Posted: October 5, 2018
Many students were asking me to assign more Mathletics tasks today. Some wanted more practice for the upcoming tests, and some wanted to gain more points towards certificates. Please note that I have added more tasks, but they are not required to be completed for Sunday night. I have also re-assigned tasks that students may have completed but not done well on.
Take time to rest, eat and enjoy time with family this week end.
Math 8
-We went over our formative test on order of operations with integers. Test will be Tuesday.
-We also did some hands on work with nets. Lots of laughs as they cut the nets out and tried to make 3-D shapes. A fun way to end the week!
Science 8
-We continued our learning around waves and tides. Notes are attached below.
Science 7
-We did a group review today and filled in and re-explained notes as needed. Students should be reviewing notes at home on a regular basis. It is too much to learn the night before a test.
Math 7
-We went over the formative divisibility test today. Students will write the test that counts on Tuesday.
-Students had time to work on their Mathletics. Some certificates were handed out to students. Way to go grade 7.
Math 6
-We learnt a new method to find primary factors: factoring by division.
-Students are encouraged to circle/highlight key words in the question to help them focus on what the question is asking them to find. Students should be doing this on assignments and tests. Remember Factors and multiples are not the same thing. We practiced this strategy together as a class today. Students will have a formative (practice) assignment Tuesday. Test is tentatively planned for Thursday.
-Some enrichment was shown to the class for students that are ready to try a more advanced notation for their answers. This is written as an added piece at the end of factoring using exponents. (You still write the primary factors out in ascending order in the long method). Students do not need to master this notation. It is an enrichment for students who are working ahead of the class. J Congrats to those who are confident enough to embrace this new notation.