Congratulations to our Science Fair winners!! Taufah Ahmed won 3rd place at the District 16 Elementary Science Fair and Taylor Donovan and Katilyn Comeau won 2nd place. The Elementary Science Fair was held at Gretna Green Thursday morning.
On Tuesday, March 16, 2010 Gretna Green Elementary held a Science Fair for all students. Students worked on projects for the past two weeks in class and displayed their hard work for judges, parents and their peers to see. Congratulations to our winners; : Shaylin McFarlane,Brydie Trevors, Kamryn Morehouse, Saood Amhed, Kaitlyn Comeau, Taylor Donovan and Jarrad Tulle, Who will be attending the District 16 Science Fair on Thursday March 18 at Gretna Green.
To get students in the Science spirit, Mr. Comeau's Grade 5 class designed and built a Hovercraft. The students were determined to build one that was strong enough to float the Principal and they did! See image gallery for pictures!
This week Gretna Green will have two Science Fairs. Tuesday, March 16 there will be the Gretna Green Elementary School Science Fair. Parents are invited to see projects from 1:00-1:30. Also, Thursday, Gretna Green is hosting the Districts 16 Elementary Science Fair from 9:00 - 12:00.
On Thursday March 11, 2010 Gretna Green staff and students will be participating in the Big Crunch Challenge. This challenge promotes healthy eating by encouraging everyone to CRUNCH an apple for their snack. There will be apples available for those students or teachers who forget to bring one with them. Check out the Image Gallery for pictures!
Thursday, March 11 is Math Family Fun Night! Students, parents and friends are welcome and encouraged to come out to play some Math Games! It runs from 6:30 until 7:30 and takes place in the cafeteria! Hope to see you there! Check out the Image Gallery for pictures!!!
Friday, February 26th is the deadline to register your child for Grade 3 Early French Immersion and Grade 6 Late French Immersion. Registration forms are available in the office or at the School District 16 Office at 78 Henderson Street. Forms must be returned to the District Office by Friday.
Once again, Student Appreciation Week was a big hit this year. The students took on the teachers in the annual Survivor Challenge. The students are happy to report that they came out victorious. Congratulations to Devon D. who was crowned this year's "Ultimate Survivor". The entire learning community would also like to thank Mrs.
The staff at Gretna Green want to thank our parent community for all the special treatment last week during Staff Appreciation Week! You help to make Gretna Green a "Great Place to Learn"
The grade fives were in the Olympic spirit on Friday as they spent their morning cross country skiing at the Miramichi Cross Country Ski Club. The kids had a great time. We would like to thank Mr. Peter Gadd for making this special outing possible. Peter was instrumental in providing lessons and ski equipment and making this special day a memorable experience. A special thanks to Bunnie Dumpsey for navigating the kids through the Red Trail. Thanks again from the grade five students for a great time!