
Posted: April 30, 2021

We would like to remind our entire Gator Learning Community that there will be no school for all students in K-8 on Thursday, May 6th & Friday, May 7th due to staff professional development meetings. Enjoy your extended weekend Gators!

Posted: April 17, 2021

Mme Levesque-Martin and her GG Growers Group held their first pop up lettuce sale this week and sold out their full supply within 45 minutes!  Our Gators are learning about food sustainability, hydroponics, commerce and healthy eating options along the way.  Great to see so many cool projects rolling out of GG:)

Posted: April 10, 2021

We would like to remind our entire learning community that term II progress reports will be going home on Monday, April 12th for all students in K-8.  Parent-teacher interviews will be done via telephone once again this term.  All notices for scheduled times have already gone home.  If you have any questions, please contact your teacher's homeroom teacher. There is no school for all students on Friday, April 16th.

Posted: March 28, 2021

We would like to wish our entire Gretna Green learning community a happy Easter weekend! We would also like to remind you that there will be no school on Friday, April 2nd and Monday, April 5th.

Posted: March 28, 2021

We would like to wish our entire learning community a Happy Easter! There will be no school for our Gators on Friday, April 2nd and Monday, April 5th.

Posted: March 21, 2021

We would like remind our entire GG learning community that there will be no school for all students on Friday, March 26th. This day is designated as a professional learning day for all staff in K-8 throughout ASD-N.

Posted: March 11, 2021

Make a difference! Consider becoming a candidate for your Anglophone North District Education Council. Your District Education Council (DEC) needs people who are dedicated and passionate about the education of students in your district and across the province. The DEC hires and evaluates the superintendent, develops policies, monitors the performance of the district and sets priorities for the district education plan.

Posted: March 7, 2021

Dear Parents and Guardians:


Posted: March 5, 2021

Dear Gretna Green Parents and Guardians: Re: POSSIBLE EXPOSURE OF COVID-19 IN OUR SCHOOL

This is to inform you that individuals at our school may have been exposed to a positive COVID-19 case. We are working with Public Health officials to identify any students and school personnel who may have been in contact with the case. We understand you may feel anxious over the coming days.

Posted: February 19, 2021

Hey Gators, check out the daily themes we have planned for all of you next week, February 22 - 26.  In addition to these fun theme days we will have daily outdoor activities planned for you so please dress for winter weather!  Looks like it's going to be a fun way to end the last week before March break, enjoy Gators!



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