Latest Teacher Activity

Title Type Page Post date
Kate - Là où je dors Video Mme. Baisley April 15, 2020
Cassandra Image Gallery Mme. Baisley April 15, 2020
Important Note about Digital Access! Document Mme. Arsenault April 15, 2020
Catherine Image Gallery Ms. Matheson April 14, 2020
Kayla Image Gallery Mme Lockerbie April 14, 2020
Clutter Buster is Here! Video Mr. Stewart and Mrs. Morehouse April 14, 2020
**Middle School Students** Note Mrs. Allison April 14, 2020
Week 2 in Pictures Image Gallery Mrs. Lynch April 14, 2020
ASDN Weekly STEAM Issue 3 Document Mme. Baisley April 14, 2020
STEAM Issue 2 Middle School LA & Grade 1 Math Web Link Mrs. Allison April 14, 2020
Learning Opportunities April 14th to April 17th Document Mrs. Blakely-Doucette April 13, 2020
Week 2 Challenge Document Mr. Ryan April 13, 2020
Home Learning Opportunities Week 2 Note Mrs. Yvonne Girouard April 13, 2020
Home Learning April 14th-17th Document Ms. Gardiner April 13, 2020
Week 2 Phys-Ed Document Mr. Walsh April 13, 2020
Liste des mots fréquents Document Mme Matchett April 13, 2020
Home Learning - Week 2 for Middle School (6/7W & 7/8BD) Note Mrs. Allison April 13, 2020
Stone Image Gallery Mme Lockerbie April 13, 2020
Kindergarten Home Learning April 14-17 Document Christine O'Reilly April 13, 2020
Home Learning Challenges April 14-17 Document Ms. Matheson April 13, 2020
Week 2- SHARK WEEK Note Mme Foran April 13, 2020
Home Learning Week 2 Document Mr. Glazier April 13, 2020
Week 1 in Pictures Image Gallery Christine O'Reilly April 13, 2020
Middle School Physical Education - Week 2 Document Mrs. Tozer April 13, 2020
Home Learning Week of April 14th-18th Document Mme. Levesque-Martin April 13, 2020
