Ms. Matheson - Archive - 08/2012

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: September 23, 2010

We go to the Library on Mondays. Guided Reading Bags:  Each child has a guided reading bag that they will be using on a regular basis to bring books home.  When your child brings home a guided reading book, please have them read it to you and then send it back to school with the bag.

Posted: September 20, 2010

Our video conference has been changed until Tuesday, September 28th.

Posted: September 19, 2010

It's another busy week at Gretna Green!    Monday is the start of the Terry Fox spare change drive. Anyone that brings in a dollar gets their name in a draw to be Principal for the Day!  Friday is our Terry Fox Walk around Storyland Park.   We are having our first video conference with our pen pals in Dallas, Texas on Tuesday.  Everyone will get a chance to meet and talk with their buddies.  Think of some questions you can ask them.  We will also write our first letters this week.   In Math, Mr. Cabel will be showing you how to extend different kinds of patterns.   Daily 5:  We will review how to pick a Good Fit book and work on building stamina in Read to Self.

Posted: September 13, 2010

Thursday, September 16th is Dessert Delight Night and Meet the Teacher.  It runs from 6:00 until 7:00.  We hope you can come and enjoy a tasty treat and see your child's classroom.  Mr. Cabel and I are looking forward to meeting you all!

Posted: September 13, 2010

We are hard at work on our first unit in Math learning about patterns.  The learning goals for this unit are: 1. Describe, extend, compare, and draw repeating patterns and increasing patterns.   2. Create new patterns.   3. Talk about a pattern rule.  4.  Use 2 attributes to make a pattern.    Patterns are EVERYWHERE!  Look around your home and see what patterns you can find.

Posted: September 13, 2010

Wednesday, September 15 is school picture day!!  We will stay inside at recess to make sure that we all look our best when it's time for our pictures! Remember to dress nicely and bring your best smile!

Posted: September 10, 2010

Wow!  The first week of school flew by!  I'm happy to say that 2M had a fantastic week.  The boys and girls were busy practicing new routines, creating classroom rules, learning and having fun.  Check out the new image gallery to see what we've been up to.   Communication logs were sent home today. Parents, please sign them and send them back to school on Monday.  They will be going home every Friday.   Have a restful weekend and I'll see you all on Monday!    

Posted: September 9, 2010

Posted: September 2, 2010

 I hope you all had a fantastic summer.  You are going to have a great year in Grade Two.  Mr. Cabel and I are looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.  Enjoy your long weekend!
All the grade 2's went on a field trip to the Woodmen's Museum.  There's a lot of cool stuff there, even dead animals!  There were skinned bobcats and a bear that we got to touch!  We got to feed the fish.  One slapped Matthew B's hand!  We went in the Boat House and saw a boat that was named Doug Out.  There was also an airplane.  It crashed near the museum many years ago.  They put it back together but it took 3 years to finish! Wow!  Our tour guide was named Mr. D and he covered a lot of good stuff.  We had a great day!                                                                           by Jenna and Matthew R P.S.  Our legs were tired :)


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Added: Mon, Jun 18 2012


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Added: Mon, Jun 18 2012