Welcome back from your March Break. I hope you are all well rested and ready to learn again!
Language Arts: We are learning about procedural writing. Students are learning to use what they know in order to explain it clearly to their readers. Students are learning what a question is and how to use an idea web.
Math: We are finishing up our unit on Addition and Subtraction to 12 this week. Students will be assessed on this on Wednesday. Next week students will be introduced to Measurement.
Book Orders: These are due on Friday, March 16th. Thanks again for your support.
Parent Teacher Interviews: Please return your forms ASAP. Interviews will be held on Thursday, March 22 from 4-7 and Friday, March 23 from 9 – 11:30. Thanks!
Pizza Party: We will be having our “Classroom of the month” pizza party on Thursday, March 15. A note has gone home with your child.
Book Fair: The book fair will be held next week. Students will be going up to view books on Monday and can return on Tuesday to purchase. Even if you do not purchase a book please return the “Family Event Door Prize” coupon for a chance to win $25.00 in books for both the class and the child.
I think that’s all for now. Thanks and have a great week.