Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

French immersions math and science

Posted: March 21, 2019

Math 8

-no class on Thursday

Math 7

-Students did their assessment.  It will be sent home Tuesday.  This was a summative assessment that counts for the report card.

Math 6

-We reviewed how to name triangles by angles and by length of sides.  We did an activity with straws and all students answered questions about their triangle to one of the teachers in the room.  Students were then given a worksheet on measuring angles.  This sheet should be completed for tomorrow’s class.

-Students must have a math set for class to complete work.

Science 7

-We learnt how geologist identify minerals in a rock.  The notes attached below have the links for the two videos that we watched in class today.  Students were also given a handout that we will be using as a refference for the next couple weeks.  Notes taken today are posted below.

Science 8

-We modeled how to study notes.  We did some guided reading on the topic of reflection of light rays.  Students are to complete Q 2 for homework where they are to identify the two laws of reflection.

-Students should be reviewing notes at home.

Posted: March 20, 2019

We had fun using our sentdo responders today to review for our test tomorrow.  Engagement was high as each student logged their answers.  Our desks are also a whiteboard.

Posted: March 20, 2019

Grade 7 science: How to identify rocks and minerals

Video that shows how minerals are identified.  It also explains the Mohs hardness scale.

Posted: March 20, 2019

Science 7

The three ways rocks are formed.

Posted: March 20, 2019

Math 8

-P. 252 Q 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

-Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.

Math 7

-Marked work was passed back and is to be returned signed tomorrow.

-We used Senteos today to practice questions in a test format.  Tomorrow students will have a summative assessment of module 7.  Time was given to work on the practice test in the student text.  Answers are in the back of the book to check work.

-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night.

Math 6

-We have gone over how to name triangles by the angles and by the length of the sides.  Students need to have this memorized.  See notes attached below.  We also spent time practicing how to draw triangles using our math set.  Students need to have a calculator, math set, pencil, pen and highlighter each day for class.

-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night.

Science 8

-We continued our work on optics today.  Homework is to review and study notes.  This unit has a knowledge component and students will need to know their notes for the test.

Posted: March 19, 2019

The timetable for stem fair can be found at

Posted: March 19, 2019

Math 8

-Work passed back to be signed.

-p.245 Q 1, 4 5 a and E 6, 7, 12 15

Math 7

-Students did a quiz on percent today.  Work will be passed back tomorrow.

Math 6

-Assignment was passed back to be signed.  We spent today’s class going over it.

-Math set required for class each day.

Posted: March 14, 2019

Math 8

-No class on Thursday

Math 7

-Page 287 Q1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were worked on in class.  They were not assigned for homework.   See notes below.

Math 6

-We went over the difference between theoretical and experimental probability.   We corrected homework.   Time was given to work on the review assignment that is due Monday.  Assignment counts for report card.  Students may use their notes for the review assignment.

-Students need to bring a calculator, pen pencil and highlighter to class each day with their book and binder.

Science 7

-Students started our new unit on earth crust.  We did some guided reading.  Notes posted below. 

-We also did a short planning and performing skills assessment today.

Science 8

- Time was given to finish entry in notebook from last class.  We then took some notes that are posted below.

-Work passed back to be signed.

Posted: March 13, 2019

Math 8

-Page 246 Q 5, 6 and 12

Math 7

-We started to work with tree diagrams.  Handout given but not assigned for homework.

Math 6

-Page 278 Q 1, 2, 3

-Review assignment due Monday.

Science 8

-We did an assessment today.

-We also started our new unit on optics.

Posted: March 12, 2019

Math 8

-We will be working with percent problems this week.   Specifically percent smaller than 1 and larger than 100.  Homework is page 239 Q 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14, 13, 16.

Math 7

-We continued our work on probability. 

-All duotangs of marked work should be signed and returned.

Math 6

-We went over how to construct graphs today.  We also looked at the difference between theoretical and experimental probability.  Q 1 to 7 are for homework and can be found in the notes posted below.  Many students finished this is class.

-Duotangs of marked work should  be signed and returned.


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