of ourselves and find it hard to name our strengths.  Students identifies 3 strengths.   We also identified a weakness and discussed that this is not a bad thing.   We all have areas to work on.    We also talked about our dreams and what we would like to do in the future.  Students then identified one thing they could do to bring them a little closer to realizing their dreams.

  • Homework is to finish their page outlining what health means to them. This should have 5 examples of health and it should be coloured.

Science 7

  • We took some notes today.  These are terms students will use in their presentation.

  • Students worked on their projects.

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Posted: September 15, 2016


Math 8

-Today we practiced how to show multiplication of integers with models. We learned how to use a rectangle model to do multiplication when we cannot use a calculator.  We also saw how we can use our sign trick to do division questions.   Notes are posted below.

-Homework: p. 73 Q8 and p. 74 Q10

-We will be having our first test Monday.  Tomorrow we will do a formative test.  This is a practice test.

 Math 7

-Today we took some notes on how to subtract integers using models.  Notes are posted below.   You draw the first term and then add <<des paires nulles>> until you can circle and take away the second term. 

-Homework:  Q 1 and 2

-Students are to get their worksheet signed for homework. 

Science 6

-Today we talked about animals to build our vocabulary.  It lead to students sharing stories of various injuries.   Once we continued we did some classification activity together as a class.   Students are learning that animals can be grouped based on traits.

-Homework: students should be studying the notes we took to date.  They should also be reviewing vocabulary around animals so that they can participate in class discussions.

Science 8

-Today we reviewed the characteristics of living things.  Homework is to explain the steps one would take to test if an object they found in the playground was living or non-living.   We will start next class by sharing our answers.   This should be a detailed answer.

-We practiced how to take personal notes from what was said in class and what was on the board.  This is an important skill for our grade 8 students to learn.   Students picked out key words and phrases and made notes on 4 scientist.

-Time was given in class for students to review and memorize the parts of a microscope.  As soon as the lab is ready we will be using them.   Students need to know the names and functions of the parts of a microscope so that we will be able to remain <<en français>> while doing the labs.

Posted: September 14, 2016

This mornng I was out.  There are no notes to be posted.

Math 8

-Finish review sheet on multiplying integers.

-Monday test


Math 7

-Students wrote test today

-Operations sheet given today.  This will be due Monday.

Science 6

-Study notes for homework

Science 8

-Today we went over the parts of the microscope.  Students are to complete there notes for homework.

Posted: September 13, 2016

Math 8

-We reviewed how to add and subtract integers using models today.  Worksheet used to review is included in the notes posted below.

-Today we practiced how to show multiplication of integers with models. We spent more time reviewing how to correctly draw the number line models.   Students practiced how to show their work correctly.  Notes are posted below.

-Homework Récapitation 1 is due tomorrow.  

-We will be having our first test Monday.

-Review tutorial video for adding integers using counters.


 Math 7

-We went over the homework and corrected it as a class.  Time was spent to correct and explain each question.  

 -Homework:  Test tomorrow on how to represent integers with counters and how to add using counters.  Some sample questions were given from the text that will be similar to those on the test.  Remember that answers are in the back of the book to check your work.  

-Students are to get their worksheet signed for homework. 

-Review tutorial for adding integers:


Science 7

-We started to learn about ecosystems today.  Students took notes on new words that they will use in their projects.  We also went over the rubric of how the project will be marked.  Both are in the notes posted below.

-Students had time to pick if they will work alone or in a group.  They also had time to pick their animal.  They were able to look through my boxes for “stuff” they want to use for their project.

-Homework: do some research on your animal.  Bring materials to class so that you can work on your project.  Next class is Friday.

Please do not spend a lot of money on this project.  What you say is more important that the ecosystem box.

Posted: September 12, 2016

Math 8

-We reviewed how to add and subtract integers using models today.   This was a review of grade 7 material and will help students with our first assignment.

-Today we practiced how to show multiplication of integers with models. We spent more time reviewing how to correctly draw the number line models.   Students practiced how to show their work correctly.  Notes are posted below.

-Homework p. 68 Q 8 c and, Q 11 and Q 18

-Our first assignment was handed out and it is due Thursday.  This reviews material from grade 7.

Math 7

-Today we practiced how to model positive and negative numbers using <<des jetons>>.  Students were able to see that a << une paire nulle>> is one red and one yellow jetton and that it has a value of zero.  Students were able to solve addition problems.  Notes are posted below.

-Homework Assignment is due next class.   Students were given most of today’s class to work on this assignment while I met with students individually.   If you have forgotten your assignment at school I have a copy scanned into the notes below that you can print off at home.

-Today in class I visited with each student to confirm that they could properly model positive and negative numbers more than one way.  They can do this by adding <<des paires nulles>>.

-  We will have a quiz latter this week on addition of integers using <<des jettons>> and modeling and ordering numbers.

Tutorial video for adding integers using <<des jetons>> can be found at the following link. 

H:\Math 7 2013 2014\module 2 integers\adding_integers_with_jetons_video.swf


Science 6

-Today we reviewed the terms classification, sub-groups and traits.  We used a group activity to practice breaking objects up into a classification system.

-No homework.  Notes posted below.

Science 8

-Today we talked about microscopes.  We did some guided reading from the text.

-Students were given a sheet to answer questions from the readings.  We will be working on our science literacy skills this year.



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Posted: September 9, 2016

Math 8

-Today we practiced how to show multiplication of integers with models.  Students practiced how to show their work correctly.  Notes are posted below.

-Homework Q 5, 6 a b, 7, 8 et 10


Math 7

-Today we practiced how to model positive and negative numbers using <<des jetons>>.  Students were able to see that a << une paire nulle>> is one red and one yellow jetton and that it has a value of zero.  Students were able to solve addition problems.  Notes are posted below.

-Homework p. 54 Q1, 2 and p. 58 Q 1, 3, 4.  Students should check their answers with those in the back of the book when they are done each question.  We will review any questions they had problems with next class.


Santé 6

-Today we talked about what being healthy means. 

-Homework: Students started a title page.  This will be completed next class.


Science 7

-Today we did not have class due to an assembly.

-Earlier this week we had a lot of fun learning how to work together as a group.  We talked about how to communicate as a group and how to problem solve as we work.   Pictures can be seen at the following link:

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