Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

French immersions math and science

Posted: February 6, 2019

Math 8

-Students did their formative test today.

-Mathletics assignments due Sunday night.

Math 7

-Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.

-Formative (practice) test was passed back and is to be signed.  This identifies where students should concentrate their studying for the test Friday.

-P. 213 Q 1 to 7 is for homework.

Math 6

-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night.

-Duotang of marked work was due back today.

-Some students were kept in at lunch to complete homework that was not done.  The students had a review booklet due today that was given last Thursday.   Regular review is important as the exam at the end of the year includes all previously taught math concepts.

-In class we did activities to group equivalent fractions together.  Students were required to reduce fractions to the simplest form.

Science 6, 7, 8

-Students should have the planning phase (question, hypothesis, procedure) and conclusion done as a draft.  Thursday and Friday they will have time in class to edit their writing.   Next week students should have the three sided board at school as they will be constructing the display in class.

Posted: February 4, 2019

Math 8

-Please see notes below for corrections of the division assignment.

-Formative test on multiplying and dividing fractions tomorrow.

Math 7

-Formative test was done today during science.  We had a presentation this morning from an author.

-Mathletics assignments are due Sunday night.  This is a good way to review and get extra practice for tests.

Math 6

-Presentation took up part of our class today.  Students had time to work on their Mathletics tasks.  These assignments are due to be completed every Sunday night.   This week we will work with ratios.

Science 6, 7, 8

-Students should have their work with them this week for math science and French classes.  Mme Arsenault and Mme Maltby-Ingersol will be available to conference with students and help them with the French and editing their work.   The draft of the planning phase (variables, question, hypothesis, procedure and research) should be done.  Students should have collected their data and observations.  This week students are making their graphs, and writing their conclusions.  

STEM video update

Graph presentation (in English):

PDF icon feb_4th_math_8.pdf134.19 KB

Posted: February 1, 2019

Math 8

-Assembly this afternoon.  No class.

-Formative test will be Tuesday.

-Mathletics task due every Sunday night.

Math 7

-Mr. Walsh worked with a small group to review and reteach for the test.  All review questions were explained and answers can be found in the notes posted below.  Practice test on adding and subtracting fractions Monday with the test that counts for the report card Wednesday.

-Mathletics task due every Sunday night.

Math 6

-We started to learn about ratios today.  Notes are posted below.  Students are to complete question 4 and 5 from the student text.

-Mathletics task due every Sunday night.

-Review booklet due Tuesday.

Science 7

-Students should be completing the experiment at home.  Today notes were given for observations and graphs.   Please see Stem update video.   Next week students will have the chance to conference with a mentor to get help on their project.   Students should have the draft at school so that they can work on the project and receive help.  Time will be given in Math, Science and French class to edit and correct the planning phase and to write the conclusion.   Students will have access to a computer. is a good resource to help students edit their work.    Projects are to be complete for February 20th.  

Science 8

-Students are working on their conclusions.  Next week students will conference to edit their work.  Keep up the great work!

Posted: January 31, 2019

This week we have learnt about observations.  We talked about how to choose the best type of graphs to display data.  Next week we will review what information should be in a conclusion.  Students should have their draft ready  to conference.

Posted: January 30, 2019

Science East presented a workshop today to grade 6, 7 and 8 French Immersion students to help them develop their science skills.  Students were given the chance to see how testing variables can help them to answer questions.  Students were also able to get some feedback on their choice of topic...

Posted: January 30, 2019

Today we had a presentation from Science East about STEM fair.  Students participated in activities to help them see how variables can be investigated to answer questions.  Students were able to share their topics for their STEM project and get some feedback and directions.  Expectations for district, provincial and national fairs were explained.

All projects are due February 20th for classroom presentation and grading.  The school showcase is February 26th from 12:30 to 2pm.  Parents are invited to come see the projects.

No math classes today due to presentation/workshop.

Science 8

-We had a lesson on observations today and notes were given.  See attachment for further explanations.  Time was given to work on applying this information to their project.

-Next week students should be ready with a draft of their report.  Conferences will be done to help edit and translate materials as needed.  Students are encouraged to take advantage of this extra help, by being prepared and ready to conference.  Since we are doing this project as a cross-curricular project, conferences will happen in science, math and French class.

PDF icon jan_30th_science_8_observations.pdf199.05 KB

Posted: January 29, 2019

Math 8

-We solved division problems involving mixed numbers.  We also looked at word problems involving fractions.  Students are encouraged to use a highlighter and to identify key words in word problems.

-Homework is to complete <<Exercices suplémentaires 6>>.

-Mathletics tasks due Sunday night.

Math 7

-Review workbook was given for our fraction units.  This is to be completed for homework for Thursday.  All answers should be in the reduced form.  Students must show their work to get the questions correct.

-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night.  Time was given in class to work on Mathletics.

Math 6

-Students completed their test today.  Time was given to work on Mathletics after the test.

-Mathletics tasks are due Sunday night.

Science 6, 7, and 8

-Students should have the draft of the planning phase of their project done.  A copy of the handout given to the students at the begining of January is attached below.  It has an outline for the three types of projects and a detailled explanation for each part of the experiment type of project.  If you are doing an innovation please see me for additional resources.

-Students should be completing the gathering of data at home this week.

-STEM fair update video for parents at the following link

-Weather permitting, we will have a guest speaker tomorrow from science east to talk about the scientific method and STEM fair expectations.

PDF icon jan_29th_math_8.pdf305.17 KB
File science_fair_handout.docx89.6 KB

Students should be editing the planning phase of their project and starting to collect data.  Students should refer to the handout for hints and tips for each section of the project. Handouts of notes and rubrics given for testable question, hypothesis and procedure.

Posted: January 23, 2019

Math 8

-P 145 Q 4, 5, 8, 10 and 11

Math 7

-We worked on word problems today.  No homework.

Math 6

-Formative test was passed back.  Test is Friday.  (…even if there is a snow day).

Science 8

-We went over conclusions today.  Students should be <<doing>> their project this weekend.

PDF icon jan_23rd_science_8.pdf607.36 KB
PDF icon jan_23rd_math_6.pdf140.15 KB
PDF icon jan_23rd_math_7.pdf277.08 KB
PDF icon jan_23rd_math_8.pdf435.33 KB

Posted: January 22, 2019

Math 8

-We learnt two methods to divide fractions.  See notes attached below.  Time was given to complete book work and to work on Mathletics tasks.

Math 7

-We learnt two models for subtracting fractions.  Homework is page 193 Q 3, 5 and 6.

-Duotang to be signed.

Math 6

-Students wrote their practice test today.  Summative test will be Thursday.

Science 6, 7, 8

-Students should be completing the planning phase this week.

PDF icon jan_22nd_math_8.pdf302.61 KB


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