Mrs. McQuaid Murphy Notes

French immersions math and science


Posted: January 17, 2017

Math 8

-Quiz will be packed tomorrow once the students who where absent today write.

-We spent time looking at the rectangle models for multiplying fractions today.

Math 7

Worksheet is due tomorrow for marks.


Science 7

-We started our new unit on heat.  Notes were taken.  We will be in the lab doing science on Tuesday.

-Students should be working on the planning phase of their project at home.  Time was given today to research.

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Posted: January 13, 2017

Health 6

-Today we did a carousel activity where we discussed what changes occur in puberty physically, mentally, socially and emotional. 

-Students took some notes on these changes.


Math 8

-We corrected questions and reviewed how to multiply fractions using a number line.  

-Homework is a question from the text and a review sheet.  See notes.


Math 7

-We went over how to add fractions with and without models.

-Review sheet is for homework.

-A second sheet was given and will be due Tuesday for those who are ready to work ahead.


Science 6, 7, 8

-Video for parents to explain the STEM project has been posted.  Check back often for updates on how far along your child should be with their project.

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Posted: January 12, 2017

Health 6 will start their growth and development unit tomorrow.  An information letter has been sent home to explain what is covered during this unit.  Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me for more information.


*** Extra help for math will be Monday at lunch during the outdoor time. ***


Math 8

Students are to complete questions from section 1.  Notes are posted below.

Math 7

-Students were given time in class to work on the following questions which are due tomorrow.  Notes posted below.

p. 179 Q1

p.180 Q2 (avec modèle)


p. 183 Q 1

p. 184 Q 2, 4, 5, and 7


Science 6 and 8

-Time was spent looking for projects.  Students should complete this at home.

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Posted: January 11, 2017

Math 8

-Today we reviewed previous work on fractions.  We also started to look at multiplications as a repeating addition.  We began to use models to solve multiplication of fraction questions.  No homework as it is our first day discovering the models.

Math 7

-Today we reviewed how to go from improper fractions to mixed numbers.  We also went over how to find equivalent fractions.   We began showing our work of addition questions with the help of models.  No homework.

Science 6 and 8

-We went over the different options of types of projects students can do for their STEM fair.   All projects will be due Feb 20th.    This week students should decide if they are working individually or in a pair.   Students are urged to work individually.    If students have decided to work in groups of two, it is their choice and they should make sure it is someone they can work with.  That they are able to meet to work on the project outside of class time.   Please note that if you work in a group students may receive individual marks that reflects their portion of the work.

-A hand out was given to grade 6 to explain the STEM process.  Grade 8 students wishing to have a copy can see me tomorrow.

-Stay tuned for updates on where your child should be in the Stem process each week by checking the class website.

Health 8

-Today in our growth and development unit we looked at understand the role the media plays in establishing feelings and attitudes about ourselves and relationships with others, including dating and becoming sexually active.  We looked at the influence television has on the way we think about “body image,” “sexuality” and “sexual violence.”  

-I encourage you to help your child complete the “Song Lyrics: Healthy or unhealthy?” assignment.   Together you can choose a song that talks about a relationship. Discuss and answer the questions on the sheet provided.   Students will share their song and answers with the class to generate discussions over the next few classes.

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Posted: January 10, 2017

Health 8 will start their Growth and Development unit this week.  A notice has been sent home to parents to explain what will be covered.  Please contact me should you have any questions.

Math 8

-We started our unit on fractions.  Students did a review of grade 6 and 7 material today.  Homework is to complete an assignment (Q 1 to 19) for tomorrow.  Students having trouble with this assignment will be asked to attend extra help.

Math 7

-We started module 5 today on addition and subtraction of fractions.  A review sheet was handed out to go over prior knowledge.  It contains questions that should be completed for class tomorrow.

-Work has been passed back to be signed.

Science 7

-STEM projects were explained.  A handout was given to students to explain what should be in each type of project.  Time was given in class for students to research a topic.  By Friday of this week students should know if they are working individually or in a group of two.  They should also have chosen a topic.  Next week will work on our question, hypothesis and procedure for experiments (step 5) and our problem and design (step 4) for innovation projects.

Posted: December 19, 2016

Science 6

-I have decieded to move the test to after the holidays.  With storm days, concerts, and school activities.... it would be too rushed.  

-We continue to work on variables, how to write a question for an experiment and how to write procedures.  

-We will be starting our STEM fair projects in January.

Math 8

-Assignment is due Wednesday

Science 8

-Project is due Wednesday.  You will have math class tomorrow to work on it.

Math 7

-Tomorrow you will have a practice test for sections 3.1 to 3.6.   Test will be Wednesday

Science 7

-Open book test tomorrow.  Our foccus  has been on science literacy.  Reading scientific material and being able to find the answer.  We also worked on graphing.  Students will be given data and asked to make the graph.  Remember to put titles, watch your scales and decied if the data points should be joined (continuous data) or left separate (discreet data).


Wednesday is PJ day

Thursday is hat (santa or elf) day

Friday is red green day

Posted: December 13, 2016

Math 8

District bench mark is Thursday.  A review packet has been handed out for students to review.  Students were also asked to use their portfolio (duotang) to review old test and assignments.

Students should know the following:

N7 Multiply and divide integers (positive and negative numbers)

N7 order of operations (students need to remember adding and subtracting of integers from grade 7)

SS2 Nets(les développements) of 3-D objects

SS5 Top front and side views of  3-D objects (students should ask to use building blocks)

PR21 Graph and analyze linear relationships.

  • Continuous (join data points) versus discreet (do not join data points) data.
  • Scales on lines that go up by the same amount each square
  • Titles for both axis and a title for the graph

N1 squares and square roots.

  • Know how to decompose a number into its primary factors

  • Know perfect square by heart up to 16 x 16

  • Word problems with area of a square.

N2 Estimate square roots

  • Be detailed when showing and explaining work (double number line).

SS1 Pythagorean theorem

  • Review algebra for solving equations.
  • Know when we find the square root at the end (looking for length of side) and when we do not (looking for area of square formed by the side)
  • Word problems.

Math 7

District benchmark is Thursday.  A review packet has been handed out for students to review.  Students were also asked to use their portfolio (duotang) to review old test and assignments.

What students should know:

N6 Add and subtract integers

  • Number line
  • Counter model
  • Old school method

N1 Divisibility rules

PR1 Determine expression from a pattern

PR5 evaluate an expression given values

PR2 Fill in a table given an expression and draw the graph.

  • Continuous (join data points) versus discreet (do not join data points) data.
  • Scales on lines that go up by the same amount each square
  • Titles for both axis and a title for the graph

N4 Terminating and repeating decimals as fractions

N7 Comparing and ordering decimals, fractions and percent

N2 adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals




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Posted: December 9, 2016

Math 8

-Test was passed back for most students

-Students were should use unit test to help guide their review.

Math 7

-We continue to work in our unit with decimals.  Students should be using the review booklet and test to guide their review for the benchmark exam.

-p.98 Q1,3

-p. 99 Q 5, 6, 7, et 10

-p. 102 Q 1, 4, 8, et 10

Health 6

-Today we talked about security.  We looked at weighing the pros and cons to make a decision.

Science 7

-We went over how to write a hypothesis, how to make a graph from observations and how to write a conclusion.  Students are to edit their conclusion for homework.

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Posted: December 7, 2016

Math 8

-Students should be working on the review packet that was given.  Test are marked and will be passed back as soon as the last student writes. (one student was absent)

-District bench mark next week.

Math 7

-Test tomorrow on fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions.

-Students have a review booklet and questions from the text that are to be completed for Friday.  District benchmark next week.

Science 6

-Today students learnt about static electricity.  We learnt that objects can give electrons to another object.  The object that gets the electrons becomes negatively charged and the object that gave the electrons has become possitive.  Opposite charges attract and like charges repel.  Notes are posted below.

-We also wrote a testable question togeter.  Remember that you need to state what you are changing (independent variable) and what you are measuring(dependent variabl).

Science 8

-We did our heart rate lab.

-Continue to work on research question.

Health 8

-Journal entry is due

-Time will be given next class to work on poster project.

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Posted: December 5, 2016

Math 8

-Test tomorrow.


-Review packet will be passed out tomorrow.


-District benchmark will be done early next week.




Math 7


-We went over how to add decimals today.


-Tomorrow students will learn how to multiply decimals.


-Homework is to complete page 2 and 3 of review booklet.


-District benchmark early next week.




Science 6


-We learnt that scientist read the research of other scientist and build on and elaborate their work.  We looked at examples from our electricity unit to demonstrate this.  Students do not need to memorize this list of people but should understand that experiments build on previous work.  That when we finish an experiment we often have another question or problem to further research.  This is how our understanding of science expands.


-Notes posted below.




Science 8


-We did our perception survey. 


-Students had some time to work on their research project.


Posted: November 24, 2016

Math 8

-We reviewed homework.

-Students are to complete the second side of our sheet on estimating square roots.


Math 7

-No homework tonight. Notes posted below.

Science 6

-Today we build vocabulary around electricity.  Groups presented their projects.   Students were then given the names of scientist, a list of major discoveries in electricity and a list of the years that they happened in.   Students were asked to place the right name, year and discovery together.  We will finish this in our next science class.


Science 8

-We corrected the first two of three systems.  We had a good discussion.

Posted: November 22, 2016

Math 8

-Please see notes attached.

-Test will be returned tomorrow.

Math 7

-We spent the first part of class reviewing how to add and subtract integers by using a game.

-We learnt the difference between <<decimal fini>> et <<decimal périodique>>.   Students are to finish the questions we were working on in class for homework.


Science 7

-We did our owl pellet dissection lab.   Students reviewed how to draw food webs and they practice how to make a prediction.

-Picture to follow J

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Posted: November 21, 2016

Math 8

-We worked on how to solve Pythagorean theorem questions.  Students need to review how to solve algebra problems.  Q 5, 6 and 7 are for homework.


Math 7

-We started chapter 3.   Students need to learn how to switch between fractions to decimals.  They need to be able to make equivalent fractions with bases of 10, 100 or 1000 and then switch to decimals.  Students are to practice by completing p. 88 Q 1, 2 and 3.


Science 6

We started our new unit on electricity today.

-Today we did some reading and discussions to realize that electricity use is all around us.   Students are to build vocabulary by naming 10 objects/devices that use electricity and identify their main purpose.

-We also spent some time talking about the different ways we make electricity.


Science 8

-We talked about the digestive system, respiratory system and circulatory system.  Students were given questions to help them focus as they read chapter 3.  We will complete this assignment next class.  Learning to read and pick out the important information is an important skill students will be developing over the next few classes.


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Posted: November 16, 2016

Math 7 and 8

-Test tomorrow

Science 6

-Question 1 and 2 are due tomorrow.

Science 8

-Obeservations and conclusion for yeast lab is now due.

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Posted: November 15, 2016

Math 8

-Today we used part of class to record our observations from our yeast lab in science.  As a result we did not finish our review.  We will move our test to Thursday.   Some students will be doing a technology tutorial during math so it works best to move the test.


Math 7

-Students are to complete the formative (practice ) test.   Test is Thursday.


Science 7

-Today we took some notes on cycles, watched some ShowMe videos and did a review game.  Students were also given time to read on the topics we are learning in class.

-Next class we will be doing our owl pellot lab.

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