Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

French immersions math and science

Posted: April 11, 2019

Math 7

-Students have their practice test to get signed.  Students should use this test to study for the test tomorrow.

Math 6

-Homework is Question 4 to 9.

Science 8

-Students were given a handout of notes on refractions.

Posted: April 10, 2019

Math 8

-We worked on 6.4 in the text.  Students were given the review sheet.  Only the first section is due for homework.

Math 7

-We had a presentation so no class.

Math 6

-p233 Q 1, 2, and 3

-marked work handed back to be signed.

Science 7

-Students did some leadership activities this afternoon, therefore we had a shorter class.  Crossword of vocabulary for Chapter 8 was handed out.  More time will be given tomorrow.

Posted: April 9, 2019

Math 8

-Notes for both classes are posted below.  Today we worked on questions p.342 Q 5, 6, , 8, 11, 12,and 19 and section 6.1 of the review booklet.

-Test is tentatively Wednesday of next week.

Math 7

-The CNIB presentation went into this class so we will do the practice test tomorrow.  One more night to study!

Math 6

-We did our assessment today.

Posted: April 8, 2019

Math 8

-Students were given time to work on Mathletics.  Task are due Sunday night.

Math 7

-We will have our practice test for algebra tomorrow.  The “real” test will be Friday. 

-We used the senteo responders today to practice algebra.

Math 6

-We went over the practice test.   It was sent home.   It is not postable due to technology problems today.   Test tomorrow.

-Time given to practice on Mathletics.

Science 6

-We went over how to construct double bar graphs.   Students did one for Moth populations.

Posted: April 2, 2019

Math 8

-We did a review this morning and the test this afternoon.  Some students will finish the test tomorrow.

Math 7

-We went over how to solve algebra without models today. Homework is page 238 Q 1, 2, 3, and 4.

-Revision booklet is due Monday.

-Mathletics due Sunday night.

Math 6

-We learnt how to calculate perimeter today.  Using patterns in regular polygons to make the work quicker.  Homework is Q 1 and 3.  See notes below as I scanned in the homework questions.

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Posted: April 1, 2019

Due to a sytem error, middle level report cards are going home Tuesday afternoon.  Please note the difference in a 2 and a 3.  Both scores are a pass.

2- able to do grade level material with help and or prompts.  Approaching.

3- independently doing grade level material.


Math 8

-Today we went over the review packet.  Tomorrow we will finish the last few questions in our morning class and students will do an assessment in the afternoon on percent and ratios.

-Mathletics due Sunday night.

Math 7

-We went over both models for algebra.  Students corrected the review assignment.  No homework.

-Review assignment was given and is due Monday.  Students may use their notes.  This assignment counts.

-Mathletics due Sunday night.

Math 6

-New terms for students to have memorized.  Questions 1, 2, and 7 for homework. 

-Review booklet for end of March was given out Friday.  Students have until Monday to pass this in.  They may use their notes.  Many have finished and have passed it in.

-Mathletics due Sunday night.

Science 7

-Today we corrected the review of chapter 10.  We did some guided reading and highlighted important sections of the text.  Students need to be going over their notes.  Test next Friday.

Science 6

-Today we talked about graphs.  Students filled data tables in with the information in a graph.  No homework.

Posted: March 28, 2019

Math 7

-We reviewed the balance model and learnt how to use algebra tiles.  Notes posted below.  No homework.

Science 7

-We had our breakfast today during class.  

-Time was given to work on chapter 10 questions.  Chapter 10 was a handout.  We are doing science literacy where students are reading and seeking answers.

Math 6

-We discussed what each of the numbers on the report card mean.  A “2” means the student is doing grade level work but they often need help or prompts to complete the work.  Many students in the class are presently at this stage of learning and this is why we have Mr. Walsh in the class to help students answer questions and to provide extra support.   With practice, students are progressing to a “3” where they are working on grade level material, and being successful with the questions without help or prompts.

-We learnt how to calculate the missing angle of triangles and quadrilaterals.   Students should be able to do this without the use of a calculator.

-Students were given a handout with the name of angles and these need to be known by heart.  Homework is to finish the question on the handout and memorize the names of the angles.

Science 8

-We continue our work with reflections and refractions.  Students watched a video (link in notes) of how to determine the densest medium.  Time was given to finish the workbook given yesterday in class.

Posted: March 27, 2019

Math 8

-Today we learnt about ratios and rates.

Math 6

-We did our assessment on triangles today.  No homework

Science 8

-We worked on drawings of reflections today.


Posted: March 26, 2019

Math 8

-We continued our work with calculating percent.  See notes below.

Math 7

-P 229 Q 1 and 2.  (Scanned below in notes). Students must be able to use the model to solve the algebraic equation as shown in the text.

Math 6

-Students met with me to go over measuring angles and naming triangles.  Test tomorrow. 

Posted: March 25, 2019

Math 8

-Today we watched a video on calculating percent increase and decrease.  Students then spent time working on questions from the book.  No homework.

Math 7

-We started our new unit (module 6).  We did an activity to separate expressions and equations.  Students completed questions from text book listed in the notes below.  Most students finished this in class.

-Module 7 test passed back.  It is to be signed and returned.

Science 7

-We had a presentation from MADD today.  As a result, our class was short.  Student were given time to read the handout of chapter 10 and they started to answer the questions.  This unit will have a “knowledge” component and as such students should be studying on a regular basis.

Math 6

-I met with students today to test them on measuring angles and naming triangles.  Mr. Walsh led the students in an assignment of drawing triangles.  This two sided sheet is for homework and will be picked up and marked.  Assignment is due tomorrow.

Science 6

-We had a presentation from MADD.

PDF icon march_25th_math_7.pdf3.5 MB
PDF icon march_25th_math_8.pdf156.64 KB


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