Posted: March 18, 2015
Christine O'Reilly Notes
Ms. O'Reilly - Kindergarten
Posted: March 17, 2015
On St. Patrick’s Day, Lily and Leroy, the twin leprechauns
were looking for gold. They saw
something shiny in the garbage can. Lily
jumped into the garbage can to get the gold but realized it was just fishy
crackers. Leroy was worried because he heard
Mr. Trevors singing, so he knew that he was on his way to pick up the
garbage. So Leroy tries to help Lily but
it was too late because Mr. Trevors already took the garbage away. While Lily is inside the garbage bag she
realizes that people need to remember the 3 R’s (reduce, reuse and
recycle). Inside the bag she saw plastic,
cardboard, paper, pop cans, water bottles, broken toys, clothes and juice
boxes. Lily decides that she needs to
get back to school to tell the students about the 3 R’s. Lily uses her sharp nails to cut open the
garbage bag to get out. Lily makes her
way back to the school and tells Leroy about the stuff she saw in the garbage
bag. They decide to leave a message behind
to remind the kids about the 3 R’s. They
both go back to their homes and decided that they will check out more garbage
cans to see if people are recycling.
Written by, Mrs. O’Toole’s Class
Posted: March 16, 2015
Congratulations Boys and Girls on being finalists in the animation and video documentation categories at the 8th Annual CUTE Awards!!! Our friends in Grade 1 are also finalists with their Bridges and Welcome to Kindergarten video they created in kindergarten. Yay!! Congratulations also to Matty & Mikail for being finalists in the 21st Century Learning Elementary category. The CUTE awards will take place this Wednesday evening at 7:00 at JMH. We will be sending a note home tomorrow with more details if you plan on attending the show.
For pictures from the 2014 CUTE Awards click the link below.
Posted: February 12, 2015
A big THANK-YOU goes out to all the parents and our Home
& School for everything you did during Staff Appreciation week. The turkey dinner was amazing on Wednesday
and all the goodies brought in are greatly appreciated! Thanks for all that you do!
Posted: February 4, 2015
Sock HopOn Friday we had a sock hop in the gym. We had to wear funny and crazy socks. In the gym we danced and ran around. Some of
the students formed a train to dance everywhere. Eve, Elizabeth and Lily were taking pictures
of our crazy socks. We had a lot of fun
at the sock hop.
Mrs. O’Toole’s Class
Posted: January 28, 2015
Check out this link to see Charlotte host the Morning Announcements with Matty. They both did a terrific job!! Well Done!
Posted: January 6, 2015
2015 New Year’s Resolutions
Isabelle – Learn how to skate and tie shoelaces.
Brady – Try pickles.
Kaidence – Learn how to figure skate and jog.
Adrianne – Help clean the house and try new foods.
Matthew – Teach my sister how to jump on a scooter.
Merrick – Go farther in the water at the beach.
Elias – Learn how to swim.
Keira – Be kind to my brother.
Desirae – Teach my parents how to skate.
Jarrod – Try the Splashdown in Blackville.
Mikail – Design a new game and teach it to my family.
Abby – Help clean around my house.
Charlotte – Learn how to skate backwards.
Ava – Learn how to tie shoelaces.
Posted: December 1, 2014
Our Christmas concert will be performed twice on Wednesday, Dec. 3rd. The first show is at 10:00 and the second show is at 12:30. Our class, along with Miss Matheson's class, will be singing three songs throughout the concert. We will be performing our last song with the rest of the school at the end of the concert.
Posted: November 21, 2014
Card games are great to help kids with math. A great card game to play at home with your child is, Go Fish. They have been playing it at school in math centers and they seem to really enjoy playing the game with each other.
Posted: November 4, 2014
This is just a friendly reminder to please not send any peanuts, peanut butter, or foods containing peanuts or tree nuts to school (ex. hazelnuts - Nutella). Also Wow Butter is not permitted due to the confusion with peanut butter that it can cause. Thanks!
Posted: October 6, 2014
Today the firefighters came in and spoke to us about fire safety. Tell your parents some of the important information you learned about fire safety. Don't forget to check the batteries in your smoke alarms and choose an outside meeting place for your family to meet at in case of a fire.
Posted: September 29, 2014
Printing practice sheets that are completed at school will be sent home. On the back you will notice space for your child to practice tracing and printing the letters at home. These sheets can stay at home. Thanks!
Posted: September 29, 2014
Homework will be going home today. Please have your child complete at least 3 out of the 4 activities. Sight words for the month of October will be going home as well. Homework and books are to be passed back on Friday. Books sent home for the week are to be practiced throughout the week. Thanks :)
Posted: September 15, 2014
Today we starting Unit #1 of the Math Makes Sense program called Exploring Patterns. By the end of this unit students will be able to sort objects using a single attribute (e.g. colour or size). They will also be able to demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns with 2 or 3 elements (triangle, circle, triangle, circle, etc. or clap, sit, stand, clap, sit, stand etc.) by identifying, reproducing, extending and creating patterns using manipulatives, sounds and actions. Patterns are so much fun for kids! Ask your child to look around their house for patterns as well as their clothing.
Posted: September 9, 2014
Today we read the book, Olivia and the Best Teacher Ever. I asked the students what they thought would make the best teacher ever and here is what they had to say.The best teacher ever would:Isabelle – Take us outside a lot.
Brady – Let us eat for a long time. Desirae – Let us eat outside.
Abby – Let us play outside for a long time.
Adrianne – Let us eat and play at the same time.
Merrick – Let us play soccer forever.
Jarrod – Let us play with the computers.
Matt – Blow bubbles inside the classroom.
Keira – Blow bubbles in the classroom.
Elias – Blow bubbles in the classroom.
Mikail – They would teach us about polar bears.
Kaidence – Take us on a field trip.
Charlotte – Take us up to the stars.
Ava- Take us to the beach.