Mrs. McQuaid Murphy

French immersions math and science

Posted: March 3, 2017

A lot of good projects at our STEM showcase.  Six projects will move onto the district fair and a few others will be asked to present at our illumination night in March.   We are also looking at continuing some projects through an enrichment group.  Hold on to your project and work as many more...

Posted: February 27, 2017

Math 8

-Today we worked on finding the original number when you know the percentage of the number.  We also looked at percent increase and percent decrease questions.  

-p 252 Q 4, 5, 6 are for homework

-Mathletics tasks are due at the end of the week.


Math 7

-Today we presented our STEM projects.   

-We also corrected the first side of our percent formative test.   The summative test will be March 1st.

Science 6 and 8

-Projects were presented today.  School fair is tomorrow.  Parents are welcome to join us between 12:30 and 2pm to view the projects.

-Study guides have been handed out.  Test will be the first week back after the break.  Students should be reviewing at home.

Posted: February 22, 2017

Math 8

Today we reviewed for our test tomorrow.  Students also had time to work on this week’s Mathletics tasks.


Math 7

Today we looked at how to estimate percentages of a number using 10% as a base value.  We also went over how to find the percent of a number using a calculator and multiplying decimals without a calculator.


Science 6 and 8

We started our presentations today and they were really good!  Our showcase will be February 28th and parents are welcome to come view projects from 12:30 until 2pm.


Health 8

We continued to learn about the different sexually transmitted infections.  

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Posted: February 21, 2017

I have been offering extra help each day at lunch to work on the STEM projects.

Math 7 and 8

-Today we participated in the national math league competition.

-Remainder of time was given to work on math tasks.

Science 7

-Notes from today are posted below.  We studied and discussed solids, liquids and gases at the particle level.

-Present stem fair Monday.

PDF icon feb_21st_science_7.pdf1.43 MB

Posted: February 20, 2017

Rubric for experiment STEM project attached below.

Math 8

-Today we worked on finding the percent of a number.  We focused on questions with small percent (less than 1%), and large percent (bigger then 100%).

-Students did a formative test.  Those that passed it in will get it back tomorrow corrected.  The others have it assigned for homework.

-Students were provided with time to work on their Mathletics.  Each week students will get  “tasks” to complete.   Students should make use of the review materials provided in the online program.


Math 7

-Today we worked on finding the percent of a number.  We also spent time reviewing how to change between percent, decimals and fractions.   Students are required to use what we learned before Christmas in this unit.   Our percent questions require students to be able to add and subtract decimals.  Students will also have to multiply decimals without a calculator.  Homework can be found in the notes posted below.

-Students are to complete their Mathletics tasks for the end of the week.     

Science 6

-A study guide was given for our term 2 summative assessment.  We will be writing this the Wednesday after March break.  Students should be taking time to make sure their notes are organized and complete.   Students should review the study guide and notes.  They may want to highlight key words.

-We will start our project presentations Wednesday for the class.  Our school showcase will be Tuesday Feb 28th.

Science 8

-Next test will be the end of the week after March break.

-Presentations of STEM projects will begin Wednesday.



PDF icon feb_20th_math_7.pdf5.29 MB
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File rubric_stem_2.docx19.09 KB

Posted: February 15, 2017

I will have an extra help Friday at lunch instead of craft club to help students with last minute questions related to STEM fair.

Math 8 and science 8

-We did our test on order of operations with fractions.

-Students had two work periods to work on their STEM projects or to work on Mathletics tasks. 

-We will start STEM presentations on Wednesday Feb 23rd.  Students should now be working on the final touches at home.  Some students will be presenting a “where I am at” instead of a final project.  This is “OK” as some innovation projects take a long time and cannot be finished in a 6 week time frame.


Math 7 and Science 7

-Students had a work period today to work on STEM fair project or on Mathletics projects.  We will begin our class presentations next week.   Students should be working at home on their STEM projects.


Science 6

-Today we had a work period.  I met with several students to help them start the editing process.  I would advise that students type their work in Word.  That they click on the review tab followed by the <language> button and then <set proofing language>.  This should be set to French (Canada).   The blue lines are grammar and accord mistakes and the red lines are spelling mistakes.   After this students can copy and paste work into .  This site will show students where there are mistakes and by hovering the mouse over the mistakes it will tell them how to correct it.

Please remember that simple clear statements are best.

-Students are to finish the project at home.  They will present in class next week.


Health 8

-Today students presented their song project where they discussed what a healthy relationship is. 

-We started to learn about sexually transmitted infections.  We will continue this next class.

Posted: February 14, 2017

We are looking for 5 parent chaperones to join us for a French Cultural trip March 23rd.  Parents would need to meet us in Paquetville (sucrerire Chiasson).   Please let me know if you think you would be able to help us make this event a possibility.

Math 8

-Quiz on order of operations.

-p29 Q 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, and 16

-Mathletics tasks due Friday


Math 7

-We started to learn how to find the percent of a number.

-Mathletics tasks due Friday.

-Test sent home to be signed.


Science 7

-We learn about <<les dilatations>> and <<les contractions>>.  We looked at examples where engineers needs to plan for this.  Notes posted below.

-Students should be working on the poster board for our STEM projects.  Class presentations next week and school showcase will be Tuesday February 28th during the afternoon.

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Posted: February 9, 2017

This week we learnt about what should be in a conclusion.  Due date for project is Feb/20 and school STEM showcase is  Feb/28th.

Posted: February 9, 2017

We are looking for 5 parent chaperones to join us for a French Cultural trip March 23rd.  Parents would need to meet us in Paquetville (sucrerire Chiasson).   Please let me know if you think you would be able to help us make this event a possibility.

Math 8

-Quiz on order of operations with fractions.

-Mathletics tasks are due

Math 7

-Work was sent home to be signed this week.

-Mathletics tasks are due.

Science 6, 7, and 8

-Students should be working on their conclusion.  Next week students should be doing their poster board.  Class presentations start Feb 20th with our school STEM showcase Feb 28th.

Posted: February 7, 2017

STEM projects are due for class presentations February 20th.  We will have a STEM show case the afternoon of February 28th for parents and students to view projects.


Math 8

-Worksheet for Thursday.  Test will be Friday.

Math 7

-Work has been passed back to be signed.

-Mathletics tasks due for end of the week.

-Test on adding and subtracting Fractions is Thursday.  Even if there is no school on Wednesday.

Science 7

-We reviewed graphs today.  We practiced some science literacy questions. Handout given to students.

-Students were given last period as a work period.  They worked on STEM projects or Mathletics. 

STEM update video:


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